Well, CastorTroy, the original point of this thread was actually that I had read a rule that I had seen was often broken, but now that there is an exp...
I dont know, do you WANT me to leave? Because if you want me to, I'm outta here. If you don't, then I'll stay.
But wait- There is one thing that I dont understand. If it's an archived site that I am going to, then where is the new site? Google is taking me...
Nukeallthewhales, it was a sarcastic comment. I dont feel like explaining myself anymore, this is my opinion, which I am entitled too. I guess nob...
Sweet, Jax. Keep up the good work.
Man, I want one of these! I think SATAM rocks!
It isnt just the language that bothers me, like I said before. The pictures that some people draw on carni isle aren't always appropriate. To see...
Well I was mad, because it sounded like you were suggesting that I lied about the rules, even though I copy pasted them right onto a post There sh...
I cant link, but when you go to Sonic HQ.com, before you see the forum list, you will be at the main page. Go to the far left of the page where it say...
In the Board Rules, section 2, Content, bullet point two: Keep posts at a G/PG rating - Obviously, the definition of these terms is subjective. In...
But yes, while you guys may think that Mild Cursing isnt that bad, you guys are all adults or young adults, and it said in an other part of the rules ...
Love the comic, love the art, love the new, or upgraded as I should say, character art. This new character kicks butt! Cant wait for Issue 6.
The cream picture... is very... *twitches* nice No, seriously, you should draw some more!
I thought I was gone MUCH longer than that... Hey, we all make mistakes sometimes!
I have returned too. So, Becca got engaged. Well... congratulations, I guess. What did I miss?
Wow, looks cool. Why were there a bunch of them?
Well, I can draw ok, actually pretty good for someone my age, but I don't know how to work a scanner. I don't care if you guys go all "...
Cool slideshow, I could do better... I animate with slideshows all the time... I can even do flash animations. (My site, coming soon, The LS Web)
CALM DOWN, dude. It was Rishi. I saw him.
If you rearrange the letters of the word 'incest', you get the word 'nicest'. Coincidence? That's the kind of thing I...
I write alot of comics, that, if I do say so myself are pretty well made, it's just I don't know how to work my scanner, and even once I do ...
Cool. Very cool.
I prefer to write music, myself.
And insane is messed up, which isn't something to be proud of.
Rishi, please explain your DIVIDE BY ZERO picture... BTW, Rishi, your wrong. And what does that Blue Hole have to do with it?
Your poem is hard for mez to comprehend... And, don't take this personally, but I prefer ryming poems.
What topic are we currently on?
Write the answer. Why, no, he should have subtracted the answer by 1. How old is your brother? He's got atrocious handwriting, and anybody can...
Being fat may kill you, but being as sick and twisted as you are, Rishi, will make people wanna kill you. No sane person thinks 2 year olds are a...
Guys, why havent I heard of this Brotherhood of Fat Kids, because I'm 9 years old and I'm like 130 lbps. I try to enjoy my overweight-ne...
The point is, Rishi, You are a sick, sick puppy.
Dang, I got it mixxed up. First I accidentally write Craig Bayfield did it, then I write Ramza the Fox did it.
Well, last year when I lived in Hawai'i I was in a band with some older kids. I sang. My mom posted a website (which I beleive was recently taken...
Sounds like you have fun making these pictures, because you've said Whee 6 times total in this thread. I have to say, looking at these pictures i...
I'm glad that Rishi's glad that Spawn is glad that I feel the same way as him.
I thought it WAS ketchup.
Nice work, Turtle Dude! Me likez it.
Oooooh.... I luvz me the HEROES! I saw their first season. I really liked it, but when the I moved I sorta fell behind. Oh, well. Really nice pics, bu...
Where are all the page 2's?
Huh? @ Deckman I haven't explained those issues... And Sonic X is the only Sonic that takes place on Earth that I can think of... Sonic the H...
Video Games! For people too lazy to watch TV!
Live Nude Robotnik is what broke me last time...
They should have never put that on the market, stupid Mermaidman and Barnacleboy.