Last seen: Apr 20, 2011
Quote:There are MANY replies telling him to stop making serious discussion. He keeps shrugging them off. There are! Original subject plz
what is this this is spam forum
shut up *Punches Craig*
Sorry but soup cannot apply here in any way.
ugh you take me too seriously >=[
*Ridicules the user of that computer for not using Firefox* hahahahah u got no firefox on ur compzorzx
The ballot was confusing!
I've never used a computer before. I'm not lying.
The spam forum is reforming man, no more spam allowed except sometimes! This rule will be enforced strictly.
*Hi fives GT yet again* You're doing a good job! Keep trying and keep working hard!
Wait, what? I was just kidding about... bah, forget it. I wasn't kidding about what I said to YOU.
But I wasn't. And where were you when I said "shut up" ? >=[
Quote:Stop spamming the forum with your one sentence "what is this" replies... Read the danged topic and if you still don't understand, go w...
what is this
what is this
Slicer is a good name. Or how about Biker? Or how about Awesome!?
*Hi fives GT*
I'm in 100% agreement with you there, Boston.
Well, I can't really say that I agree on the whole age group thing. I'm against making the entire chat G rated, or even PG rated. The odds that a kid ...
CHUCK NORRIS. I mean... I really have no idea. A new leader might be good. =D
My avatar is too fast. =/ I need a better gif handler.
If it will exist, wouldn't time travelers have already come back in time?
You people post too much and ask too many pointless questions. =| Congrats on the kilo. No way am I gonna answer that question. =|
Steev (9:37 pm): This one time I pissed off a substitute and she called the assistant principal to the classroom and then he took me to the cafeteria...
I'm very good at sucking up! =D Awesome Kilopost, Vec =D
We know and LOVE? Hm. Well, that narrows it down. And uh, that's an interesting story. >.>
Quote:Chill is a pronoun, not a verb. >=C ... Most uncool, SX. Well, good luck with that, Terg. =]
Tails Adventure. I don't play Sonic games anymore. Nope. Also, I played Tails Adventure on Gamecube >_>
Did he REALLY see this? o_o I can't help but wonder.
Quote:I'm sorry, but this is the funniest post I have ever read in agessss. Agreed.
Awesome story! =D
That is most uncool. Silly Sega. It's not uncool because of my age.
ULTIMATE COMBO =/ Congrats anyways.
*laffs on the suthern hemasfear* =/ I never heard about it and I never got to look.
Oh crap we're screwed, not even my slingshot can fight Bionicle! D:
I've got my slingshot ready for them. That's pretty weird/cool. =]
>_> *Sneaks this on here* Instant Plot (1:38 pm): You owe him pizza hut, cause you just got Pizzoned
That's not funny, SX. =[ It's obviously not pronounced like that and I don't want to be called that.
Quote:Were any of you like me and tried to memorize and sing that infamous Yakko's World song that many years ago? Still impresses me to this day. So...
I'm perfectly sane! When necessary! Welcome to the board. Oh, and you're more than welcome in the flashchat. I'll send you a PM to tell you just wh...
Wow, that's a lot of extensions. And I have a total of 0 extensions on firefox.
SOMEONE SET UP US THE BOMB! >.> Lighty better be here faster like the speed of sound.
I... I.... don't...know.....