Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Mar 14, 2003
Topics: 9 / Replies: 1186
RE: Why the hell are YOU still here?

*shrugs* Nostalgia? This is consistently been the longest forum I've been on. Possibly a decade at this point (I forgot when I joined, but it was defi...

14 years ago
RE: why that username?

Because Once Upon A Time, there was a crazy fan who adored a third-tier character from the Archie Sonic comic. That was me. And thus, I have immortali...

14 years ago
RE: What anime/cartoons are you watching at the moment?

Psxphile wrote:This show is awesome. I'm sad it's (allegedly) over. One of these days I'm going to have to marathon the entire run... especially since...

14 years ago
RE: What anime/cartoons are you watching at the moment?

I just recently wrapped up and rewatch Venture Bros. Season 4. There is never a moment where this show is not brilliant. "Bright Lights, Dean City" is...

14 years ago
RE: What manga/comics are you reading at the moment?

I just finished the Transformers parody Incredible Change-Bots by Jeffery Brown. I liked it enough to buy the second book which should be coming in th...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

Green Lantern's powers. It's the one that is most appropriate for me.

14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! And given I now managed to regain a DS Lite back, I can import this baby! HOO YEAH!

14 years ago
RE: The Epic Crossover Images Thread (56k = LOLno)

Joining the bandwagon! I want EBA, Nintendo edition...

14 years ago
RE: The Epic Crossover Images Thread (56k = LOLno)

I am officially saving  a bunch of these pictures to my computer. Kudos to this thread. 

14 years ago
RE: Cartoon Neworks action shows. (Ben 10, Rex, and Sym-Bionic Titan)

Bumping because I just found out Titan was canceled. Gendy's working over at Sony now and after the next couple of eps it'll be over and done with. ...

14 years ago
RE: 'Sailor Moon' to be republished! 'Sailor V' to have English language debut!

I've only read bits and pieces of the manga years back, I am very glad that I can have the chance to read them all soon.

14 years ago
RE: Desktop Thread? Desktop Thread.

Here ya go. Proooooowl. *hearts* ^^

14 years ago
RE: The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword.

Not ragging on you, Neo. But the general masses tend to react strongly whenever the familiar Zelda formula is tinkered with. Adventure of Link and Win...

14 years ago
RE: The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword.

I'm honestly very "meh". It doesn't look like anything beyond your standard Zelda with some Wii gimmicks. I don't know, maybe said gimmicks will save ...

14 years ago
RE: DeviantArt issues and question

As far as I know, the admins of DA are in the midst of fixing it. I have no idea if they did as I haven't heard news on said virus in a while (than ag...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #25 Preview and Discussions! Spoilers!

I teeter totter over the Sonic comics nowadays, but I happened upon this issue at my local Borders today. I don't particularly care for Silver since, ...

14 years ago
RE: Dwayne McDuffie, Static Shock creator has died at 49

NO WAY. Damn. His works on the DCAU were fantastic. That is a deep shame. RIP, Dwayne. Thanks for the amazing stories.

14 years ago
RE: The Youtube SuperThread!

Technically, I should be putting this in one of the Valentine's Day page, but here: a more or less cynical (and literal) view on V-Day. Naturally, I l...

14 years ago
RE: Swarm of hearts attack

so take it from me dont say something you might change your mind about someday or you'll feel silly about it the way i did XD Please don't assume what...

14 years ago
RE: Happy Unimaginative, Consumerist-oriented and Shallow Interpretation of Romance Day

All in all, whenever I get into a relationship, hopefully it will be with someone doesn't care about Valentine's Day. Thanks to the History Channel, ...

14 years ago
RE: Swarm of hearts attack

Hey Yi. *shot and stabbed* *takes out the pepper spray* Step away from the Asian. Honestly, Sonicsfan, I don't really appreciate the pity just...

14 years ago
RE: Swarm of hearts attack

What the others said. For everyone who loves or celebrates this holiday, good for you, Have a blast. But for me, I personally find V-Day to be so...po...

14 years ago
RE: Cartoon Neworks action shows. (Ben 10, Rex, and Sym-Bionic Titan)

Eh, that's fine, like I said in my first post , I can have weird tastes; things I like a lot of people won't. I just think I'm a sucker of most any s...

14 years ago
RE: Cartoon Neworks action shows. (Ben 10, Rex, and Sym-Bionic Titan)

 Anyway, I'm not a good critic or anything, but I think if you give Generator Rex a bigger shot than one or two episodes it is a lot deeper than ...

