Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 30, 2001
Topics: 8 / Replies: 202
RE: SATam DVD release?

Quote:I've got hundreds more where that came from... ^_^ If only they made plushes of the other angel island characters

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

So here's a thought. Wide angle lenses suffer from barrel distortion. Stay away from closeups when taking photos with one of them compact cameras/webc...

18 years ago
RE: Student posts bomb threat online; charged with felony

Quote:but now it doesn't because it happens at most (if not all) public high schools around here good god. That is some amazing stuff. When I was in ...

18 years ago
RE: Could genetic testing lead to a society of mediocrity?

It's quite interesting. In America _millions_ of kids (something like 3-5% of students in America) been diagnosed with ADHD. The number of kids with p...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Well if we didn't know that #172's cover said something about "Scourge's Secret Date" it's pretty easy to pass off what Scourge said in #165...

18 years ago
RE: Make Your Own Mii

Wow that really _is_ completely disturbing It's the nose that does it.

18 years ago
RE: Do I creep you out?

You are kind of asking for it, Ultra, but I will resist. What is this song that all of you speak of?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Quote:how our legal system would deal with the rammifications of timetravel and magic-exposure Well i'm pretty sure how it *would* work is the legal ...

18 years ago
RE: Student posts bomb threat online; charged with felony

Bomb threats? Three? Several alarms in the past few months? o.o Is this stuff actually common enough in America that bomb threats are expected to ha...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #172 & Sonic X #17 Previews

Quote:So what's left for everyone's favorite princess? Perhaps Sally just needs some time to herself. Who wouldn't be exhausted, after years and year...

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

So let's take a moment to think about this. Hate? Hate as in, if I saw this or that person walk down the street i'd scoot over and punch him/her in th...

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Quote:I have officially given up, bleh. Didn't Dirk or someone else mention, earlier in this thread, that some people join in like the last week and ...

18 years ago
RE: SATam DVD release?

[bw1979's post, moved from another thread] I'm just curious as to what Ben Hurst will say when he is interviewed for the boxset. I'm sure he'll talk...

18 years ago
RE: I'm Just Curious as to what Ben Hurst will say:

[reposted in the DVD thread] [locked]

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Don't you all think there's a certain point in the writing of any novel after which it becomes really easy to continue/finish? Hope you all are over t...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Songoose, to be precise, is an execrable two-part story that featured Mina. It's the story that's execrable, not Mina. Speaking of which, does the fo...

18 years ago
RE: Guess who says hello.

wow it has been a while, hasn't it ;o wb

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Charles, if you did have some kind of overall point to your post, it isn't very clear to me. Please clarify for our benefit. Abac, I feel personally ...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Quote:given the info available it is pretty clear that it was the right decision at that time Quote:We could armchair quarterback the decision for dec...

18 years ago
RE: Are you playing Sega Saturn?

Then trust me, Kat, when I say that it's worth the trouble ;p

18 years ago
RE: Rated R movies all around!!!

happy birthday ;o Quote:i have it worse pfft they seem to give chicks a much easier time at the clubs here :/ when I show up at the door with my do...

18 years ago
RE: Recommendations to the democrats

Quote:socialist Quote:low taxes on everybody but the top brackets Aren't the two generally incompatible? I'm also in favor of a progressive tax on th...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

ARGH I'M GOING TO DROWN YOU VEC On a more serious note, since you (N87) said you're from Virginia - do people generally consider Mr Macaca to be an a...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Weren't people complaining during the Nate era that the comic didn't need another brainiac to clutter it up and take the focus away from Rotor and Tai...

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Dirk - first of all you've got a typo You forgot to capitalize Homer in the sentence about the Earth being round. Second, I like it. To me it has t...

18 years ago
RE: Are you playing Sega Saturn?

How 'bout let's cut this... uh entity some slack since it's its first post (unless of course it's just some bored forumer trying for a bit of fun). An...

18 years ago
RE: Well, e knew this was going to happen

Quote:"FedEx" wow that's funny *and* cruel Speaking of cruel, here's stuff from FedEx's interview with Salon below! Quote: Why do you thi...

18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

About Virginia, it's not yet a foregone conclusion that the margin will be within 1%. Right now, the provisional ballots are being added up, and we'll...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Cycle, you just might have gotten trolled by SX. Unless of course you're trolling me

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:6th thug with actual interesting powers would have been preferable Well there's the mysterious Dr Finitevus for that eh ;o Let's see where Ian ...

18 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 82
RE: Wow, nice forum

Welcome, and... Quote:Aho. the devil is this?

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Quote:We don't want you to leave. We just want you to stop sucking. Bravo, hear hear, etc. Quote:Besides, the world hates us when we don't police th...

18 years ago
RE: Mortgages

So the reason he's received an offer for a mortgage of a higher value is that property prices have risen. This is a way to cash in on that without act...

18 years ago
RE: sonic fan

Welcome Alba. New blood is always tasty

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

I disagree. Vote as much or as little as you like, and complain as much or as little as you like. That seems a bit disingenuous at best. Either choos...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

I think it's interesting how America has gone from being totally isolationist in the early 20th to "spreading Democracy" and "promoting...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:if they keep this mush of plot and characters together... Elias, does this mean that you'll only be satisfied if/when the comic reverts to _jus...

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

However you vote, know this: the world is watching. Not that most Americans have ever cared too much about that

18 years ago
RE: Saddam to be hanged.

Quote:After Saddam gets his last rights read, and right before he gets hanged... BAM! Pie in the face! A televised hanging might be bloodthirsty, but...

18 years ago
RE: Halloween Costumes?

Quote:how did you manage to drink through that? oo; fo sho it isn't halloween unless you're projectile vomiting into the gutter! Did you cut a hole i...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

cheesy garbage dialogue? You mean lines like "Tone it down on the volume and the macho", or "You work for me... and I won't kill you?&...

18 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

Many people have mentioned many excellent pencillers, but I miss WB. A lot. He contributed so much to RtAI, as others have mentioned. I remember Ron ...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

Quote:It's a lot preferably to wasting most of a year tying up loose ends most people didn't give a cack about the first time round and, in some cases...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

a) I think you'll agree that the cover of #166 is pretty sophisticated: b) The entire dialogue for #165 is as far removed from garbage as is possib...

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

This quote is a bit flip but i'm going to use it anyway: "The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven." What you acknowledge as the core of ...

18 years ago
RE: Four-legged chick killed by extra anus

Quote:"He developed two bottoms and I think he got glugged up," she said. Did anyone else find that curiously disturbing?

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

With the very noticeable exception of the RtAI arc, Dirk. Elias, it looks like you read #161 (which is like a homage to the early comic IMO, and poss...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

So who mentioned a "vast right wing conspiracy" in this thread? Oh wait. I have several names for you: Halliburton Gilead Phamaceutical th...

18 years ago
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