Mobius Forum Archive

Lil Susy941
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 8, 2006
Topics: 9 / Replies: 103
RE: The Identity of the Traitor Revealed! (Spoilers)

This is da LULZ! VECTOR: Outraged by the cost of MP3 album download prices Vector takes his rage upon the world. Gee, I wonder what happens if ...

16 years ago
RE: StH #197 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

Scourge's track record is much smaller and less threatening compared to Eggman's.Scourge may or may or not me an actual threat, but just bec...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 196 Spoilers

1. Scourge himself says that he's got a different outlook from the start because he was born on Moebius - but Ian seems to've been playing w...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 196 Spoilers

Sonic points out that while in his world, he can power down and still feel a bit pumped, the anarchy beryls leave Scourge completly drained of energy ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #196 Preview and Discussion

I like the Scourge story line. I'm not exactly a fan of the fonzy-wanna be style character type, but just exploring the whole evil-twin thing. It...

16 years ago
RE: Other anti's

I want that coloured now

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers!

The gems of Blaze's world are still 'emeralds', so I was expecting Moebius to have Havoc Emeralds. If you wanted to stop abusing that p...

16 years ago
RE: Other anti's

I don't know if it really counts but in one of the earlier issues in the anti-verse Evil sonic was scrawling on a desk verious anti-femms he want...

16 years ago
16 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 580
RE: What's at least one thing you like most about the STH comic series?

The plotlines. Before hand my sisters used to collect a lot of comics, usually marvel eg. Spiderman, X-men. I've always loved the stories that in...

16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

Blaze looks like she's flipping someone off

16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

So Scourge isn't gold or red? The purple's still an interesting change that's much appreciated. I would have commented it did look a to...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #192 Preview and Discussion

I liked Jules in the ending side story. He managed to hit a nerve or something. Just why did Scourge end up crying then? Some sort of issues with his ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

There's a possibility that Anti-Amy could go by 'Rosy', as a nod to her nickname that was only ever mentioned in Sonic Fighters ("...

16 years ago
RE: StH #190 Preview Pages and Discussion.

"I am Scourge, King of of a bold new mobius, this is who I am!" Sorry.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #192, Sonic X #37, and Sonic Archives #9 Previews

I really doubt that Metal Scourge is good, as it sort of implies that he's working with Metal Sonic. >_>It also implies Sonic and Scourge a...

17 years ago
RE: STH #191 Preview and Discussion

I got it, psxphile, I was simply whining. I wanted a red superform. And a purple one too now.

17 years ago
RE: STH #191 Preview and Discussion

It says in his data file that Scourge can turn into the golden Super Scourge with seven emeralds. Well drat, there goes my theory of him turning red...

17 years ago
RE: STH #191 Preview and Discussion

So, Scourge leaves Mobius to go find himself, and try to be his own person ("no more lame evil twin shtick for me" were his exact words when...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic X 25 Review!

Just got this issue the other day just to try out the Sonic X comics for a change. The issue keeps on reminding me of fruit-loops. Or Jelly snakes.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 190, Archives Vol. 8 & SX 35

No anti-bunnie Makes me sort of wonder what the anti-Fiona is like

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Funny. I see him snarling. I don't know what's more emo than that.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

I'll take a Were-Hog over an Emo, Gun-Toting Sonic wannabe any day of the week. And this isn't going to result in major emo-ness all aroun...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Shadow with guns I can stand (somehow, when I can ignore the pointless driving), darkspines I can stand. But the plot sems off-putting; Sonic goes on ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

Ash saves the day. Somehow I did see that coming. He was right there scratching his head when Mina walked out. I'd expect he'd follow her to...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

On Sonic/Fiona; it isn't all that impossible for someone to have a grudge against someone for years upon years and then end up having a crush on ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Quote:You talk about Mogul as if he's some sort of a computer program. Computers are different in how they function in comparison to living brains.No,...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Possession is the displacement of one mind with another. It can be with "evil spirits", it can also be done with a computer virus. Adam poss...

17 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 103
RE: Probably know about this

Didn't expect that 😮

18 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 69
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

"Spoilers (Select To Read): What I was complaining about was Sonic having an evil side that he now has to supress lest it take control of him. Which i...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

"I'm guessing because it lacks originality and it seems to be very cliche." More like it being predictable for he sonic franchise. "love of all th...

18 years ago
RE: What will it take for the Sonic franchise to be loved again

Quote:3. Level design. Most zones should have floor levels under them, not a pit. The non-linearity is a necessity because otherwise there is not enou...

18 years ago
RE: Why do we hate Sonic Heroes again?

I hate it because metal madness needs all the chaos emeralds from the special stages to be unlocked, which I have long since given up on trying to get...

18 years ago
RE: Are we allowed to? (comic scan request topic)

Quote:Anyway, this topic exists for people to request scans of a specific page or panel from a particular issue. So, yes, if you have a request it is ...

18 years ago
RE: Are we allowed to? (comic scan request topic)

So is anyone allowed to ask for pages to be scanned for them? There's no answer here. Because of that big hack. So i don't know.

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:Somehow I doubt the lava monster will be the final boss becuase Silver fights him. My bets are on the evil crystal hedgehog. (o.o @ the little C...

18 years ago
RE: When is this coming out?

Quote:COMING SUMMER 2006Summer, but on which side of the planet? Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is almost finished and it isn't up. Quote:It a...

18 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 89
RE: I is teh stoopid

You're welcome to them.............

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #126

Not the sonic vs sonic so much, but the super-sonic one before it Just looks more like he was hypnotised or something

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #126

Thanks for the reviews And the fleetway version? Ugh; swirly eyes

19 years ago
RE: DMC and R+C are better?

Quote:What the hell is DMC? Devil May Crow, as far as I know is about some white-haired half-vampire with a pair of guns names Ebony and Ivory..........

19 years ago
RE: I is teh stoopid

Quote:How can Shadow be a clone, when he's OVER 50 YEARS OLD? That particular Shadow in Heroes was a clone of the Shadow from ShTH, SA2 and maybe Batt...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Quote:Actually, I have a whole list of various games I could reconmend. Though I'm not sure if this is the right thread to talk about it. Can talk abo...

19 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 76
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Quote:I'm guessing you also thought Heroes was a good game then. =/ Not particularly, if giving up on the game without completing it then leaving it f...

19 years ago
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