Don't underestimate the Power of preview post.
HeromanXZeroProtoman wins at newbie-ing.
Lokki Gallansbayne (12:30 am): You have 14210604 Popularity Points! =(
"Hunh," thought Lokki, "Well, that's pretty distracting alright. Should be enough to allow the other team to infiltrate the base, at any rate. So mu...
"YAY! I GET TO TREAT WONDER AS A n00b!!!!!" Which, of course, means with the utmost respect and encouragement as they try to settle into our communit...
Right. SX has admitted he has no proof and has publicly apologised in chat for making such claims without proof. There's your retraction right there...
SC is talking about bag scanners here, not those walk-through metal detectors. I was under the impression that they actually looked inside bags using...
Rappy! Long time see. Rapidfire... man, there's name takes me back, all the way back to the days of ezChat, Acrio speaking in romaji and reference...
Just to let you know, Sonic games are meant to be discussed in South Island; Games Academy is more for gaming in General. So I'm gonna go ahead and m...
Hunh @ Boston, so it is. I didn't know that. Ne'ermind then. Anywho... *rolls over the pop-tart shelter, consuming all in his path*
It happened the day before as well. :O That was in the chat, though (although they both did have properly linked EB accounts bizarrely enough). Also...
Twenty-ten. Quicker and sounds better.
Holy crap that's pretty damn good.
"I was going to say 'but that's my rum', but yeah, sure, that too."
Once Geogwe was finished regaling the patrons of the inn with his tale of inter-dimensional adventure, Lokki turned his attention to the two dockhands...
Unless you're me. Only I may call him Patch. 😀
Doctor who?
Captain Gingerbread was not to be the only trouserless rapscallion to arrive at the sign of the Sexy Swan that evening. Precisely four and a half min... can you be wrong on SX?
All of a sudden, Lokki, who had gone for a quick swim while no-one was looking, was swept out to sea by a freak anomaly of current and swallowed whole...
Nook toss. Like the words. Also Lokki Gallansbayne is (again in terms of real words) low key gal LANs bane (the LANs is capitalised because it's an ...
I have experienced this phenomenon, Becca. The other night my court's fire alarm went off about four or five times in one night, mostly around 2-3am....
Oh aye. Make that most MPs belong to a particular party.
Segata Sanshiro, my lord and saviour! *bows down* I am not worthy!
No. You vote for whichever MP you want to represent your constituency in parliament. MPs belong to a particular party and which ever party gets the ...
Whoever posts after me has a small willy.
lol teh pix0rz And yes, I could drink in it. 😀
I went as a Viking. Pictures exist but I forget who has them. :S
"Congratulations on turning 18. You can have sex with someone, but you aren't mature enough to drink yet!" However, if you lived in Britain, you gain...
I did a crossover fanfic between the Legend of Zelda and my own Legend of Zelda rip-off universe once when I was but a wee lad. It's been pretty much...
I havne't done any pumpkins myself this year, but the Kambar had Jack Skellington, Ozzy Osbourne and I think Alice Cooper pumpkins on Thursday.
I remember you! Or your name at any rate! In the intervening years, I discovered heavy metal and drinking. I like to think it was a change for the ...
Danger! High Voltage, presumably.
Hm. It appears that most of my old avatars have been either deleted in various clean-ups I've done over the years (if I was home I could check my 320...
Haha I love the big flashy logos saying things like "6 GIG HARD DRIVE!" and "128 MB!". It's like something out of Strong Bad e-mail.
I saw a show once that was basically a what if documentary of what dragons would be like if they were real and how they would work and stuff. I can't...
'Cause I like the Sloganizer. Even though half the things it comes up with don't make any sense whatsoever. But the other half of the time I get a n...
I'm gonna be heading off to Cambridge tomorrow, so I almost certainly won't be online at all that day and probably not for a few days afterwards while...
Sorry Ultra, Kaze already took care of the shoelaces deal.
Ask Lighty for a squiggle. But why do you need to upload an HTML file anyway? I remember you said you were doing something crazy like getting all th...
Huge topics, eh? C'mon guys, let's see if we can't outdo Arikyrenne's intro topic. Oh yeah and hi Charley. I'm the resident dude-with-a-home-made-S...
What Patch said. No-one really has a problem with the occupation listing, but for whatever reason you seem to get hung up on defending it even though...
OOC: What Patch said. In its current state, this RP is going to generate no interest whatsoever. Think about it. Let's say there's a new movie comi...
Hilarious. 😀