I wonder what he will do when a GTA V or Bully 2 ever comes out? File a sexual harassment charge against RockStar?
I want to win and recieve the glory.
Mine is probably longer.
Fantastic Four
mas y menos ocho
Hiding jiding kiding liding miding niding oning pining qining
I am winning.
Que es la fecha de hoy?
El Nino is Spanish for The Child (m). La Nina is the same thing, but female. ----------------- I have no problem with putting up better walls around...
Quote:Well, there's atheists and agnostics, so shouldn't there be a special name for the 'just in case' people? Apatheticism? Quote:I dunno...Christia...
Jelly bean condom = no.
But if you do it 7 times, you become CEO of UPN.
Confusing like una pantera.
Buang - I win
Ring Ding Cling
I'm back on top.
cards symbols? sta
^ Isn't Speedy Gonzalez < Doesn't think Speedy Gonzalez has been banned v Let them eat cake
Spankyou very much.
Club 'em back with the chair.
with beer bottles and chairs
lies and lies
^ Is a toad < Isn't a toad v Wants to be a toad
Chuck Norris, yes. But, Sony? Nah.
^ English are comfoosing < Leeks Englich v Liks Cebuano instrd
John Cleese destroys all.
smashes it with a hammer
^ must have been the eggrolls < likes eggrolls v likes to cook eggrolls
They are actual words, but not English or Spanish ones.
kaayo tambok unggoy ka!
Quote:wars of religion/philosophy/ideology , and wars for expansionism are all evil. Ideology is involved in any war. So according to your logic, all...