Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Oct 25, 2005
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: Sonic digest comic. Why not?

I remember back in the day TMNT reprinted several of their issues in digest format... I'd dig it if Sonic could do the same. Didn't they do something ...

19 years ago
RE: Who are your favorite characters

Hmmms... 1. Julie-Su 2. Antoine 3. Remington 4. Bunnie 5. Knuckles

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

It's been a while, but... Personal Fave: Manny Galan. Second Up: Axer Third: Spaz And if you had told me I'd say Galan after his debut (which was, ...

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

Hmmm... this might be the first issue I've picked up in, um, several. Years. But anyway. What happened to the "See Ya Later, Chao!" backstor...

19 years ago