Mobius Forum Archive

Miss Puar
Reputable Member
Joined: Feb 20, 2005
Topics: 11 / Replies: 451
RE: Sonic X Tracing Contraversy at Scans Daily

I have disliked the Sailor Moon dub since Zoicite became a girl. What was the point? So he's a swishy bishy. There's no shortage of 'em in that genre....

18 years ago
RE: Found this bit of SatAM, it has Sally singing a song on it

Is it legal to link to the Sonic World? I always thought it was OK to know of places w/ downloads but to not to expressly mention it here. Maybe I rea...

18 years ago
RE: This is new

Erika, right on! I've said it before, the camera shoulda been assigned to SELECT not a double-press of L. I can't recall how many times I trigged that...

18 years ago
RE: This is new

I still want a spinoff game starring Chao for a handheld (Sorta like Rocket Slime meets Harvest Moon), Sonic Riders 2, a rhythm game with Sonic or oth...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

I'll pass as I've had a turn recently (and cannot think of a snappy question at the time). Free to next poster!

18 years ago
RE: A little game

Ha! That's the little rolling move after you crouch down. I think the Instant Shield (Advance's jump special) is also called this by some.

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

Brian- I remember when comparing SEGA property to Nintendo would get your teeth bashed in. Times change, eh? The problem with your analogy is that mos...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Some may not have been alive in the 50's. Others may not view that origin as canon. A third group just didn't care. If you're going to have a reason, ...

18 years ago
RE: Questions of the week 2/26:

1. If you could have personal use of any specific science fiction technology, what would it be? MIBs neuralizer. So youd keep asking me to pick again ...

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

If you're not a fan of Sonic or the cartoon, you probably won't know who the characters are or perhaps how to spell Tails' name. (I mean it appears on...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

Ayep, you got it GT.

18 years ago
RE: A little game

Lesson learned: never throw away the manuals. Okay, name a badnik who's obsessed with eggs but isn't Dr. Eggman/Robotnik/any other name you wanna give...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

Was going with my spotty memory. I remembered him being a wolf, and sadly the only Wulf I could think of is Sabrewulf which is way the heck wrong (unl...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

I don't think this is a complete list, but here goes *waits for somebody to fill in what I miss, snake the prize, AND correct spelling in true know-it...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

EDIT: Removed my sore loser rantism. I never heard Jet the Sniper either. Think it be a UK thing. Are you gonna make a new question or pass the mantle...

18 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Some good points, but Dan is also slipping a bit. Tracy! did not pencil TDS, that was Fry. Still it was nice to hear some positive bits highlighted (I...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Chill. Some people are very good at identifying artists by style and don't need a sig to point it out. (After 100+ covers Spaz is pretty well known to...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

You say no nicknames yet allow Rosy the Rascal as an official name for Amy. You won't count any robots or Flicky tho I totally think Craig nailed it. ...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

I'll be weird to and say it's GUN Commander/General/Brutus. Because Commander and General ARE NOT the same. Not by a long shot (ooh, this rant sounds ...

18 years ago
RE: Questions of the week 2/13: I know what you did last QotW!

1. Strawberry. From the Baskin Robbins. Ice cream is one of the few "junk foods" I adore. 2. I don't plan on geting HDTV. Mostly I download ...

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

Are you sure you've posted in the right topic? This one is about characters in Archie Sonic that you dislike and why. Your response is a bit random. O...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

Metal's being called Neo-Metal in Rivals so I s'pose that counts as one of his names. But I still don't feel he's the same Metal, neither do I do cons...

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Specifically, the one from Freedom HQ. The flags inside Castle Acorn were green last time I checked (#170) Makes me think Bark/Bean's attack was more ...

18 years ago
RE: Post your tales of Mondegreens here.

I've a good ear for lyrics. My brother-in-law, not so much. Anyway, I'd a CD playing the English version of 99 Red Balloons when he tells me that he c...

18 years ago
RE: was the missing year kind of.... lackluster? (possible spoil

I'm divided on Karl's One Year Later ideas. It seems he really knew how to write for some characters but was way-off IMO on much of the old cast. I do...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Quote:I seriously hope these "spoilers" are a joke...because if they are not, then I'm not resubscribing. Yes and no. I would never lie bou...

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

Woah. Those issues sound awesome. Don't wanna overthink about 175-176 but wouldn't it be total irony if they'd cure Max only to have him die in a fire...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Heh, you got it Torn. Worth The Effort Potto/Del Rio/Amash/Jensen page 1: Early morning in Knothole. Birds are singing, crocs are sleeping, and Julie...

18 years ago
Replies: 65
Views: 129
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

Soopah- There is nothing wrong with liking the games/ SEGA aspects in Archie, just as there is nothing wrong with wanting the comic to remain a sepera...

18 years ago
RE: So much for being a TrimSpa spokesperson .....

Money is not a substitute for mommy. Maybe she wasn't a great parent and the baby is too young to realize the loss but someday it will hit her. The de...

18 years ago
RE: Your first game overs

Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Zone. Whatever that green stuff was called, I got sucked in deeper and deeper. All the while, Tails just floated there (great ...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

I almost wanna say Silver Castle? It's been so long my memory may be totally whacked on that. I think GT should get the next go cuz he answered first ...

18 years ago
RE: Archie cover appearances

Nifty. Did your tally factor in 2 of Ant's appearance (137 and 156) being Patch? I hope Chuck gets s'more appearances. I rather like him.

18 years ago
RE: Custom Title request thread.

<font color=blue> Wrong On So Many Levels </font>

18 years ago
RE: so......this is just an idea, but Why not use the chatroom?

I wouldn't mind a chat. I hardly ever have find time for them tho- maybe you should PM all those who respond a week or so before the intended date to ...

18 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 35
RE: How bout dat game?

I'm glad Indiana won as my bro had money ridin' on the game. Peyton wouldn't have been choice for MVP tho-- he was good but I felt Rhodes and even Kel...

18 years ago
RE: When Mooninites Attack.....

I'm doing it as hard as I can!

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

OMG BAN SEGA Videogames don't just promote violence, now they make you deviant. /jack thompson

18 years ago
RE: StH #171 Spoilers and Discussion

If M25YL had become canon, Ken offer a possible solution for Bun-- #134 hate Rote mention "clone limb replacement" as alternative to bionics...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Last Movie I Saw (DVD): The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby. My bro sent me a copy for my B-Day. A few months late but y'know the thought was there. A bit crude...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Last Movie I Saw (DVD): The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby. My bro sent me a copy for my B-Day. A few months late but y'know the thought was there. A bit crude...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

Good review. I'm curious about the swimming minigame. Does this mean Sonic's finally alowed in the deep end (minus the water Shield)? Or will he make ...

18 years ago
RE: Why do people hate Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog?

Heroes Commentary What I Disliked: Dividing team into Pow/Flight/Speed was a good theory, but failed in practice. As mentioned three of four teams fel...

18 years ago
RE: A little game

I love the honor system. It's so easy to exploit. >:)

18 years ago
RE: StH #171 Spoilers and Discussion

Quote:I think Ian was more referring to the "preview cover" of Sonic 175. I didn't mention it in the review because almost nothing could bee...

18 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

I gotta disagree with Mr. Drazen. I love Off Panel. Of course, they'd never greenlight the strips I imagine Curse you Comics Code! *shakes fist*

18 years ago
RE: A Really Dumb Thing...

Having moved to a new town, I needed mail forwarded. Only problem- I spelled the town name wrong on forms. Eventually I got it straightened up at the ...

18 years ago
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