Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 8, 2007
Topics: 3 / Replies: 34
RE: Am I a bad Sonic fan?

I thought hurting Sonic was what all good Sonic fans loved. One could get that impression reading any random fanfic, or even the really good ones. ^...

18 years ago
RE: So I just played Sonic 2

Quote:"Oh I'm supposed to do that? Wow I did it and won. I feel empty inside." Why though? That's what I don't get about Sonic & the s...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Help

I'm not stuck on the game, but I experianced weird things I feel the need to get off my chest. Within less than a month of buying the game and within...

18 years ago
RE: Your Fantasy Sonic Game!

In my humble opinion, _no_one_ can think of a Sonic game that even just all the fans would like, let alone anyone else!! For example a number of p...

18 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

I believe nothing about it unless I see shops stocking it.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I saw a great movie the other day, called Lola Rennt, or Run Lola Run. I'd read a review that said it was best watched in german, with subtitles (if ...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I saw a great movie the other day, called Lola Rennt, or Run Lola Run. I'd read a review that said it was best watched in german, with subtitles (if ...

18 years ago
RE: Is Eating Chocolate a Crime?

fair trade chocolate tastes better than all other chocolate, especially Hershey's, IMHO. ^^; I'm a brit, but I lived in Kansas for a year. I'm not ...

18 years ago
RE: The "What games can you -not- beat?" thread

Every single computer game known to man is a game I cannot beat. Well so long as I define 'beating a game' as completing it with all the special rew...

18 years ago
RE: Peanut butter recall for salmonella

Quote:wierd, 'Jif' was the name for a cleaning product over here before they realised that people over on mainland europe couldn't pronounce it, and s...

18 years ago
RE: Questions of the week 2/13: I know what you did last QotW!

I like these topics, I'm a survey fiend 1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Strawberry. The classic pink kind, or the one with mashed bit...

18 years ago
RE: Oh no....

I've been 23 since January, it ain't so bad! ^^; Happy Birthday!

18 years ago
RE: Your first game overs

The first time I played Sonic, I barely made it a couple of meters in the first zone. (I couldn't figure out how to jump. )

18 years ago
RE: What kind of Music do you think Suits Sonic?

I lost my Sonic Adventure 2 saved file along with all my other saved games recently due to my memory card going haywire on me. So I happened to be li...

18 years ago
RE: Need a title of a song (actually it's more like a jingle)

Most of my favourite dance songs praise God or Jesus (and I'm a Wiccan, but I heart Christians )

18 years ago
RE: Happy 16th, SX.

Hey, Happy Birthday! You're an aquarius like me!

18 years ago
RE: Questions of the week 02/06 QotW 2:The Questioning

How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? looking for a job is what I'm doing now... but that doesn...

18 years ago
RE: I'm just about had it up to here with you shadow naysayers

I just took it for granted that they would bring Shadow back somehow after SA2. I thought surely they wouldn't just forget about such a neat characte...

18 years ago
RE: Different drinking habits...

Quote:waitresses only make $2.13 an hour Crud! Emigrate to Britain, girl! I got 5.35 an hour as a waitress with no previous expericance over here....

18 years ago
RE: A Really Dumb Thing...

I had to eat coco puffs and orange juice for a dare when playing a truth or dare card game. It wasn't all that bad really. Bit like a soggy chocolat...

18 years ago
RE: I'm New...Welcome Me

Hello! I'm relatively new too. Here is a rose for you as a welcoming gift: They seem a nice bunch around here, I'm sure you'll have a nice time.

18 years ago
RE: Request for a screenshot of Rouge in Shadow the Hedgehog

thanks for the picture Psxphile, but yeah the other is too blurry ^^ Now to the drawing board!

18 years ago
RE: Sonic fans at their proudest

When I got an A grade for GCSE Art (they are exams you take when you're 16 in England. Some people leave school after taking them, so they're quite i...

18 years ago
RE: Best StC Original Character?

Quote:the bunny with the weird staff Johnny Lightfoot? I suppose STC developed his character the most, but he wasn't invented by anyone who worked o...

18 years ago
RE: When did amy stop lovin' sonic?

Quote:It's sad really, but then Sonic's personality in Fleetway was never the most attractive one. Absolutely. When Sonic the Comic was the only lin...

18 years ago
RE: Moments in Sonic That Gave You The Heebie-Jeebies

The spikes that come out of the wall in Sonic 1, Marble garden Zone. Reason being I have a morbid fear of injections and needles in general, so it wa...

18 years ago
RE: Why the lack of hints for Sonic Rivals?

Thanks! I've tried out your tips, and they've helped me get along with the game a bit ^^

18 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Right Now? Aye.... Don't know << >> ('s a new song on the radio)

18 years ago
RE: The Fun Q &amp; A Post

There's currently a vacancy for that position *puppy dog eyes* which animal do you consider yourself most like?

18 years ago
RE: He's Back...

Hello there! I'm new ^^ *gingerly proffers her paw* So don't worry I don't remeber anything you did! p.s. yo Sakaki22, your sig rulez. (it's the...

18 years ago
RE: Why the lack of hints for Sonic Rivals?

At time of posting this I hadn't really investigated all the boards I only noticed that I had posted in the wrong board when it was a bit too late. ...

18 years ago
RE: Ever...dreamt about Sonic?

I have dreamed about 4 times that I _am_ Sonic, including one dream of an extremely hot date with Princess Sally. I also get dreams about reading a...

18 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 105
RE: Video Game Remix Recommendations

I've not ventured out of the Sonic remix section of that website, but I concur with those recommendations. I also like the Marble garden and 'drownin...

18 years ago
RE: Hello!

Quote:*steals your sanity* Quote: *steals the newbie's shoelaces anyhow, be careful to keep her spork hidden* So that's why my head felt strangely e...

18 years ago
18 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 93