Last seen: Jun 3, 2011
I more or less meant link to the general site itself for convenience...I'm aware that rooms aren't really permanent, as such. XD;
You probably should have a link to this up. Jus' sayin'! XD
Amy Lee = Lead singer of evanescence...and she's far more awesome than this little Missy! 😛
Of course it is...that's been pretty much well established before the footage. I like that Jill, myself.
I was being serious...This version of the MLP cartoon IS Awesome. o.o
Oh man, Google maps has nothing on these guys. XD
Oh man, Google maps has nothing on these guys. XD
I vote Brobius BroHeart! 😛
Just link to both and leave it like that - forcing a choice doesn't help anything, ever. Why overthink it?
If XIII-2 has a special collection on release, I shall get I have done for the original. Also...I shall get y'all pictures of the Balls...
Oh boy, I'm SO glad I subbed lately! =D Gimme!
Meep Meep! XD Goddamn, That was brilliant - I want more of that!
Yeah, suffice to say I'm not picking this up until I've gotten Duke's purchase out of the way and we know some more about the DLC.
I voted for so damn much...but I WON'T vote for FF7. Ever! 😛
I think this is gonna be something to look forward to - Sal and Khan's relationship is interesting from what little I read here and's going...
This just came in the mail for me - read it, loved it...I think I might just become a regular renewer if the next 11 issues are written like this. XD;
Well, mine is released 6th May...if he's in the US, he'll be first without a doubt, since it comes out the 3rd there. XD
Wooot, the teeeeeeeeension of the impending release date. Ain't nothing like it, Baby!
Awww, man - I voted responsibly but I know deep in my heart that Phoenix, Miles, Waka and Godot don't have a hope in hell of making it ALLLLL the way ...
Mada - the other term for MoFo'er would be something Duke Nukem would word starting with Mo, the last word ending in er, and the rest...yeah...
Because Mada LOVES rainbow unicorns! :3
FYI, the cover art is on the picture above. 😛
Pictures from my phone - I sure as heck don't have a webcam anymore, lol...! XD
X3 it's pretty darn awesome to know that, after 13 years, I'm getting this work of awesome... I'll do an unboxing post here especially for you. :...
It IS real, and I totally pre-ordered...I officially will have me some BAAALLLS OF STEEEL! =D
Why, the SonxSal fans would be of course! 😛
I smell something amiss here...!
The only thing to top this year would be a Blood 3...which will never happen. 3: Bah.
Clearly! XD
BEHOLD, the rumoured collectors edition! 8D;;;;;;;;;;
Nobody I know calls a playstation port a PSP, Mada. XD; Sorry to say, but the PSP is actually a well known brand for most, it's actuall...
Sonicfan, it was an anime name reference...hence why it was even thrown out there! And the PSP was released before the PS3. o.o
Didn't you get the memo? EVERY new cartoon series has to look like that...even if it doesn't need/warrent it. I thought everyone knew that. Now, i...
{{ same here. :3 }}
Yeah, this kinda thing is hardly going to argue with the laws of gravity and a disorientated sense of balance... Give it a wiiiiide berth! 😛
Now to be fair, the PS3 is really not so bad...although the price is a tad steep. Still, there's no need to sound QUITE so anti about them, it's no...
Meh, I'll stick with a 3DS until I can pick one up somewhere second hand! 8D
Amaterasu, Wesker, Dante/Deadpool.
I'm partway through the game myself and I would most definately tap Lightning. :3 That is all.
No problem, little lady - the Duke is fighting for your rights to party...and not be kidnapped by aliens!
ALWAYS. Bet. on. Duke!
Yeah, Hiro - let's see more details before writing it off...maybe they'll throw a curveball and make this one how it should have been!
I'm recently playing Ghost Trick...Playing it So, So Hard. :3 I freaking love Sissel - he's an awesome character...and so is MISSILE! <3
Cosmic...Wesker? :3 I guess he managed to become a god just like he wanted - good ol' Weskah-boy!