14 years ago
RE: Cartoon Neworks action shows. (Ben 10, Rex, and Sym-Bionic Titan)

Sym-Bionic Titan is currently one of the best series I have ever watched. I was ready to call it quits with any action leads starring teenaged heroes ...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I have just finished Ghost Trick and my mind is mind-boggled and blown. I think this game broke the Plot Twist meter twice over. This game owns. Wit...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

Damn it. What is the point of living so close to Nintendo World (alright, three hour drive, but still) if I can't go daily and see all the awesomeness...

14 years ago

Got it, played it, loved it. Controls take some getting used to, but is otherwise responsive. Voice acting are all wonderful and I do enjoy the many ...

14 years ago
RE: The Youtube SuperThread!

Transformers Animated meets Gurran Lagaan. I am linking this because the former and this youtube video needs more love. OH YOU CRAZY JAPANESE WHAT WIL...

14 years ago
RE: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Topic (Demo released, too!)

Snagged the holiday themed Ghost Trick. Pretty short even for a demo (than again, you really only have a four-minute limit to beat the scenario), but ...

14 years ago
RE: Tokyo puts limits on manga and anime

there's some good to this. i been hoping there would be some control over anime and manga's content, its not healthy for kids to have a referen...

14 years ago
RE: The True Foe Lies Within The Self - Parasite Eve/The 3rd Birthday

^ you said it. Look at that suave S.O.B. rock that facial hair. He's probably pushing 40 by now but he's still got time to look good, I see...

14 years ago
RE: The True Foe Lies Within The Self - Parasite Eve/The 3rd Birthday

You have NO IDEA how excited I am to see Maeda. I adore that geek. 

14 years ago
RE: Dissidia getting a sequel

OOH. I approve of this addition of Laguna.

14 years ago
RE: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Topic (Demo released, too!)

I've been keeping a relatively good eye on news for this game. Excited doesn't even begin to cover it.

14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

Since the odds are I won't be buying a DS Lite back (what's the point at this...well, point), somebody import the game and do a Let's Play. Pretty ple...

14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

I realize I could import as well...then I remember reading somewhere that the DSi is apparently region blocked as oppose to previous DS handhelds. ARG...

14 years ago
RE: Nick's back, and he's not alone!

If I ever needed a reason to play the Ace Attorney games, it is NOW.

14 years ago
RE: Celebi and Victini Events (see post # 33 for details); Shiny Legendary Beasts for other Regions still going on (and General Pokemon Thread?)

The last rule actually says you need to have fewer than three Wonder Cards, so it sounds like you should be fine^^ That rule is just there for ...

14 years ago
RE: Celebi and Victini Events (see post # 33 for details); Shiny Legendary Beasts for other Regions still going on (and General Pokemon Thread?)

I got all excited up until the last rule which states I need at least three of those Wonder Cards. I don't think I have any of them and I have no clue...

14 years ago
RE: Guide books

I only use guides if I'm truly stuck in an area. Otherwise, I do my best to avoid them. Sometimes though, I just buy strategy guides for the prettyful...

14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

That's my initial theory, too. Humans = rare. I'm still a rad reluctant, but still damn excited for this game. 

14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

I know it is a relatively unknown game over these shores, but I will be VASTLY disappointed if they don't bring it over to the US. I am digging the ...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just beat Layton 3. Twas awesome, although I find myself very willing to cheat on the puzzles to get through the game... Honestly I play it primarily ...

14 years ago
RE: AMV Hell 5

Oooh, it's finally out. Awesome. ...I have nothing witty to add. EDIT: I just about lost it when the vuvulzalas interrupted Starscream's crowning (I...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

I know this is a big bump but remember today's the day that Nintendo is reavealing the big stuff about the 3DS; I'm using IGN's and Kotaku's coverage ...

15 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Just finished playing Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. ..... SADDEST. ENDING. EVER.

15 years ago
RE: Atop the Fourth Wall: Linkara Reviews "Sonic Live"

Oh, god, I still have that issue.  Hell, even as a kid (I got it when I was about nine), I found the main story nothing to sing about. The only ...

15 years ago
RE: Dissidia getting a sequel

I am SILLY to ask for Vivi, but I want him, damn it. I will buy a PSP if Vivi is announced. Yes, I love the character THAT much. And Setzer. Please ...

15 years ago
RE: lunchbox extreme yumminess!

You say it's yummy, but until you've tasted it I don't think you can claim it to be so. I've had sushi, and it's not quite as delicious as the Japanes...

15 years ago
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