Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Apr 10, 2003
Topics: 2 / Replies: 192
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

That's how I've been saying it, too. "Meh-files." Anyway, I couldn't be happier at the prospect of playable Tails! He's probably just an ex...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog for the Game Boy Advance

Sorry, Ashide, but I want nothing to do with PSPs. Sony hardware is so poorly built, even if they are more powerful. I haven't more than one or two ga...

18 years ago
RE: Unknown Eggman vehicle from SA

Although that would have been a good idea, there wouldn't have been a good reason for Eggman and Tails to race unless Eggy was trying to detonate the ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog for the Game Boy Advance

I'm surprised I didn't know about this until now. I say I'll get it, only to give my GBA cart deprived DS another Sonic game. Besides, it's nice to sh...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

From the little footage from the vid, it looks like Sonic has to carry around Elise in a few levels. With that in mind, maybe we'll get some Eco-esque...

18 years ago
RE: Name that Zone! A classic returns...

I knew someone would get it right away. Genocide City Zone was one of the levels cut out of Sonic 2 before it was released. I thought is wasn't us, S...

18 years ago
RE: Well people, there shall be no more 'crikey!'.

Everyone's said it, but it's very depressing. (Someone lowered the flag at school to half staff for him, seriously.) It's terribly upsetting for a her...

18 years ago
RE: Name that Zone! A classic returns...

It's been 3 days, so I call it. Hmm... 1)It's name involves a massive death 2)I seriously doubt you've played it 3)Newb's won't have a clue about thi...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

But what about Shadow? Jason's husky version of him is much different than David's smoother and sometimes lighter version. Although I like David bette...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

I see bosses working more like the Babylon Guardian did in Riders, since you're pracically in constant motion. Maybe instead of bosses we'll get races...

18 years ago
RE: Post your DS collection thread.

Grey DS Sonic Rush Brain Age Meteos Wario Ware Touched Pre-Ordering Harvest Moon DS LoZ Phantom Hourglass

18 years ago
RE: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! is an AWESOME game!

I've wanted this game since I saw an article on it in EGM. We get our own version? Hopefully the music is just as good! Thanks for the info, Ashide!

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

I think that is what he's asking. The title for "Sonic the Hedgehog" (the 360/PS3 game) is called that becuase the creators hope for it to...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Ryan was probably the best we had for Sonic, but even he wasn't perfect. Jalleel, Jason, or even the guy with the weird accent in the movie haven't hi...

18 years ago
RE: Hitler has a resturant named after him

That's from the old anime, or the Sonic Movie. Sonic is flicking Eggman off.

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Maybe that's why Mike has been the only one with any lines heard. When did this become a conversation just between Robobotnik and me?

18 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

What in the world is happenning here...? *is too frightened to read the past posts*

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Wait, I just remembered someone saying Silver's voice in the trailer wasn't final... but I haven't a clue where. Maybe Sega is getting a new cast. Bu...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

Total guess, but Omega? (Was he even in the anime?)

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Well, that's kind of a given. It's not the work itself that we're talking about, it's about the workers. At this point, the game is almost done, and c...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

The more and more I read, the more I think Sony's ego has screwed them over. The pricetag alone knocks out most casual gamers (like me). You do real...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

But it doesn't make a bit of sense on why again the same person does Sonic's and Shadow's voices. Wikipedia info is rarely accurate, but if it is, it'...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

I've seen that picture already, and it is a pretty wild design. But why oh why is it another hedgehog? There had better be a reason behind this!

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

It's hard to stay on topic when there's nothing on topic to talk about... So how about a segway... How do you think Shadow's past will affect his ac...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Thanks Candy! I'm currently stopped with Sonic examining the Wiimote. He looks like he has no clue what the thing is.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

Maybe becuase Shuffle's only purpose was to take money from Nintendo, not make a good game? I think the thing about Nintendo characters and spin-offs...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

We can't really say that just yet since we have so little info on the game. Besides, is it possible to be as bad as Shadow. That game was to dang rand...

19 years ago
RE: Look at me guys lol

Well, you should.

19 years ago
RE: Asian woman suddenly grows penis--and I wish I was kidding.

Well, since it's bumped, I'll reply. The whole thing is possible, if her hormones went completely out of control. The breasts dissapearing part might...

19 years ago
RE: The Church, State, Pledge and **Your Body**

US History classes suck. I say that for lack of a better word. Were basically taught to glorify the good things in our short history. Anything that wo...

19 years ago
RE: Planet Pluto(1930 -2006)

I never thought Pluto made much of a planet anyway. Besides, if Pluto was finnally considered and planet, Charon would have to be too, as it's only a ...

19 years ago
RE: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

Just when it came out, the entire art class at my school (including me) was crowded around my teacher's computer rolling with laughter at this. The be...

19 years ago
RE: Hitler has a resturant named after him

I'm kind of on the fence here... As much of a kick I would have gotten out of eating there, my great-grandparents were Nazis, so... I'd also feel guil...

19 years ago
RE: Plane crash in Kentucky, "many casualties"

I live about forty minutes from that airport. I'm at work and was just told by a customer right before I saw this post. The survivor is one of the pil...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

I don't know how Nintendo thinks (but I do know how Nintendo fanboys think), but Sonic might not be on top of the list becuase of the past rivalry. Ne...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

The way I see it, the characters that would be considered would probably only come from games that were very good to the Gamecube or any Nintendo cons...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

PLEASE DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. IT'S HARD TO READ. Why do Tails and Knuckles only get a 9/10 and Amy get a 10/10? I'd think it be the other way aroun...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Mutations are just little genetic blips when the DNA splits and rearanges itself in reproduction. It works like that for everything with DNA. It's tot...

19 years ago
RE: Funniest Gaming Moment

Yeah, I knew about most of those, but the rail racing level doesn't exist in the DC version. The easiest is the area where Sonic circles around a &quo...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

That comic was great! If Sonic showed up with others, would it be Eggman, Knuckles, or Tails?

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Where Knuckles and other characters were and why we haven't seen anything or heard anything about them.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Sorry to say this, but not really, Candy. Anywho, is the trailer available anywhere besides Gametrailers? My computer is slow, so I often get cut of...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Ew. I happen to agree with HSW on the idea of character development. Knuckles is just good friends with Sonic and Tails now, so of course he'll hang ...

19 years ago
RE: Funniest Gaming Moment

Never caught that one untill now Matt... Which is kind of sad... The funniest moment for me was actually my friend and I playing SA2:B on the rail le...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

No, Weresheep, Sonic X characters would never appear for the simple reason that they belong to a seperate universe and continuity of Sonic. Unless a g...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl close to confirmed?

All I know is whether Sonic does or doesn't (hopefully the latter) appear in SMBB, I will be buying it. It's one of the upcoming games for the Wii tha...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

With the exception of Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Eggman, Elise, and Mephiles, we haven't seen any pics of the characters showing up. AKA, probably won't g...

19 years ago
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