Mobius Forum Archive

Trusted Member
Joined: Dec 24, 2007
Topics: 3 / Replies: 57
RE: What'cha playin'?

Etrian Odyssey III, Alpha Protocol and, Halo Reach

14 years ago
RE: Of Beasts and Men

I'll join, though I will wait for you to post first.

15 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I was really bored last night so, I dug out my playstation and, started playing Tactics Ogre.

15 years ago
RE: Rare looses David Wise

Real shame, kinda feels like a final coffin nail.

15 years ago
RE: Arkham Asylum 2 ANNOUNCED!

I was real happy to hear that, one of the unexpected things I heard during the VGAs

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

I think you are addicted to that game...

15 years ago
RE: How many of you are still around?

Well that's a better response than I expected. I guess I will probably start an RP and, hopefully this one will last a bit. *Goes off to scheme*

15 years ago
Replies: 33
Views: 1257
RE: Look! New guy with ideas!

Some pretty cool ideas.

16 years ago
RE: Look! New guy with ideas!

Some pretty cool ideas.

16 years ago
RE: Anime

You got pretty good taste in anime. You know if you really liked Cowboy Bebop you might try Samurai Champloo or, Wolf's Rain. You seem to...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

Samuel was still having trouble getting over the smell of the place, he wondered if would ever get a breath of fresh air again. The pain in his side w...

17 years ago
RE: And a shot to the RPG world.

Sad to see him go, he will be remembered.

17 years ago
RE: You can tell alot about a person

Let's see... I got some random trash, a wrench, a flashlight and, a baseball bat. Oh, and, some duct tape. That's just the front of my truck...

17 years ago
RE: what?....OH GAWD WHAT?!?!?! WHAT?!?!?

That actually bothered me in a way I can't describe.

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

"Damn it, I hate myself sometimes!" Samuel turned and ran toward the panda, he had to help her. He just hoped that he would still have time ...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Caster Lunged forward hoping to strike a killing blow, unfortunately for him a figure from the shadows appeared and blocked his strike. "Kens...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"Two? Can't you count boy? It only takes one of me to skin your pathetic corpse." Hissed Caster.

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Caster heard the knife hit the ground. "I've got you now!" The reptile leaped onto the dumpster and, looked down at the hybrid with...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

A small sparkle appeared in Kensuke's eyes and, then was gone. Maybe this boy would be better for what he wanted than he had thought. "T...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"Suffering can be the path to strength. Besides it would be unfare of me to help, you already have so many advantages."

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"I wouldn't call Caster an adult, I think that title requires some form of intelligence. Besides I think he means to do some bad things to y...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Caster quickly scaled down the side of the building, hoping to find the hybrid. In the meantime in the alleyway as Corky lay beside the dumpster tryin...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

Samuel watched as the form of the red panda crumpled to the ground. He felt like he should help her but, she had fallen a little closer to the guards ...

17 years ago
17 years ago
RE: Must beat Raistlin Majere

your clever laughing faces don't scare me...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

"Today just keeps getting better and, better!" Samuel muttered the words as he attempted to move through the crowd. He was trying to hunch o...

17 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 185
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

It all started to click in his mind, Samuel was never fond of or good at deception but, he didn't seem to have a choice. "Alright, I am ...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

Samuel had known it was coming, of course that did not make it hurt any less. He started to clinch his fists but, stopped himself, this would be a bad...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

Samuel was frustrated by the reaction he got. Staring back at the fox he took a breath and, began to speak. "You know, I really don't ca...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

*THUMP* The coyote took the hit with little effect, simply smirking back. Samuel wondered what the hell was going on, a reaction that apparently e...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

OOC: Figured I would just do a filler post and, give Super a chance to repost. "Well this is just great..." Samuel thought to himself....

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

"This can not end well..." Samuel watch the hauler smash down the street. He had avoided it's path and, now stood near the corpse of the fal...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

"What the hell is going on!" The words came as a shout from Samuel who had taken cover on the side of the street. He shot a glance up toward...

17 years ago
RE: Mobius: Rising Storm (Action-Adventure)

OOC: Love the concept, got to join in. IC: Samuel eyed the various vendors that lined the streets of Pilot's Point. There seemed a colorful gatheri...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Damn, he was good. Marcus let the words slip from his mouth. His opponent now lay defeated on the ground. Marcus eyed the sword in his hands. A stran...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"Stupid boy..." The irritation could clearly be heard in the voice of the soldier. After all, things had been going great until that trouble...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Carefully dodging the blasts the "serpent soldier" was about within attack range when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Could it have be...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"Oh, so it is going to that way huh?" Reaching around his back he gripped the hilt of a dagger, not wanting to let his opponent get the firs...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"What?" How could he have missed him, this fairly unique being that now seemed to be threatening him. Well, no matter he would show him what...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

"Got one!" The words were hissed from the dark figure on the rooftop. A fang filled smile spread beneath the black cloth that cover his feat...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

OOC: Sorry for the late post, been away from home. Meanwhile... "This group looks interesting." Said a dark figure as he watched Henry ...

17 years ago
RE: Are you a biker or a driver...or neither?

I walked everywhere until just recently. Now I drive an old F-250. I got nothing against bikes, just don't have a reason to own one at the moment. Tho...

17 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

*blinks* stupid double post...

17 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I had been playing Halo 3 and, was trying to collect all the skulls but, my roomate moved and, took his 360 with him. So I dug my Playstation and, Dre...

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Shooter and, The Bourne Ultimatum last night. Loved them both.

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Shooter and, The Bourne Ultimatum last night. Loved them both.

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

Meanwhile not far from the bar a cloak figure was perched on the edge of a roof, taking in the view. From his position he could see it all, the violen...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

The chaos had spread across a couple of streets now and, was clearly visible from the edge of town, which is where a group of suspicious people were g...

17 years ago
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