Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: Apr 28, 2005
Topics: 22 / Replies: 2701
RE: 13 & 15 year old have bebeh

This topic has derailed enough people. Either get back on track or it's going into lockdown. MOVE IT! Also, please direct complaints to EVC. ...

16 years ago
RE: You know, We should have some kind of competition.

Reminds me of my entry. o.o Sonic Chibis- VDay WTF by ~KazeMirai on deviantART Oh dear. Maybe I should use something different?

16 years ago
RE: Fortunately/Unfortunately

Unfortunately, this still does not solve the problem of Baby Mario's soiled behind.

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

Terald's eyes narrowed. "Didn't you hear what I said before? I said it's none of your business," he growled. "Are you de...

16 years ago
RE: Fortunately/Unfortunately

Unfortunately, there were still no clean diapers and the stork was gone for good.

16 years ago
RE: 13 & 15 year old have bebeh

I don't even know if I should even take this with a grain of salt or not. Seriously. :[

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

This had been the last thing he was expecting to see. "I don't believe that's any business of yours," the tomcat replied bitterly,...

16 years ago
RE: Fortunately/Unfortunately

Fortunately, the stork arrived with a fresh batch of diapers and everyone was happy again.

16 years ago
RE: See Craig? Woulda been screwed either way!

After a few days of cold, it's been warming up. Yesterday was 43, today is like 48, and now tommorrow it'll be near 60. I should be celebrat...

16 years ago
RE: The Youtube SuperThread!

The Flying Turtle? ^ This one is just kind of weird. o.o

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

"Survivor? Oh, no, I'm just trying to look for someone, that's all." Ken waved his arms in front of him, making him look almost co...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

Sealsdramon looked as though he were in deep concentration for a moment longer. Angewomom gazed expectantly at him. Sealsdramon suddenly pointed direc...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

Speechless, the boy could only nod in reply at first. It never really occurred to him that anyone else would be out here, yet he couldn't help bu...

16 years ago
RE: See Craig? Woulda been screwed either way!

It's been nothing but light flurries here in NJ up until I left work for the commute to class. Then there were the big, fat snowflakes that stuck...

16 years ago
RE: Fortunately/Unfortunately

Unfortunately, she was an evil robot clone created by Robotnik.

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

Sealsdramon followed suit along with Lupusmon, momentarily disappearing in a burst of speed and reappearing right in front of the dragon's forehe...

16 years ago
RE: The SPA is dead. A moment of silence...

If you want me to, I'll put up a fight. Nah, I don't feel like it. Chao Walkers have low defense; a particle cannon blast'll easily d...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

He never imagined just how bad things truly were here. Kenneth had to shield his face as he walked into the smoke, but it stung his eyes. The furt...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

The girl stared at him for a moment, considering the words. She then shrugged and started walking again. "You're just tryin' t' sc...

16 years ago
RE: The SPA is dead. A moment of silence...

o.o .... Aw, come on! I was expecting some opposition here! Instead it's cowering. ... This has been most disappointing. *walks away ...

16 years ago
RE: The SPA is dead. A moment of silence...

How'd I get admin rights? I banged Rico. It's as simple as that. AH HA!! I knew it! I knew you got your admin rights in a scandalous w...

16 years ago
RE: Only in Minnesota...

I remember seeing something like that on the news last night... or this morning, I forget. Pretty funny stuff, I say. The guy sure paid a lot of money...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Sorry to interupt the topic, but since it has been a couple of months since the game's release, I don't really see any more need for it to b...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

Ryn's hardened look as she stared at Augustus faded when he asked the question, and she shook her head. "Not a one. I probably wouldn't...

16 years ago
RE: The SPA is dead. A moment of silence...

So is the internet. But we've already been through that one like, a million times already, so it really doesn't need repeating anymore.... ...

16 years ago
RE: The Unleashed Model with Fur attatched?

That's a bit too fluffy for Sonic. Having seen enough of Sonic Unleashed CGI cutscenes and Night of the Werehog in HD, you could sort of see shin...

16 years ago
RE: The SPA is dead. A moment of silence...

I've still been wondering how Jin got his Powas. I don't have much to go on, but I'm going to keep searching till I find the answer, an...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

"Ground zero," Terald answered, standing up to full height, "if it ain't obvious by the SMELL around here." He reached into...

16 years ago
RE: 21 seems young...

I think it only feels old because it's winter and it's all cold. That's why you should have a summer birthday like me. *shot* But ...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

She took a deep breath before she spoke again. "I'm trying to find my younger brother. He may still be somewhere around here. Do you think y...

16 years ago

I'll give this one a week. ;3 Otherwise, welcome to the forums, hope you have fun while you're here. Call me Kaze, resident talking chao...

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

-Somewhere outside the city- Abandoned Complex- The van slowed to a stop outside on a dirt road a short distance away from a group of buildings. T...

16 years ago
RE: Does anyone REALLY care about Sonic the Hedgehog anymore?

I still care about Sonic. I just kind of stayed away from any 3D games until Unleashed came out simply because I like 2D a lot better. Sonic Chronicle...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

OOC: I'll have mine written up in a bit then. Considering this partner's is already a Champion level, I was thinking to include another &quo...

16 years ago
RE: Goodbye Bush, Hello Obama!

Yep, this will be one for the history books, but Mr. Obama has indeed inherited quite a mess. Saying good luck should probably be an understatement gi...

16 years ago
RE: AOSTH: Sonnet's Death

What about the doctor in the hospital where everyone died from some strange disease that I forgot the name of? Also, let this topic die. It's...

16 years ago
RE: It's Negative Thirty Three Effing Degrees...

Today didn't seem to be as bad except for the effing wind chill. 23°F with windchill of 12°F. Toss in ice on the sidewalks from the previous...

16 years ago
RE: It's Negative Thirty Three Effing Degrees...

Ouch. I should conisder myself lucky, though I'm not considering wind chills here are just around freezing where I am. It even snowed this mornin...

16 years ago
RE: What happened to Hidden Palace? (and the Special Zone Forum?)

Oh God, you mean I might have to step in a SonicXSally thread? I might have to start billing you for all the sticks I need to scrape them off my shoes...

16 years ago
RE: What happened to Hidden Palace? (and the Special Zone Forum?)

Then only reply in topics that apply to Archie Sonic, you silly.

16 years ago
RE: Give me a cookie

Those are waffles.

16 years ago
RE: Homecoming (Experimental RP)

OOC: Moving day. Since I'm assuming nothing will be on right away, I'll be stuck only being on during the day when I get a chance. IC post t...

16 years ago
RE: Rishi, stop being mentally hilarious

That is out of my hands, Pach. As far as I can tell, no rules were broken. However, I'm considering it bad spam, hence my post. I'll lea...

16 years ago
RE: Rishi, stop being mentally hilarious

That is out of my hands, Pach. As far as I can tell, no rules were broken. However, I'm considering it bad spam, hence my post. I'll lea...

16 years ago
RE: Rishi, stop being mentally hilarious

That is out of my hands, Pach. As far as I can tell, no rules were broken. However, I'm considering it bad spam, hence my post. I'll lea...

16 years ago
RE: Rishi, stop being mentally hilarious

First off, I don't believe this topic belongs in MFC, so I moved it. Second, two wrongs don't make a right, guys. Quit it. Third, I'...

16 years ago
RE: Rishi, stop being mentally hilarious

First off, I don't believe this topic belongs in MFC, so I moved it. Second, two wrongs don't make a right, guys. Quit it. Third, I'...

16 years ago
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