Sonic #19 E-Unit Meltdown E-102 returns from the grave- sort of. After Sonic spots the Egg Carrier 3 above Knothole, him, Sally, Amy, Tails and Knuc...
Sahara is right. I only wanted to PM him with a question about Sonic 134.
Bubba dubba
I am officially scared. [font size=7]WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Someone hold me... now i'm gonna curl up into a fetal position and sing "Silent Night"...
I'm going to watch Flubber a dub dub dub
Sonic the Hedgehog 5 Once Bitten, Twice Sonic Sonic ends up in an alternate universe where heand the other FFs are vampires, and Eggman is the Vamp...
Merry New Years. I stayed up cuz I wanted to.
Triple Trouble and Chaos were awesome though.
XD at what Jon Gray said. I miss u dub.
Sorry everyone who took it personal, it's not you, I was responding to certain people, NOT ALL ATHIESTs. Sorry to anyone who was offended.
I'm not attacking anyone! When will anybody understand that?
Quote:Sonic Labyrinth used to be tops, but it's only a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY close second to G-Sonic, which I still consider to be one of th...
Words cannot describe how much "video commentaries" on Youtube annoy the hell out of me. If you want to discuss something then at least writ...
Did anyone notice that megaman said s*** and dodged the censor. I think a punishment is needed. I didn't bypass the censor...
Quote:~Tobe (Can I say I'm atheist just so you won't talk to me?) You hate me Toby? WAAAAAAAAAHHH!
Anti-Remington-Refuses to do his job, forces Anti-Knuckles to do the dirty work for him. Anti-Hershey- Is stalked by the French-accented Anti- Geoff...
1. Most- Battle Royal- THE ART WAS TERRIBLE! I COULD DO BETTER! And the plot was confusing... 2. Sonic #108- Loved the "Life with Robotnik"...
Knux, I'm quite gulliable and a bit stubborn.
I always thought Ken Penders was the best; his storylines were so complex and intricate. See my editorial on True Red's site. Worst...Whoever wrote &...
Top: 1. Spaz-Has such a dynamic style, and when Havo and heroic age collabaorate, the result is magic! 2. Dub- Think his art is hilarious, love the &...
Anti-Hawking- A guardian who retired and moved to the Neverglades, where he he falls asleep in a lawn chair, and doesn't get up cuz' he's so tired. ...
Anti-Wyn: Physically abuses Anti-Lara-Le, and hates his stepson. Anti-Vector- A croc who is generally quiet, and listens to classical music. Anti-Es...
I never said anyone was wrong. In fact I don't mind if people believe differently so long as they don't treat us like morons.
*puts Samanfur in the microwave*
When I snap my fingers, Samafur will do the Chicken Dance.
*puts duct tape over Samafur's mouth* There! Mistake Fixed!
*beheads apocalypse*
Well, I'm not trying to force my beliefs or anything...I'm just stating my views...
I do not Stupport WBC in ANY WAY! In fact, I ranted on them on my youtube account...
I personally believe Heaven is NOT like Church forever. Rather, it is an eternal paridise kinda like a sunny beach in honalulu hawaii, with you playin...
Quote:Debate all you like, but don't insult an entire group of people for having the audacity to question something that you can't even disprove, and ...
<a href=""" style="display: block; background: urlno-repeat; width: 296px; height: 84px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 42px; ...
If somebody doesn't believe in god it's ok with me so long as they don't look at religious people as morons. Although I do have a saying I made up(pl...
Tails Skypatrol was THE definition of hard. Couldn't even get past the 1st level...bucause of CHEAP DEATH AFTER CHEAP DEATH AFTER CHEAP DEATH AFTER CH...
Quote:So they're in the Twilight Zone? So they're not dead? Sp Spectre is alive. YES! Add to that the fact that time passes slower than molasses in t...
If the Brotherhood dies as aresult of this...I will go postal on somebody...
**** "Tobor" carved a scar into his chest with a hypodermic needle, in order to simulate a Guardians birthmark. 5 years later "Don't you think yo...