Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: May 30, 2005
Topics: 13 / Replies: 1433
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

Workload doesn't really offer an excuse for bad covers. I love Tracy's work, and he's obviously proven he can handle a lot of stuff at once - consider...

17 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 86
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

Locke, eh? Well there goes a major candidate for Enerjak. It's only really Knuckles and Fini left now, huh? Love the idea of a Sonic/Julie-Su teamup,...

17 years ago
RE: Worst of the 4Kids dub

Tails' voice IS a woman.

17 years ago
RE: Archie Comics in Order

The main stories - between 30/31 and 33/34, respectively. Backups are a bit more complicated.

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

That other echidna was another member of the Brotherhood. Tobor, IIRC.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders 2: Zero Gravity ?

Nah. It'll just be Shadow/Cream/etc. all over again.

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

He can be white without being Albino. You wouldn't call Shadow African, would you?

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

That's because they're both derived from the word "Albus", which means white. Albion's the ancient name for England, the home of the "w...

17 years ago
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

Yup, but all that does is make them heroes. Greater than average heroes perhaps, but still heroes. "Divine status" means god-like level, and...

17 years ago
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

Quote:Besides, when Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails achieve their "divine status" source plz

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

Ooh, Remington, of course. And that answers the question of how he knew he was Kragok's son - I've always wondered that. It was from the Ask Ian thre...

17 years ago
RE: New Smash Bros.! Solid Snake! SONIC! Not kidding!

Metaknight's ship revealed! The teasing of its importance in Subspace would be more effective if they hadn't already shown in in nearly all the videos...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

Just for the record, Ian confirmed that Dimitri and his descendants (Menniker/Moritori/Luger/Kragok/Lien-Da/Julie-Su - am I missing any?) also have th...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

He's enough of a character that the fanbase recognises him...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Comic Association 2007!

Sonic the Hedgehog #36 Brave New World? Part 3/3 Torn between rescuing the captured Robians and stopping his archnemesis Metal Sonic, Sonic decides t...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog Archives Volume Five (Spoilers! Really!)

That is quite possibly the most awesome thing ever. I always wanted a return of Universalamander. I really kind of wished the regular archives had de...

17 years ago
RE: Archie Comics in Order

SSS13 goes between 82 & 83, SSS15 is - I would suggest - between #94 and #95 (I think those are the issues - whichever one where they go back to s...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure?

Just to double check, it's only Sonic and Blaze that are playable, right? At least as far as we know?

17 years ago
17 years ago
RE: what happened to spaz?!

Not when he was with the comic over a period of around six years and through two different editors. Granted Ron Lim isn't totally useless, his human/...

17 years ago
RE: what happened to spaz?!

Yeah I have, and I agree he does good work outside of Sonic, but when he manages to maintain a job with Sonic for years and years and draws maybe thre...

17 years ago
RE: Lara-Su Mini Series or Comic Series

There was a backup in #174 and there'll be one in #180. That's only six months without a backup, and to be fair there's been a lot of important stuff ...

17 years ago
RE: what happened to spaz?!

I just double-checked, his name was Sanford and he did the covers for #153-#156. He makes Ron Lim look like a talented professional.

17 years ago
RE: ReTURN of a Dream... (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)

English really needs to develop a pronoun for androgynous characters, rather than referring to them as "its"...

17 years ago
RE: what happened to spaz?!

Say what you want about Tracy!, but he's light years ahead of that guy (Sanchez, I think) who was doing the covers for a few months in the #150s. He s...

17 years ago
RE: Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog DVD

Last I heard Volume 2 and 3 were a sure thing, they just haven't had time to start work on them yet.

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

Quote:Weren't the regular emeralds all merged into seven? They were, with the exception of the Master Emerald. That still has like 14 regular emera...

17 years ago
RE: Lara-Su Mini Series or Comic Series

I always thought we're not meant to know what they changed in the past - the whole part of the story was not to find out, otherwise it'd ruin the pres...

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

I forget how many regular emaralds are powering the Master (13? 14? 15?), but I'd be curious to see if it works out that the power of all but one of t...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #182 & Sonic X #27 Previews

Quote:Sir Connery was brought back after 100+ issues. Crocbot/Octobot and the Great Oak Slide were throwbacks to the olden days. Even Car-Heem's plane...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

Quote:whatever Spectre's secrets Do we even know that Spectre has any secrets to be revealed? Black fur and a travelling cloak do not an enigma make...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

Ian made a point of mentioning Fini's "dark mark" in his data file back in the #160s. There's no way it's not important.

17 years ago
RE: Lara-Su Mini Series or Comic Series

Don't go putting an end date on the comic yet - it was never, ever, expected to make it even a quarter of the way that it has, and for its market nich...

17 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

Quote: just don't see the new Enerjak (if he's anything like the old one) pointlessly disguising his fur color, and the guy definitely isn't black, pu...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #182 & Sonic X #27 Previews

Dude. Get a sarcasm detector installed. Seriously.

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

I only raised Yanar as a joke, I'm pretty willing to bet it's not him. As FMR says Ian's working on a pretty strict dead=dead policy, not to mention ...

17 years ago
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

The comic's really been through a massive change in the past five issues, hasn't it? We've gone from 175 issues of the Kingdom of Knothole, to the Dem...

17 years ago
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

Can we get one of these two topics locked, please?

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure?

I would buy six copies of this game if it turns out Marine is actually an angry drunk.

17 years ago
RE: The Battle(s) You've Been Waiting For...SONIC 179!!!

My respect for Amadeus, and this arc, just went up a thousandfold, learning he doesn't want to run for the Council himself. Not that I disliked either...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

I think this sums up this thread nicely.

17 years ago
17 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders 2: Zero Gravity ?

It's over there, between Sonic Labyrinth DX and Mean Bean Machine II.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic X #28 - Preview

I gotta say, that is one sexy cover.

17 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

This game is really starting to look like nothing more than the typical Olympics tie-in, but with Sonic and Mario character skins in place of the athl...

17 years ago
RE: Where did they go?

Al and Cal, the Nerbs, Thorny, Betty Butterfly, Mobie the Cavebear, Larry Lynx (and co), the Iron Queen, Fly Fly Freddy?

17 years ago
RE: Spot the Movie!

We ought to start a list. Spoilers (Select To Read): 1. Beetlejuice 2. Toy Story 3. Napoleon Dynamite 4. Scorpion King 5. Castle in the Sky 6. Man i...

17 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

And even if he were to be brought back, it's sure not gonna be in this game. Sega isn't going to put obscure characters that only hardcore Sonic fans ...

17 years ago
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