Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 7, 2004
Topics: 11 / Replies: 159
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Not to nitpick, but Sonic IS a kinda whiney person...hog. Not whiney, to the extent you'd wanna tear his eyes out, but he's definitely had his moment...

18 years ago
RE: Nintendo gives Bush a DS and the game 'Brain Age'

What with the very sincere-looking letter, I'm kinda confused on the purpose of this... And this must be addressed: Quote:Dear load help us all. De...

18 years ago
RE: SIck of it all

*ponders a few moments before posting.* Be honest to yourself. You're certain this isn't just a phase? I'm not trying to read you; I don't even kno...

19 years ago
RE: Diabetics should not see this thread.

"It's just like if puppies and kittens could have babies!" Futurama, FTW! ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: The Final Fantasy III DSLite bundle looks hot!

*stares at the package.* Is that... Yunalesca!? ... ... Oh. It's like a compendium thing celebrating Final Fantasy in its intirety. I gots it. ...

19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 76
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:There's a big difference between a "sky god" and others of that ilk, and the idea of an ultimate "creator" god. The type of ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rivals announced for the PSP.

So. Silver premiered in Sonic the Hedgehog Next-Gen, and is still around here, so that means that he, and thus nobody in the game died, and the end o...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

My Lord, but aren't the people nowadays overly literal in their endeavors? ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

Even religiously, it can't yet be the end of the world... All sorts of stuff have to be fulfilled; like all the major countries of the world are suppo...

19 years ago
RE: The Offical Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Thread.

From what I've read, the only bad problem with the game to most fans is the gameplay. It's shaky, shoddy, slow, and just barely even sufferable. (S's...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

^Five bucks says he turns good at the end. ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Philosophical outlook on racism, etc...

Quote:Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many mes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? -----...

19 years ago
RE: Moon

Yeah. I remember reading on such conspiracy theories. It sounds plausible, and I often really wonder if the government is going all Big Brother on u...

19 years ago
RE: Philosophical outlook on racism, etc...

Quote:trust me if you were racially attacked you won't be thinking this way. people can be cruel at times, even jokes on TV cut deep. How many mes d...

19 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 122
RE: What'cha playin'?

Beat Final Fantasy X-2. Better than I expected, but still doesn't stand up to the original. Now to find a working VII disk... I'm now working on Ta...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone who believes that men and women are better suited...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

For some reason, the above sentence makes me giggle. ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

I'm not bothering to read through the better half of this page, but I'll state it like this: Anyone who doesn't believe that men and women are better...

19 years ago
RE: Sony takes out a $700,000,000 loan.

Quote:Conclusion: A large business borrowing money is about as newsworthy as me taking a piss. News at eleven! ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:Super Cool Admin: *logical based statement* Homophobic Lamer: Get off my internet. The ending tommorrow night at 11. D: ~Rico The day that...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:Yes, if that's what people in the far off future decide to do. They'll have their reasons. Get off my internet. ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

^Second'd. I kind of caught that, as I have a broad range of understanding, but some elaboration would be greatly helpful. ~Nytloc Penumbral Light...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Yeah, that's why driving is safe for blind people and not people with perfect 20/20 vision. And brain dead people voting was wrong before it was lega...

19 years ago
RE: Phoenix Wright's Forum Tally v4.0 - (2006)

Y halo thar, everyone. ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: The Wizard 2. Or how Nintendo lost the cool.

I read that book! It really wasn't all that bad, to be honest. Of course, the book's so olde (e-optional) it had used, I believe a Gameboy Color. ...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

DAH HAHAHAHA HAH AHAH AH HAH AH AHA HAHHH! That is all. ~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:The ONLY definition that's correct is virgin. That's why you don't get it. Homosexual = an attraction for the same sex/gender. "Homo"...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Nytloc, you're asking science to falsify something that is not falsifiable, and using its inability to do so as an argument against it. High fiv...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:Lust is an emotion. Power is NOT an emotion. If lust usually coincided with power, then there would be a lot more rapes going on. It would also ...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Theres one problem with your point. There is no human soul. Unless you can prove to me with any evidence that there is one your point is null. B...

19 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I'm TRYING to beat FFX-2 again. I loved the first one so danged much, and no matter how many times I try, a combination of many things, including the...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

While I don't think the series is at all complete and utter garbage since at any point in its entirety, I usually wouldn't consider even going into a ...

19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 107
RE: Music Bashing - What is the Point?

Am I honestly the only one who can listen to 'emo music,' (Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park; not the lesser extremes) and be completely and unadulteratingly...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Well, a bunch of idolatric youths have gone and riled me up again, so I've decided to grace this all with a response. Quote:...followed by... Quo...

19 years ago
RE: Bush bands protests at military funerals

No, no, no, no, no. Holding a rally against anybody's, and I do mean anybody's, funeral is asinine and overall dangerous. I don't care if it's Pope ...

19 years ago
RE: Music Bashing - What is the Point?

Pretty much Mike said. Other than sub-genres, there's not a type of music I don't like at least five songs from. There are a few exceptions... but t...

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

Quote:As Cyc mentioned, eventually the bricks would align to form a house. It might be as one in a thousand trillion chance, but sooner or later just ...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Quote:By now the more outspoken christians, and more extreme ones are itching, readying their paragraphs of links and reasons why there's nothing wron...

19 years ago
RE: Link's masculanity....

GAAAHH. MY EYES. THEY BURN. THEY BOOOOIIIINNN! Twilight Princess. Please come out so that you can trump these deprave intentions. This must be y...

19 years ago
RE: What is patriotism?

To me, Patriotism is simply someone under the impression that their country can do no wrong, regardless of its future actions, because it has done goo...

19 years ago
RE: A terrible thought...

Quote:After all, SEGA don't really have a continuity, normally they bearly mention past games. With the execption of Shadow TH and a couple of Metal S...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:The first demo showed off what's currently being dubbed an "action stage" set in an area currently known as "Kingdom Valley."...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Wait. This is seeming more and more familiar with each passing second... The main character with a large amount of shifting forms. One's been aroun...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rivals announced for the PSP.

I can't believe anyone hasn't made this comparison yet... This looks almost exactly like Sonic R! _R_ivals! Get it. Heh, heh... I'm so witty. Right...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

Okay. This flappin' (Did I just say flappin'?) dictionary stuff is a load of rubbish. I know it's from a dozen pages back, but I want the liberals (...

19 years ago
RE: The Kingdom Hearts thread

Wanna review? Hate waiting for two weeks to get it? Too bad, I don't review games 'til I beat 'em. Here ya go, anyway: Disclaimer: I'm not gonna...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

Whoa, whao... Huh. What? I'm confused. Redthehedgehog put a screenshots list on the wrong forum on the Gaming Forum, and the one screenshot that lo...

19 years ago
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