Mobius Forum Archive

Trusted Member
Joined: Jan 21, 2002
Topics: 1 / Replies: 72

Given that the California Constitution was specifically amended in this matter, how can a judge strike it down using a separate provision of the Calif...

15 years ago
RE: First Games You Bought For Your Systems

NES - No idea, but I'll go with the Mario/Duck Hunt--though I think it came "free" with the system and really shouldn't count as a purchase Gameboy ...

15 years ago
RE: Proabably a Stupid Question..But

Considering I'm almost never here (and do nothing more than pay for the domain & server right now), but yeah, Rabid is correct. The "archive" sub-...

15 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

DS = Nostalgia 360 = Street Fighter IV, Star Ocean, and Uno Rush

15 years ago
RE: Chaos Control and Chaos Emeralds [Merged]

While on the subject of Chaos...he resides in the ME, right? Or has he since been lifted from that burden post SA1? Well, he didn...

17 years ago
RE: Toby Drawerings

Nice artwork. Your second picture with the variety of "Eggmen" is my favorite one though.

17 years ago
RE: The brotherhood of Guardians fanart 😀

Cool! I like how Spectre has the ellipses while everyone else has a question mark.

17 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

Well, if you go based on "every 13 episodes = 1 season," then it would be "Season 5." But, it probably is a mistake. And, no, they haven't put the Vo...

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

Quote:My mention of that was a precaution in case anyone got the impression that I was too lazy to respond until now. I repeat: No one cares. You hav...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:You honestly... I mean, HONESTLY believe that rape has nothing to do with emotional urges? I hope I'm misinterpreting this. Nope, no misreadin...

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

Quote:Well, my point was that meanings more so EVOLVE over time. Like Economics supposedly meaning "home management" or something from the Greek words...

19 years ago
RE: Ok Ive got something to say here...

I love that "form letter." ^_^

19 years ago
RE: My Art

Quote:Admins should probably consider installing VBBulletin on the actual Sonic HQ site or something. Message boards don't eat up THAT much bandwidth....

19 years ago
RE: #161 Is Here (Spoilers 'n More)

She also basically called him that in the last issue I read, which was #155. It's not really important and you already got a topic locked for pressing...

19 years ago
RE: 4kids Tv changes lineup

...but the Bratz probably is relatively popular for its type of audience. There aren't many "cartoons" like the Bratz on TV. As for Winx Club, if the ...

19 years ago
RE: The SatAM Tackled "Realistic" Relationships

Quote:like, if there's a story in the comic that is specifically based around one of the character relationships, how do we discuss it and that. You'...

19 years ago
RE: Hag's Editorial

Quote:Discounting all the quotes from 1998 there are plenty from 2002 and newer, Clintons, Kerry, etc, if you want to find out where people stood and ...

19 years ago
RE: Mary-Joo-Wanna or Mary-Joo-Don't-Wanna?

...we rather have people to put in jail than legalize anything harmful that isn't already legalized. ;p

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

Quote:we can't be certain that Bernie and Jules were just commoner soliders, they may have/do held/hold a higher position then what we are aware of. ...

19 years ago
RE: Sing A Song Of White Folks, Pocket Full Of Wry...

Quote:It's only a phrase. Not a real word, but a phrase that has been used to describe racial relations in America between white and black people with...

19 years ago
RE: #154 is HERE!

I personally went under the assumption that there wasn't any regeneration ability just due to the fact that there were "hundreds" of them. Back in #10...

19 years ago
RE: This new theme is...

Quote:I prefer some form of instant messenger. I don't use messengers for anything other than private convos. You want to discuss something from the...

19 years ago
RE: EVC please make HSW and Mega stop abusing my innocent self!

Prank = bad If I see this or any other prank on this message board again, the perpetrator(s) will NOT be posting here for a good long while.

19 years ago
RE: Fire Emblem, no matter which one

I've been thinking about buying one of the GBA Fire Emblem games. I've never played any of the series before, so I was wondering if anyone has a parti...

19 years ago
RE: Remington/Dark Legion connection

#118 (hint) #141 (blatant acknowledgement) Specific details had been given by Ken Penders long before either of those two issues. Check the news arch...

19 years ago
RE: Archie Sonic characters who got the shaft...

Then why is Amy not part of Brain Trust if it has nothing to do with brains? Maturity has nothing to do with being a part of the Braitn Trust. Maturi...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

That's right because you just want to be banned. After observing your behavior, I'm just giving you fair warning that your next infraction--major or m...

19 years ago
RE: it just me, SPA, both or neither...?

Cool. Then this isn't needed. **locks**

19 years ago
RE: Digimon movie 4 has been dubbed!

Tai was my fave of the bunch in Season 1 and 2 as well. I have never seen all of Season 3 to really comment on it though I have seen basically all of ...

20 years ago
RE: Early Mid-Life Crisis for British Males

Basically what Troop said already. I don't find it surprising because it's not just a "male" thing. It affects all people. Based on what I see, I thin...

20 years ago
RE: Hey, new here

**waves** I don't partake in the eating/"welcoming" of newbies. 😉

20 years ago
RE: comics needed to complete collection

There's the Sonic #0-3 mini-series (Feb 1993 - May 1993) and then there's Sonic #1-current (July 1993 - present).

20 years ago
RE: Half-empty or half-full?

I'm half-full. If I wasn't, I probably would've left the U.S. by now.

20 years ago

I've never heard of Backyard Burger, but it seems to be a fast food place. ;p Hopefully, you have relative fun at your job. 🙂

20 years ago
RE: Bush's solution to the energy crisis: TAX CUTS FOR THE WIN!

This topic cracks me up because it can basically be broken down into "Ohhhh, my friend jumped over a cliff, I better go do it too" and "only me, mysel...

20 years ago
RE: Goodbye, from Bizarro MoFo!

That was priceless ^_^ **hugs Bizarro-Bayfield** Thanks for visiting 😉

20 years ago
RE: Offensive phrases and stereotypes.

Quote:Salt---How is Salt something to set off a group of Kids {Someone said that ealier in this topic. Salt? SALT? XD WHAT?} It's a euphemism for som...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic Underground

I actually liked what I saw of Sonic Underground. The storyline was decent. I loved the episodes with Knuckles. I liked how Sonia, Manic, and Sonic ch...

20 years ago
RE: Much as I dislike to do so...

Quote:Wouldn't it be a better idea to implement a filesize limit as opposed to a width limit? No, there's both because you NEED both. Someone could t...

20 years ago
RE: Ban Announcements

Flaming Bypassing the censor constantly Purposely disrespectful

20 years ago
RE: A foreshadowing of the 2008 presidential election....?

It depends on what you mean by RINO. Many Republicans in NY wouldn't be Republicans in certain other states based on their views on social issues, how...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic #154 Preview (Spoiler topic)

Remember, Mike said that there are only 2 Romy stories left and that's it.

20 years ago
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