Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 30, 2001
Topics: 8 / Replies: 202
RE: Jumped the Shark..

I feel that the comic did go downhill after ~120 or so. Yes, Songoose was rubbish and #150 too. But I feel that Ian is doing a pretty good job cleanin...

18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

Quote:I think it's kinda sad that some of the people here train themselves to be so hateful against Fox News, that whenever they hear Fox, they immedi...

18 years ago
RE: Remember Rememeber

Chibi and any other Brits that might be hanging around: Are you guys sympathetic to Guy Fawkes? At all? Or do you file him under "Crazy Anarchis...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Quote:The truth is that Dems don't have much of a platform to run on, so the bulk of campaigning is done to discredit Republicans. Good god; are you ...

18 years ago
RE: Saddam to be hanged.

Quote:he should be hung anyway It's dead meat that's hung. I'd have been in favor of keeping him on ice till after the violence in Iraq died down. A...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Quote:It's like they're each others' campaign managers. nah, perhaps that's too drastic to say. I wouldn't disagree though, that both the GOP and the...

18 years ago

Holy thread resurrection, Batman! Chibi, I must have missed that pic but it's some hilarious $@!%.

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Well now, SSS, I suppose that's a matter of taste then. Look forward to seeing what you come up with. Quote:Unlike in past years, this is the story I...

18 years ago
RE: Dimension Dominate (AoStH/Sailor Moon) (Ep. 6, pt 2 up)

I skimmed it. "Buttnik" in italics repeatedly made me giggle my pizza up my nose.

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

Quote:But as along as you have scripture and the Lord behind you, you can challenge anyone or anything. Verily I say to you that I don't have the Lor...

18 years ago
RE: Hey Guys And Gals, Dimitri Fanart Fer Ya

Oh you came back! With MOAR! *cheer* Please make EVEN MOAR! I do like it. There is a minor quibble I have with the panel in the top left, where it l...

18 years ago
RE: Fanfic - Shades of Grey (Part 4 new)

I'm glad the both of you like it The ranking thing is something I came up with on the spur of the moment, hence its absence from anything and ev...

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

So SSS, perhaps you shouldn't tell yourself that you've got to carefully introduce everything and everyone before you start writing actual plot. Why n...

18 years ago
RE: Devil Worship: Why?

Rico, your shade is broken. Bring it back. Also: Quote:They're ALL wrong. Exactly. Although perhaps the classification of Satanism into a religion ...

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

Ultra Sonic, I notice a third of your statistics refer to the officer corps. Those numbers are in no way representative of the educational status of t...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

Hidoi, i'm pretty sure "mon fils" translates to "my son". Instead, "mon fille" would be "my daughter". Quote:...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

Quote:2) trying to kill him off. I like how this gets to the heart of the matter And now that you mention it, it _would_ be a pretty awesome send-...

18 years ago
RE: On the topic of live action movies...

Now this is some truly terrifying stuff How on earth are they going to update the look of Speed Racer for the 21st century? Does anyone have any co...

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Remember kids, melodrama is not literary

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

Just as long as you get off to a good start ;o i've had to trash thousands of words written in a hurry before Why does your counter say 15 days to ...

18 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #102.5 (FROM THE FUTURE!)

Haven't got a witty caption for this one, but where on earth did you get that photo?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic # 168 Spoilers

The main story does sound like a pretty neat (and exciting!) way to tie up the narrative mess that Ian inherited. But what does everyone think of th...

18 years ago
RE: o__O; I'm a legal adult.

Congratulations on turning 18. You can have sex with someone, but you aren't mature enough to drink yet! Quote:I have to give a speech on my birth...

18 years ago
RE: Is Halloween officially dead?

nah Halloween's just an excuse to have sexy parties and get absolutely smashed. At least if you're in college. I never understood trick or treating t...

