Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: Apr 28, 2005
Topics: 22 / Replies: 2701
RE: Digimon:New World Order

"It's been a long time, Jijimon," Gatomon spoke up as the group stepped inside. "Ah, Tail, I figured I'd be seeing you ag...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

The endless pitfall in Metropolis Act 1 can be evaded simply by jumping over the gap when you get to it or holding right. Before I found out the ...

16 years ago
RE: MoFic- Shadows of the Past (Updated Mar. 30, 2009)

*WHAM!* Pikku was scared out of her wits as something crashed in the hall. Toppling off the edge of the sofa she was sitting on, she quickly scrambl...

16 years ago
RE: Newbie Entering. =P

I'm not worried at all. I'll just keep cooking up new ways to scar people for the rest of their lives.

16 years ago
RE: Newbie Entering. =P

I once saw an image similar to that. only it had Snively. came upon it by accident had nightmares for many weeks after T...

16 years ago
RE: Newbie Entering. =P

Somebody add that to the archive of "Images to Scar People for the Rest of Their Lives."Don't forget this one, too! Now with more HAIR!...

16 years ago
RE: Newbie Entering. =P

Hello, and welcome to the forum, newbie. I'm Kaze, resident talking chao. Hope you have fun while you're here. Enjoy your stay, and be...

16 years ago
RE: Congregation of communication

Made a profile on my brother's 360 when I got Sonic Unleashed. Dunno if I'd play anything else on that system, but I joined Live at the leas...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

As far as Werehog stages go, the only things I'm finding really frustrating about them is PLATFORMING. The PLATFORMING segments are very annoying...

16 years ago
RE: Happy turkey Day MoFo

I'm thankful that I'm alive, first off, and for my family, even though I don't really see some of my aunts and cousins more than once a...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Just got the game yesterday for 360, and I've stopped at the Mazuri night level. I'm enjoying the game, but the first Tornado level going to...

16 years ago
RE: FOX is "4kids" no more!

Fox was good up until they dumped all their old shows and picked up 4Kids. 4Kids made me hate them with their shows. I got tired of watching the YuGiO...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

From what I'm seeing here it seems like Unleashed is half-good half-bad. I'll have to reserve judgement until I play it for myself. I probab...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

Time seemed to slow down to a halt. No one moved or said anything. Kris couldn't even tell how long they were all standing there. Looking at ...

16 years ago
RE: Anyone interested in Trading? (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)

No problem, DL. And thanks. Just left my DS plugged up after connecting to NWFC. I'll still be online here, just not at the computer. There s...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

Kumamon straightened his cap. "He sure looks harmless enough. What do you think, Tail?" Gatomon had been staring straight ahead the whol...

16 years ago
RE: Anyone interested in Trading? (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)

Well, if eggs can be traded, then I'm all for it. I just need to make sure my WiFi's signal's okay. Sometimes I have problems getting i...

16 years ago
RE: The Mobius Forum FanFap Thread

2) In Sonic Battle, Amy wishes so hard that Sonic would protect her that he appears to beat up Rouge (fairly difficult battle, too), after the fight A...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Kaze looked the contract over and over again as it was handed to her. Glancing at her friends, she noticed Saya and Pikku read carefully over their co...

16 years ago
RE: Anyone interested in Trading? (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)

I don't mind at all. I'm just interested in the Pokemon, really. I just hope you don't mind having low-level Pokemon with possibly weir...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

"Finally! That was the smartest thing I've heard all day!" Several forumers turned to a row of seats near the front where a Chibi S...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

"Wait, we don't even know if that's the case yet!" Kris said to Commandramon. "Why don't we just wait until we've h...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

I'd have to be 360 for me. My brother is the one who owns it, however, but I think he'll let me play... unless he's playing it, anyway....

16 years ago
RE: Ex-Thrd: S123&K: OfcBgDcsT

When you also think about it, Unleashed isn't the first time he's split the world apart. Sonic Advance 3, anyone?

16 years ago
RE: Ex-Thrd: S123&K: OfcBgDcsT

And Sonic Adventure took place on EARTH! *more shot*Fixed.

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

"You're both right... but where do we look first?" Kris asked. "It's not like we can walk up to the nearest Digimon, and-- Ga...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

Gatomon had been one of the first to reach Chonai, but she suddenly stopped just short. There was something about this boy, a strong sense of darkness...

16 years ago
RE: Ex-Thrd: S123&K: OfcBgDcsT

Sonic 1: Took place on South Island. Eggman took animals and placed them in robots, so Sonic had to free them all and SAVE THE WORLD. Sonic 2: Too...

16 years ago
RE: Is Craig Bayfield a Gary-Stu?

What's this, a new fad? D:

16 years ago
RE: Does Knuckles have ANY excuse for his temper?

With the replies this topic is getting, I should really move this to the SPA. Seriously. :/

16 years ago
RE: What makes Amy Rose a great character?

The grammar is readable enough. Amy Rose has always been the Clingy Jealous Girl/Stalker With a Crush of the cast. Sure, she can be a voice of reason ...

16 years ago
RE: Who does Dr. Eggman think he is?

Sometimes his master plans revolve around shattering things just to harness some ancient thing's powers and whatnot, only to have said entity tur...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Let's just hope there actually is a sequel or else bad fanfiction will attempt to tie up loose ends and such. Anywho, since it's been mo...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

The battle was over… at least for now. The door leading to the admins had been busted open, words exchanged, and some other stuff… it was all a bl...

16 years ago
RE: MoForumer Fanart Thead!

I spot a lone chao with a sword. That's gotta be me. If it were finished, I'd consider it epic. Now I feel bad for not drawing anything....

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

I believe that has been posted already. About six posts up, in fact. XD I'm not really caring about the article, but the opening scene and pret...

16 years ago
RE: TERRIBLE!! TERRIBLE NEWS. (For Anime fans that is!)

I clicked on the title of this thread thinking what could possibly be going on here, and I'm pretty disappointed. On the bright side, it's a...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Is there a way to stop the pokeball thing as my cursor travels the screen in SPA?

I get a trail of them going across my monitor. My comp isn't exactly brand new either, so it sort of just stays there until I go to another page.

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Kaze quickly backed away from the monster couch a split second before Mobius' shot hit its mark. As she looked up to see it encased in ice, she b...

16 years ago
RE: Tails Meets the Only Medical Person Alive in the Clinic

I can't make any sense out of this. I've got a few questions about this story which I hope you don't mind answering: What is Tails ...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

"Indeed it does," Gatomon answered the boy plainly. "Are you afraid of the dark or something?" Kris turned to Rich, then Chona...

16 years ago
RE: Digimon:New World Order

(OOC: Just a minor mistake there, Terg. Kris doesn't have yellow ribbons. She's the resident gogglehead. On another note, I don't think...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Kaze eyed the stumbling red monstrosity, then, hearing a POP! noise, noticed the fire right near it. At once, an idea crossed her mind. It wasn't...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Kaze eyed the stumbling red monstrosity, then, hearing a POP! noise, noticed the fire right near it. At once, an idea crossed her mind. It wasn't...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

"Not good, not good, NOT GOOD!" Kaze almost panicked when she saw how fast the Mech was falling towards the window where the others were...

16 years ago
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