im gonna have to pic this one up.. and order the ones that i left off at. its funny how the sonic x series captures your attention more than the actua...
well as for villians.. we did have naugus.. but yeah, he's been downgraded into a big drooling idiot..
we might as well request an obituaries in the comic for now on...
im still crossing my fingers for a Fawful assist trophy or a playable Geno!!.. Nintendo needs to have someone represent the Mario rpgs even if they ...
this looks interesting, so say the least. I kinda regret turning in my DS lite to gamestop 3 months ago XD. This shade character looks kinda reptilli...
i wish sega would allow u to upload songs onto your wii and just play that in the background of your games.. i have music playing over the sonic nex...
i really wish they would have some awesome orchestral music like they did in Galaxy.. i loved the music for the final fight with bowser, it was epic...
i was gonna say about the recognizing of a song by its music is absurd.. i can easily imagine that ppl who have never heard of iron maiden is easily...
1) Nack - always liked nack he has somewhat of a wile E. Coyote complex but he doesn make a good secondary villain. 2) Sonic he's blue has an atti...
i think that the new design of eggman doesnt look evil to me i guess.. i will say that this one actually looks like he is physically able to move aro...
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Tired of always being on the losing side of things, Eggman wonders what it would be like to be on th...
sonics facial expression on 32 reminds me of Ren from Ren and Stimpy.. whenever he would have that dangling lip thing going on.. XD
yeah, im afraid that the music slowdown speed-ups would wear thin on one's nerves... but it was just an idea.. its not like its going to happen.. so ...
this is stupid.. i start a topic and say within the few sentences do not brutally attack this for it is an opinion.. but what happens..It gets attack...
yea number of the beast is one of iron maiden's BEST albums.. what of it? I just mentioned that the fast paced music is fitting for sonic.. not ...
there was enough soap opera drama in the comics that it was practically pg-13 material... and i never stated finitevus WAS a Necromancer.. i just...
i guess that this eggman is cruel.. and is someone to be feared... but, robotnik actually looked evil... but i guess like the saying goes; don't j...
then Nega should pay the old doctor a visit every now and then to lend a hand in his nefarious schemes..
if you look goofy and act goofy.. and have very hilarious facial expressions of disappointment.. then your not a very good villain... and thus cannot...
well then there ya go.. mission accomplished shiggy's work is done..
I am waiting for something impossible to happen ... like i dunno maybe a sonic game that rivals the greatness of super Mario Galaxy... but the only w...
i was looking over the mobius 25 years later comics.. and i remember sonic and knuckles talking about how knuckles got overloaded with chaos energy....
billy hatcher... he is back? sweet...
so.. what are the guesses for new characters?.. id like to see more.. diverse characters.. like well.. i dunno but i just can imagine some like desert...
I have been reading the Thriller Bark Arc of One Piece so I guess thats why i am obsessed with zombies now.
maybe im going to far.. but I believe that Finitevus has been one of the greatest changes to the comic.. His character is unkown.. and light shall f...
we could all imagine a zombie army revived by ol finitevus.. eheh with technologically advanced weaponry..
I personally think he may be a revived character.. i mean look at him.. the eyes.. his hands and feet are bandaged and wrapped up as if he was mummif...
Snively mini series! as Well as an Eggman mini series. its time to see the comics in the perspective as the villains instead of the heroes.. snively h...
i like how eggman looks so evil and demonic on the sonic 2 boxart but he's that same ol goofball we all know and love.. Now if only we could get Ian ...
snyde remarks aside to alex, anyways... we do not know anything besides the POSSIBLE character and design for said character... thats all. we dont kn...
I really want this comic now... sigh... ill get it next week maybe... i hope... but is there any possible way we could see some scans if this isnt po...
after volume 5 of the archives I will only need the sally mini series... now if only i could find that...
Eggman being the main head villain of the sonic series... ah those were the days...Well its pretty much been that way for the advance series and for ...
it just seems like sega is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for characters now adays.. they have so many animals to choose from yet they chose...
Instead of making craploads of hedgehogs and other useless characters couldn't sega just make a new design for mighty the armadillo and bring him back...
well.. sharks, skates and rays are all cartilaginous(sp) fish belonging to the order of Chondricthyes so yeah they are indeed fish, but someone said t...
they were under Al and Cal's influence that caused them to fight. But they realized what they were doing and the spell was broken.
wow should have seen this coming... we need more reptile characters... anyways wasnt captain behemoth or whatever his name was from secret rings more ...
hmm, i love the sonic x issue. Is that an echo the dolphin cameo on the water cooler or am i just seeing things?... anyways the original series story...
I knew that was coming, you do have a point and i have read 50, its just we havent seen this how should i put this.. ah yes, this model of Robotnik in...
eggman has never been a fighter, this one hasnt atleast, and he is planning on using the chaos gauntlet the same way hunter used the spear, he has alo...
the eerie green glow makes me think he has some chaos powered glove. i wish he could roboticize with touch again... -sigh-
he is just a drooling toadie now. He was better at being a full force villain but now he is nothing but moguls toadie
I asked Ian this question a long time ago, but it was concerning Brawl and sonic might be in it..If anyone deserves the limelight right not now and AC...
Yayness! It is finally happening shiggy and naka had said a long long time ago that sonic and mario would be in a game as rivals and it's finally happ...
on rails or not, its pretty bad that our rodent has to have his boundaries because he's too fast for his own good, I loved secret rings I hope that th...
has Ian really stated when the armada will be appearing in the comics, or is it still not set in stone that this will happen, I was hoping for the ar...
well, scratch and grounder and coconuts were in right at the beginning of the series, and they have no reference whatsoever to the SATAM series, since...