18 years ago
RE: Hey Guys And Gals, Dimitri Fanart Fer Ya

It's an interesting premise, and the art is lovely I like the way you've managed to get the same consistent look that both characters have in the co...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

*cough* Oh dear I wouldn't want you to think that i'm favor of forcing the entire rich western world to turn to eating vat grown algae or anything li...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

My apologies, Ultra. Obviously that's incorrect. I intended to quote the following statistic: Quote:Grain-fed beef production takes 100,000 liters of...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Any idea how many pounds of grain it takes to make a pound of beef? I'm pretty sure it's in the hundreds. The amount of energy we consume relative to ...

18 years ago
RE: Danger, Danger! High Voltage Pants!

don't worry, you look very (a)cute in that lovely pic you've got in that title of yours

18 years ago
RE: Do you like to write books??

Frederik i'm not sure what you're saying, but it sounds disturbing What is your native language?

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Do you think that all the Muslims in the world, not just the crazy fanatics but all of them, are in favor of the concept of a worldwide caliphate? Hon...

18 years ago
RE: Danger, Danger! High Voltage Pants!

That's wonderful initiative, Crimson! Now put in the glowy bits and all will be well with the world

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Ladies and gents, I would like to direct your attention to the country just north of my hometown. It is one of the few predominantly Muslim yet hetero...

18 years ago
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

a. this really ancient handheld tetris thing. I occasionally turn it on for kicks. console? I have a totally whacked out SNES with an unofficial flopp...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Quote:Why don't we just all assume that the Japanese are sofar peaceful because Japanese people are all so quiet and polite and gentle? That would be ...

18 years ago
RE: Danger, Danger! High Voltage Pants!

<laaaandaaaahn accent> Come on give it to us luv, yer know yer wants to! *tempts*

18 years ago
RE: The Fun Q &amp; A Post

a. It would be stealing! Ram it up your nostrils, cut your nose off, and run to give it to the nearest shocked passerby for penance! The voices made y...

18 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2006

So Crimson and Dirk are writing heavily sci-fi inflected stories. Just thought it curious (or perhaps not so curious ). So then, what's everyone else...

18 years ago
RE: Danger, Danger! High Voltage Pants!

Mememememe, WE WANT YAOI AND WE WANTS IT NOW! Let's embarass the elephant crowd into the woodwork! It's time for a new era of ecchi free love and...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Stumble, let me put it this way. You seem to have adopted a viewpoint that somehow partitions Japanese society into its cultural, political, and econo...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Good lord, you're judging a culture solely on the basis of SOME of its buildings? SOME of its most heavily WESTERN inflected buildings? Taken in the h...

18 years ago
RE: Danger, Danger! High Voltage Pants!

It's hilarious, electric breasts GOGOGO BUT IT'S WRONG OH GOD IT'S WRONG. This is totally the sort of thing people who are on drugs see in their ...

18 years ago
RE: So, I'm no longer a boyfriend...

Congratulations on your engagement, Jin Very happy for you

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Quote:it has only gained acceptance through assimilation with Western (white) ideology Are you kidding? Japanese culture is about as far removed from...

18 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Ah time for me to show Archie _my_ dental work. The backup in Sonic #167 was shockingly lame If I was Dan i'd give it a fricking *asymptotically* n...

18 years ago
RE: Bush cuts and runs

Oh this is delicious, from "Stay the course" to "every necessary change". We could probably compile an hour's worth of clips of m...

18 years ago
RE: hellooooooo

Welcome to the forum, hd2k Hope you have a good time here.

18 years ago
RE: What's your favorite animal?

I can't imagine what a scorpion might have to do with fengshui I find emperor penguins of all ages to be impossibly cute.

18 years ago
RE: I feel sorry for children today. A great curse has come

Craig, what's British Bulldog? It sounds fascinating

18 years ago
RE: Teen Questioned over Bush threats in Myspace

Silly fox, it's not a crime if the president does it! He's not a crook!

18 years ago
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