Last seen: Apr 20, 2011
I tried Srol I really tried are you dressing up as No for Halloween? are you dressing up as a cave? C'mon I need a hint
No... not really. =/ Rishi look what you did
Rishi god dammit you're just saying that because I told you that I was surrounded by mailmen last night Now you're just trying to turn E...
No... no it isn't. o_o CT stated himself he may have derailment problems.
CT I am sending you to derailment therapy
UH OH! *Ominous music*
Early 90's? How about internet fads. *Sings chocolate rain* *The stage is rushed and I am brutally murdered*
Why that's an awful mean thing to say
Well, actually, the whole point of this thread has kinda been lost because I think Rishi gets it. He's been posting less.
You're bringing Mario a light?
He's probably going to do just that, Rishi. You just need to realize that your posts are bad spam and horrible. And your ego about it is depl...
How do castles (Rooks) even kill people? More importantly, how do they move so fast and far?
Well since it's not common knowledge it doesn't matter OH GOD DEMON SPA
then the old spaw came back from the graveyard and it had dirt on it and then there was some good posts thanks 2 shadow and the new spaw but then the ...
Not to mention that he's a general nuisance to the entire board, posting messages such as "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" to MF...
Yes it certainly is very nice to be burden free Craig Bayfield.You should shorten a lot of names too, almost all names here should be shortened when r...
Even things born from Mars are born from this planet? Whoa that's deep
Why you they buy Youtube if they don't intend on making money off of it?
Rabid We need more You around here~
Rishi Just leave
I was downloading sonic music
I was 8 years old
Look into your heart Did you really WANT those posts?
We're great pioneers of SPA! just like lewis and clark! I learned about those guys in history class today!
Top-notch... no. The current spam in the spam forum is just plain horrible and unfunny. It sucksssss
Wouldn't a fine make more sense than confiscating somebody's computer? I mean what if I use a $5 computer from 1995 that has a bunch of pira...
Keep it up, then. I'ma go do something else something a bit more productive than spamming the hell out of a sonic forum
It's common sense Rishi replying to every single topic in the spa in the span of like an hour is seriously going to screw things up. It'...
Dammit Rishi Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse Listen to us for a second and cut it out You do realize we can bring admi...
Have it your way... BK
Well I'll put it plainly then. Stop posting so much
rishi can't you take a hint?
but the pedophiles like flat chests
It's for deckbuilding and online play Though I don't do the online part
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ...
rishi are you implying that you ran out of meds
*Frowns as he takes out his Coolness Clipboard and writes something down, shaking his head back and forth slowly as he does so.*
i'm filling my water with volcanicityAy!?
Says you. But that's a another discussion. A lot of E rated games would probably be E-10 IF THAT SCALE EXISTED I think you ...
if he wins I will kill myself and not out of disappointment
haha GT made a gif out of something from a video I made Anyways that's actually fairly cool, though I'm pretty sure there's been st...
Eeeh. I prefer regular old epic readings over this