Mobius Forum Archive

Miss Puar
Reputable Member
Joined: Feb 20, 2005
Topics: 11 / Replies: 451
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

i think he's mean the cover image has gotta go. It's already in the first post and for those with slow comps it's a pain for load-time. This comic sou...

18 years ago
RE: So.....any Avatar fans here?

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the voicing issue. As hard as it would be to have the actors look the part (will they find a blind actress to play To...

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

Mary Sues don't always have to be perfect save-the-day characters. Sometimes they look and act just like author (aka self-inserts), other times they a...

18 years ago
RE: hopes for Sonic: Secret of the Rings

No, but don't worry about it. Misplaced posts happen, specially when you're new. Thanks to our helpful mods this topic will soon be South Island Bound...

18 years ago
RE: The new Eggman

I wouldn't mind seeing a redesign (permanent or no) of anyone as long as it seemed in-character. One of my favrite examples was when Snively envisione...

18 years ago
RE: I give up...

Oekaki-Doodle-Doo! That is so cute, Kaze!

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 170 review

Typing fast, meant Lt. Col. Which is still wrong but less so (dunno why I got the impression Stripe ranked slighty higher, age I guess) maybe I oughtt...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 170 review

Actually SS9 "Eve Of Destruction" identified Mr. Prower was a Lt. As going all the way to Gen means a heckuva promotion, I think I'd best t...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 170 review

Behold the tail-less wonder! Am I ever glad I saved some early issues. Quote:we have General D coolette's replacement in tails' dad, (who IMO is a bet...

18 years ago
RE: here it is (again):

Actually I wond'red bout it for a while back in the day. The Robo-Robotnik answer disappointed a few fans and someone (can't remember who) asked Pende...

18 years ago
RE: How do You pronounce the NAMES?

Ayep, Nachos and Sex. I was living the American Dream.

18 years ago
RE: CotW #... er, 106? (12/14/06)

"You have wounded me. I must grow a new claw." Cookies to anyone who gets the reference!

18 years ago
RE: How do You pronounce the NAMES?

Now that I saw it on the internet, that is the shiznizzle. Seriously, I been calling John "Nachos" for years now. Was also wrong on Kaze, Sp...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

I like the box art. Sonic looks precious. *stampeded by Nazguls*

18 years ago
RE: R.I.P Peter Boyle

Aww, sad. My family is big fans of campy horror films so I well remember seeing him "Puttin' On The Ritz." He'll be missed by many.

18 years ago
RE: Yoshi's Island DS, or the effect music can have on me

Hmm I can't imagine any sfx more annoying than Baby Mario's wail. To me Yoshi's Island and mute button have always gone hand-in-hand. I hope you get a...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic HQ Game Info Community Project

I know my way around the GBA games pretty well so I s'pose I could try my hand at writing an article.

18 years ago
RE: So, which do you prefer?

I like my Sonic games to blend both speed and exploration. Sonic was never meant to be a Zelda-esque "play until your thumbs bleed" epic, bu...

18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

Cream the rabbit? Appears in Most games made after Sonic Advance 2, Amy even says Cream might be "going through some changes" in Sonic Battl...

18 years ago
RE: Akira Toriyama Envy

Too late my friend. Cheese = Blue Slime. Great. The apocaplyse cometh, and it looks like my fridge.

18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

My guess is Metal Knuckles from Sonic R and Sonic Advance. Most everyone was shocked or afraid of him, he isn't on the Sonic Channel site so he probly...

18 years ago
RE: If You Read The Comic, You Might Want To See This,

Can you record at a higher volume? It is very tough for me to hear what your saying at times. So I'm sorry if I misunderstood somethings. I don't know...

18 years ago
RE: Akira Toriyama Envy

To make it even more mondo cool, they oughta ride around on Nimb-- Extreme Gear. Except for Shadow, who's unpure heart limits him to Capsu-- Jeeps.

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Favorite List!

1) Favorite Character Knuckles. Love that wall-climbing skill. 2) Favorite Zone/Level/Action Stage Sandopolis. For the Egyptian motif. 3) Favorite Era...

18 years ago
RE: Make Your Own Mii

That was fun. Too bad you can't change eye color. (mine are green in RL)

18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

Sigh. That didn't take long. You're go Elias.

18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

1. Original design. 2. I don't need no stinkin' handhelds. 3. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

18 years ago
RE: Name that character!

Espio was in 4 games and he's a Chaotix member 😛 I'm guessing him just to be annoying. He runs fast, leads his team, and dislikes Eggy so he's kinda ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Sonic X cover looks great, S172 cover a bit wordy for my tastes. Also gotta wonder why Spaz ain't credited despited his sig being visible. Romance has...

18 years ago
RE: My cat died.

I'm truly sorry to hear bout all the kitties passing away. I dunno if anyone goes to heaven, but I do beleive that as long as you remember someone (pe...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

I'm sure Gary did his best and he is new after all. Maybe with some practice he'd improve? I remember my first drawing of Sonic. It looked like a stic...

18 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #103 (11/09/2006)

Dead? I'll tell you what's dead. Vaudeville. Know what killed it? Angry SWAT teams. Play me off, Johnny!

18 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #102 (10/31/2006)

13 years in the making! The offical comic-book adaptation of Super Mario Bros: The Movie. This ain't no game, it's a paperback thrill ride!

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

We're comic geeks. We're never satisfied.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

Quote:i find the tommy being possessed thing humorous. but i think it would've had a bigger more emotional punch if adam had possessed Jules or Bunnie...

18 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #101 (10/24/2006)

"That's the last time I shop at Hsu's Discount Vehicle Emporium."

18 years ago
RE: Oh my, look who's here.

Oh!! I remember you from Carni Isle- you were very encoraging w/ good advice bout spriting. ^_^

18 years ago

Harry Potter has no shortage of crack pairings but this is in a special class. WARNING: language, m/m, sexaul situation

18 years ago
RE: Justify your sig (YAY UNORIGINALITY!)

I stole from cartoons. That's justifaction to the highest level.

18 years ago
RE: Talking To Yourself

I tried talking to myself but she couldn't keep a secret. Now we're banned in 20 states, 3 provinces, and a commonwealth. I blame our upbringing.

18 years ago
RE: Are we allowed to? (comic scan request topic)

EDIT: Paragraph removed since it was rather snippy of me and din't add much to the topic. Honesly I think Trace got the job cuz he deserved it, not o...

18 years ago
RE: About time this happened....

Quote:Though i never heard her music in my entire life. Really? Not even "I will always love you"? *recomends soundtrack to The Bodyguard* ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

Poor Dirk, he's being ignored. ;__; I agree, it'sa figure of speech. Sonic has been in this world for awhile- you don't get that kinda hobo sheen over...

18 years ago
RE: Who Wants to Be a Superhero?

I kinda liked that show. My favorite ep had them talking to little kids. I actually thought Momma had the best message (and theme song), tho at that a...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

As promised, here is a summary of the backstory. Scans are also up. Sonic the Hedgehog #166 The Chaotix Connection Story: Romy "Turtle!" Ch...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 is in the hizzouse (SPOILERS)

Shadonic- Lara doesn't know why she remembers Sonia and Manik, but Tails guesses it's because she was so close to the area when Sonic time traveled. T...

18 years ago
Replies: 31
Views: 86
18 years ago
RE: AoStH Robotnik Sheets

Awesomeness! Milt's comments were a hoot and a half. I wonder how many villians were inspired by "that fat adult" cartoonists hated when the...

18 years ago
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