^Taken care of. The movie leaves us with a bit of a conundrum: where did Sari's Cybertronian protoform come from? And as you ponder this enig...
Caught the Transwarped movie this morning. Good stuff. Spoiler [+] Sari kills Bumblebee 😮
It was entertaining. Some people are just being prissy. Now me, I read the title and immediately envisioned Eggman going on a slow, madness-induce...
ElectronicFiles.net suffered a huge hard drive crash back in February. Naturally, everything I uploaded on there went poof, including the huge aniGIF ...
She's got such a lovely voice. ;_; Great song! And now, we go from Nanotech to Macropinna.
Sooo... she's the female equivalent of Michael Winslow? Fun date.
The playable NPC gave it away. I wouldn't have guessed it was a Tales game, otherwise. Actually, it looked more like something Quintet might'...
Taking a stab here: Tales of Phantasia. Debuted on Super Fami and never made it over here. Was ported to the PS1 (and included a new party member ...
Dilemma: apparently 80GB of hard drive space is insufficient these days (well, for me). I decided to grab myself a second hard drive. I ordered a SATA...
It's always funny to see an innocent discussion slowly edge precariously closer to the darkness.
Sure ain't the mullet.
For the record, isn't Fang technically a creation of Sega of Japan? In the grand scheme of things I doubt it matters all that much, but inter-off...
friggin stab in the--- GET OVER HERE!! *noogiesyou* FM3 was the shiz. It's the first one I've played, and it's the only one I like....
Is it... someone we should always bet on?
Oh, so it's confirmed you start out with a gimped Sonic, just like in Secret Rings? Dang.
Huh... I thought that Knuckles in the last panel looked kind of familiar!
It's a Front Mission...
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Why are you so good at this game! Not a day goes by I don't ask myself the same q...
Silver didn't win the last character poll. So, no. But I do foresee a Sonic & Knuckles 2 in our future... ooooh wee ooooh....
Also, would Sonic Team actually give a damn about this poll? Most of them don't even know who the Chaotix are.
I was actually hoping they'd go the extra mile with Marine's "thought process" and have them done in a pseudo-crayon style for max...
Brain Dead 13. It was released first for PC and then to various CD-based consoles including the PS1, Sega Saturn and 3DO. The FMV Trial and Error ...
hells to the yeah!
... But... Jill's dead. D:
What gave it away, the complete lack of color? Yeah, it's a GameBoy game. It's also one of those rare gems like The Guardian Legend that mi...
oh man, really reaching back now... this one blew me away back in 1990.
She'd probably be redesigned/reimagined anyway, seeing as Honey was never officially unveiled.
I've never played Illbleed, but I figure that's probably a good thing! So yeaaaah, that second pic totally gave it away. That Woody/Indi...
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Mmmmmmetal Warriors? Judges? ::PING!:: You are correct sir, the game in questi...
Doncha mean Silver Knuckles? Or Mecha Knuckles? Or... aw, forget it. He ain't comin' back.
Music staffs are Jun Senoue Richard Jacques Howard Drossin Tommy Tallarico Yutaka Minobe Hikaru Tanimoto How...
Eh, didn't think it'd be this obscure. Okay, time for some blatant clue-ing: this game was developed using the Z.A.M.N. engine. ...
Resident Evil 5 the last in-continuity RE? A 'reboot' to follow? Scroll down a bit to see the blurb. Actually, there's all kinds of...
Surprisingly, the game this screen shot hails from was developed here in the U.S. Also, it's for the SNES. And eerily resembles another 2...
Hm... Star Wars? 'Ladies night'? Something's... not right...
oh yeeeeah...
Seiken Densetsu a.k.a. Final Fantasy Adventure a.k.a. Secret of Mana Zero Fun game.
(I'm using the 360 pad)
Ash... it hurts...
inb4 hardcore/casual politics
That's no rat...
Aw, I wanted Game Trailers to do the first retrospective on Sonic. But what we have here is pretty good, the interviews being the high points.
Yeah Nega X, that's what I'm talking about, that's mah DAWG.