Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Sep 26, 2001
Topics: 1 / Replies: 50
RE: I guess it's confirmed about Fantastic Four 2...(SPOILERS)

Space Cloud? Where's Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes when you need them?

18 years ago
RE: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Isn't Mars' atmosphere mostly made of CO2?

18 years ago
RE: The Great Global Warming Swindle

I give this 'documentary' the same leeway I give "An Inconvenient Truth" meaning not much. No matter where you go or where you get your inf...

18 years ago
RE: Steve Rogers(Captain America) 1941 -2007

Quote:You realise The Punisher is the one who picked up his mask, right? ...FRANK "I'LL KILL YOU DEAD" CASTLE! Everybody run! Cap's got a ...

18 years ago
RE: What will YOU be reincarnated as?

Hm, I'll be a wolf... Coolness

19 years ago
RE: Silly PETA, fish are for eating!

Some facts about PETA. 1) They take in about 29 million dollars worth of donations. (Since they are a non-profit organization, their finacial record...

19 years ago
RE: Teen Titans - No More?

Quote:At least Deathstroke is a no-nonesense overused and spead to the point of Wolverineish tendancy with a basic "Money = Kill" motive, im...

19 years ago
RE: Teen Titans - No More?

I've known about this for about a month, it doesn't really disappoint me as I only watched a handful of episodes. At least the comic is in no danger o...

19 years ago
RE: Alternate History (A Fun Game)

Maybe we would've seen George McFly flying on a hoverboard. What if the United States had not signed the Treaty of Ghent and won the War of 1812?

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

My point was that I don't buy the arguement of the vegetarian diet as being more 'moral' than an omnivore diet. Many animals die in the harvest of gra...

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

Well I have this this saying: "The difference between an omnivore and a vegetarian is that that vegetarian never sees the animals they kill on th...

19 years ago
RE: I just saw a video...

Well I wasn't expecting anyne to believe me anyway. Not to say I personally support Peta, just saying. The only reason I entered the discussion was t...

19 years ago
RE: I just saw a video...

This is what I got off another forum, it's from an Anti-PeTA board so the source may be questionable but I find them more trustworthy than PeTA and it...

19 years ago
RE: I just saw a video...

Maybe I should have elaborated more, there's many questions to the video like when was it filmed and who did it. From what I hear many of these heinou...

19 years ago
RE: I just saw a video...

PeTA has been known to exaggerate or outright lie to the public, they have no crediblity to me whatsoever.

19 years ago
RE: I just saw a video...

Edit: Where did this video come from. If it's PeTA's involved in anyway, odds are it is heavily edited or altered. Still I ahbor the use of domestic a...

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

Quote:I believe PETA and organisations like it have reasonable complaints, but they take the whole issue too far, in my opinion, in what should be don...

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

Quote:Besides which, the Europeans brought the beavers over here in the first place. They're not native to the land Actually Cyke, the Beaver is nati...

19 years ago
RE: My family

Fate has smiled on you Dub and you deserve it ten times over. Here's to years of happiness with your new;y-discovered family

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

Well considering that Andira Hinkle and Andrew Cook, two PeTA employees have been charged with 31 counts of animal cruelty each*, I would say that I w...

19 years ago
RE: Futurama direct-to-video movie greenlighted!!

Quote:By that line of reasoning, Star Trek is real, and by now Khan and his supermen have taken over a good chunk of the world. Ah yes the Eugenics ...

20 years ago
20 years ago
RE: Explosions in London, Underground closes...

This was a city that was pounded during the Blitz, yet they told Hitler where to stick his Lutwaffe. Where do these terrorists think they could succee...

20 years ago
RE: Live 8. The long walk to justice.

Because I am a cynical one, ultimately these artists will accomplish nothing. This really affirms my disdain for celebrities; thinking there is a simp...

20 years ago
RE: Crazy Frog is UK #1 in the charts

Send Crazy Frog to Las Vegas. That's how Canada got rid of Celine Dion.

20 years ago
RE: Amnesty Int'l report slams US, Canada

Quote: This from the same group that complained every time Gary Larsen drew a comic strip showing a medieval dungeon.... Please tell you are joking. ...

20 years ago
RE: Dananananananananananana...(spoilers maybe)

Hm? I heard about that a while ago. This Batman movie definitely has an impressive cast.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote: yo i dont see why people like bush If you read this topic top to bottom you'd see why.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote: 9.1 billion is not even a wing of B2 Bombers. This is the great and mighty record surplus of Canada? Oh excuse us Jimro, not every nation on t...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Very good comparison between the Sock Puppet (which still stalks my nightmares) and the whole dot com crash to the current administration. It...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

That last post is giving me a case a deja vu. Meaning I think we already covered that ground regarding Clinton.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro, Yes, Reaganomics worked. For only about one year, two years maybe before massive deficits piled up. I prefer Keyesian (spelling?) style econo...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Rico, I don't think I can contribute anything of use to this topic so I'll butt out before this gets ugly.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Really? What can I say that Cycle, Eon, Cooki haven't? Any ounce of common sense they had in their post seems to slide off your skin like teflon. B...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Yeah because in the Bush administration's twisted sense of entitlement, the Iraqi Oil belongs to America. With Bush in charge I doubt America musch le...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Oh look Jimro you just contradicted yourself, there goes your arguement. Quote:Nations always act in their own best interest. and... Quote:Ousting ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Historically wars are fought over territory, resources or jealousy Jimro. Notably there are a few exceptions like the American Revolution but those ar...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:When the canadian provinces stop subsidizing logs by setting the price they sell to mills (instead of fair market value), then Canada will have ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Oh let's see... top level officials throwing immature insults at France and Germany. (The New York Post front page depicting Jacques Chirac and Gerhar...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Cyke, when you have the time I'd like to see the rest. Even though I'm strongly against Bush and his policies, I'm getting morbidly curious. 0_0 EDIT...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:America must be the most capitalistic country in the world. Say what? I really don't know what you're getting at there.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

For what it's worth Cycle I thought it was an extremely well thought out article that did somewhat resonate with my opinion of Bush. I find that the w...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:If a tax cut stimulates the economy so that there is more money to be taxed then tax revenue stays the same and the economy grows. Rush Limbaugh...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:If you're devoutly religious, your best choice is to ignore the various forms of the Bible for all religions, and put your faith in your God, ra...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Where were the protesters during the Democratic covention? Maybe they were on vacation

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Well Cyke, I always thought of Bush more as a puppet for Haliburton and other corporations than a leader.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Jimro, I didn't understand what you meant with that last statement, can you please elaborate?

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

(sarcasm)Thank you worker exploitation.(end sarcasm)

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Kerry believes in globalism. I thought Kerry believed in protectionism... or is that one of his many flip-flops?

20 years ago
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