Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: May 30, 2004
Topics: 1 / Replies: 408
RE: Adventures of Trom, Part I

She nodded, pleased to know that there were still people out there with manners. Some guy at a table near the corner yelled for another drink, and Tha...

18 years ago
RE: Adventures of Trom, Part I

(OOC: Sounds pretty interesting...I think I'll try it out. ^^ Tell me if this needs editing..... Name: Thacia Zeurodon (Thace) Age: 27 Species: Trom...

18 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

"Never could do it the old fashioned way..." Ruby heard Eternity mutter as the group moved on. The Grotesnian's eyebrows lifted as she pass...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: Take your time Wraith, there's really no hurry. ^^ I'm a bit busy myself so I prolly won't be able to make a decent post at all this week. I'm p...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby nodded slowly, "Yes...yes, it all makes sense now! I don't know why I never thought of that myself." There were murmurs within the gro...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby nodded, a weary smile gracing her face for a few moments. Once again, she remembered all that had happened, and all that they had to do. It burde...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby quickly went to Slayde's side, afraid he might fall and hurt himself more. She made no move to support him, but instead turned to Captain Halter ...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby was trying desperately to keep a level head, while mentally beating herself for yelling and making the creature madder. Martin had always said sh...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

"Stop, damn you! Just stop and listen!" Everyone jumped, turning ever so slightly to look surprisedly at the one who had shouted. It was Ru...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby's head snapped back to face Slayde, fear and puzzlement visible in the silvery depths of her eyes. "Don't shoot?" She yelled. "Wha...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby was about to say something else when she looked at her blaster, remembering it was low on energy and would soon run out. Suddenly she felt very v...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: Seems all I do is apoligize, eh? xD Well, sorries once again. Annoying social studies projects won't gimme a rest. T.T) Ruby hadn't realized sh...

19 years ago
RE: On the Run (Introduction RP)

OOC: *pops in* Um, hi. ^^ I hope I'm not bein' a little out of line saying this now...but um, maybe it would be good, Tiff, if you described the plot ...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: Yay! I'm so glad this is still on! ^^) IC: Ruby winced as she followed Slayde; she was shaken, bruised, and right now had a very strong feelin...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

To be honest, I doubt I'd have the gut nor the creativity for the job. Once again, I'm agreeing with you Wraith; I just don't think I'd be able to liv...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

*sigh* If that's the case, it appears I've been a little late...again. Like you Wraith, I'm up for bringing this thing back, but if it can't be done w...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Hmmm...yeah, I replied to the message Way sent me a while ago, only to realize I was too late. D: I was really hoping to continue with this, and it sa...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

(OOC: Terribly sorry for my absence...I replied to Way's note, but I little too late I see. At the mo I'm still tied up but I will try to write up som...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

(OOC: Terribly sorry...but I'm going to have to pull out. Been a bit busy and all, so I'm sorry if I've caused any problems.)

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

(OOC: Will make a decent post when I can. Sorry to leave you all hanging. ^^)

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: Again, I'm sorry for disappearing. I've had to pull out of some RPs, as I'm in a kind of rut right now. I'm still continuing this one, though, s...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

(OOC: SOrry all...I will try to make a decent post in the near future, but don't expect to hear from me this week. I do wanna continue with this mysel...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

(OOC: Will edit with a decent post when I can...sorry I haven't been here)

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: Hey Wraith...guys. Sorries again for not posting; that cold I had got much worse and I was sick as a dog for a while there. But I'm better now. ...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

(OOC: Still in and willing to post. I've just been extremely busy, that's all. Sorry this is so short) IC: Iris looked toward Reban, his green eyes ...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

(OOC: *pants* Present! My apologies, all! School's kept me busy, as well as the holidays and this dang cold that's been plaguing me for about a week a...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

(OOC: SO sorry everyone! I've been so busy with school and projects and the holidays...guh, I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm just now recovering from a co...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

Ruby took a breath, placing a hand to her head, and looked at Kammi with a shaky smile. "I'll be fine, thank you. I just...never seen anything li...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

She was scared now. She'd been scared for quite a while; now she was terrified. What in space was going on? Everything was spinning out of control, an...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

Iris' face paled for an instant as he looked at the blood that had dripped onto the carpet. Ruby tensed and gripped her husband's arm tightly, resisti...

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

Lenora turned to glare at Kit, "I don't see why you couldn't have waited until I had learned to use my wings..." The vampire bat merely laug...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby nodded her head, her fingers twitching nervously at her side. It frightened her that if she or Amber lost their footing they might go drifting of...

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

Lenora's ears twitched as Goreg spoke; every Canid was born with the ability to speak Elvish as well as human, thus she caught the gist of what the Gi...

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

Ears flattened, green eyes blazing, Lenora bounded through the forest, angry at the turn of events. She had hoped that the matter of the solstice woul...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

Iris, though he had studied many bodies and the like, was still disturbed by the current situation. As he stood there, cradling his wife in his arms, ...

19 years ago
RE: Blizzard

(OOC: Looks good Way! Hope this seems alright. ^^ Name: Iris Tabby Age: 30 Species: Silver tabby/Lynx mix Appearence: A tall tabby cat with silver fu...

19 years ago
RE: The Cronicles of Asterion

Well, as others have stated their opinions, so I shall state mine. I do indeed love a good fantasy story, and occasionally there will be a fantasy RP ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Stormcloud said nothing else as Blood slithered into place, getting ready for the doctor. She felt she should warn Mobius, as it was he who had made t...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

"Well, isn't this just peachy...?" Ruby muttered beneath her bread, leaning tentatively against the wall and momentarily closing her eyes. ...

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

(OOC: Hey, Wraith, glad to see you joining us man! ^^ Great characters you have there...very interesting and unique. Again, glad to have you on board!...

19 years ago
RE: A Parallel Universe...

(OOC: Nice to see you in action Filia...I'm definitely joining! BTW, to anyone who wants to join...I'll be co-GM since I'm helping Filia out with th...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby's mind was reeling as she dashed out the door after Captain Slayde with Amber, Eternity, Zaeda, and the bugs were hot on her heels! No one wanted...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby nodded, taking a few shaky breaths to calm herself. Her nerves were rattling around inside her like corks bouncing off the walls! She didn't know...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Quietly, almost shyly, the door was pushed open, and out stepped the newly transformed Stormcloud. She smiled lightly when she saw Gem and Fenix. As t...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

"Stay with us and don't wander off, OK?" Ruby herded the young kits into a tight group, making sure none of them wandered off. The vixen's...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby abruptly stopped firing into the mass of bodies. The energy meter on her blaster was going down, which meant she didn't have many shots left! &qu...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby shuddered as she ran alongside the others. She hoped to God that nobody else suffered on this terrible ship; she dearly hoped that they'd be able...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby paused, putting a shaky finger to her chin in thought. Slayde did have a point; it would be no picnic having to haul Ivalice around the hallways....

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Ruby almost sighed in relief when the words 'we're leaving' were spoken. The very first time she had gazed at the Cruisader, drifting aimlessly throug...

19 years ago
RE: Forest Of The Future

"I still cahn't figya' out why ya went and gave thuh emerahld ta Eckli! What were ya thinkin' Zeph??" Kari said, staring crossly at her old ...

19 years ago
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