Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Apr 29, 2004
Topics: 15 / Replies: 293
RE: Here's something a little too close to home...(NIU Shooting)

So much for showing respect for the dead. It's good to hear that everyone's safe (relatively speaking). Hopefully reason will start to settle in.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Crap, am I late for the party. Sorry ShortChan, but RoboRobotnik did not come from the same zone as Cyborg Sonic. I don't have the scans, but both th...

17 years ago
RE: Acorn counsel: democratics, republicians, or other

True, but that doesn't mean we can't try.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 & Sonic X #33 Previews

Sonic on SX#33's cover is priceless. XD

17 years ago
RE: Newest Sonic Design Revealed in Nintendo Power

This thread was pure win until I saw that.

17 years ago
RE: Jack Thompson defends Mass Effect

Wait a minute, Fox News report? I remember watching that, and it was the woman reporter, the woman psychiatrist, and the guy from Spike TV. The repo...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Offtopic - So, which #185 discussion topic are we actually supposed to discuss #185? Ontopic - I can't remember which issue/story (I think Ron Lim wa...

17 years ago
RE: Future Games You're Looking Forward too!

1. Super Smash Bros Brawl - just like 90% of the rest of the forum 2. Sonic Chronicles - Go Bioware! 3. Samba De Amigo - this game + Wii = win 4. ...

17 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Right now a friend and I are trying to beat Ecco the Dolphin. We're on Dark Water I, trying to defeat the Asterite.

17 years ago
RE: Nudity

It's kind of bad you're afraid of your penis. Awesome. In all seriousness, nudity as art is perfectly acceptable. In Life Drawing, we drew nude male...

17 years ago
RE: The spirit of 'AoStH' lives on!

...maybe they purposely altered them...?

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Yeah, except for the whole coming back randomly in Sonic Heroes thing. But seriously, this chunk of news has given me a fangasm.

17 years ago
RE: America claims legal right to abduct UK citizens.

The core concept of this procedure isn't the thing that scares me. What really scares me is that the US government can use this as a stepping-stone t...

17 years ago
RE: How old is sonic now??!

Just because he didn't experience that whole year doesn't mean his body didn't age. Seriously, other than maybe a gray hair or two and the whole driv...

17 years ago
RE: A Tiny Problem with SatAM's Season 3

The problem is that the finale left us on a cliffhanger. The writers, particularly Ben Hurst, already had a good bit of Season 3 planned out, includi...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic X #21 review. Now with 50 points of articulation!!

Quote:Tails is even freaked out by the evil looking plush of himself. Behold! The Origin of the Tails Doll!

17 years ago
RE: Sega to put Sonic console games on hiatus.

This is great news. So long as they bring him back, I'm all for a little change. ^__^

17 years ago
RE: Sonic...Risk?

Just looking a that page made a little bit of my soul die. Even though it's 100% bulls***, it's enough to make me cringe.

17 years ago
RE: Mario in the comics?

Is Hell freezing over?? This is a "Very No" situation in my book.

17 years ago
RE: About Ian...

1 ) Sonic desperately needs to grow up. Admittedly, his time away (which actually took some time away) puts him at a disadvantage, so to speak; but ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #173 spoilers and discussion

This is nice. Some slight rebuilding between Sonic and Sally. I'm not really complaining. It took them 13+ years to finally start actual dating. I...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X 21, Sonic The Hedgehog 177, Sonic Archive 4 Preview

Erm... 1 ) How many Sonic stories have the title "Sub-Sonic"? 2 ) The cover's nice, but how does it tie in with the story...?

18 years ago
RE: ReTURN of a Dream... (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)

Yeah, let's wait a bit and see if any new information sprouts up. I hate this time of the year....

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X Tracing Contraversy at Scans Daily

Do I have to put [sarcasm] tabs everywhere? There's absolutely no need for everyone to freak out. So it's been a while. I put them both in the same...

18 years ago
RE: Booing vill not be tolerated!

And there goes Freedom of Speech.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X Tracing Contraversy at Scans Daily

Geez, even "Hands" was better than this.

18 years ago
RE: Dark Sonic Image Request

Horaay! Secret Rings has been spoiled! Ah well, thanks for the high quality pic! I was mostly referring to the Sonic X Dark Sonic though. And wher...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #172 Love Them Spoilers!

Compare it to any random story from last year, then.

18 years ago
RE: Dark Sonic Image Request

Alright, we've fixed my sig, but no picture? :<

18 years ago
RE: World War III just BARELY averted....

Hmm... World War I - Austrian prince assassinated World War II - Hitler's declaration of war against world World War III - Swiss army getting lost Ye...

18 years ago
RE: Latest Sonic Channel update

She uses her Tarot cards to find the treasure for her "Incredibly Hopeful Chest".

18 years ago
RE: Dark Sonic Image Request

This I knew. I'm just too lazy to fix it. EDIT: There. Fixed it. Happy now?

18 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 29
RE: Sonic's Personality

Different Personalities = Different Acceptance Levels of Characters Different Accpectance Levels of Characters = Differing Opinions Different Opinio...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic's Personality

...How the hell did we get from "personality" to "chubbiness"...?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic's Personality

Agreed. Sonic and the Secret Rings does try to remedy this cheesiness, and that's mostly the reason why I love the game. I personally thing that Seg...

18 years ago
RE: Desperately searching for DVDs...

Well, that explains a lot... Thanks for the explaination. Now I know I'm not going insane.

18 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 36
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

Quote:Heh heh... perhaps there ought to be a "Marble Knothole" forum... All I could think of was Sonic slipping around on Marble floors...

18 years ago
RE: I'm just about had it up to here with you shadow naysayers

Quote:I point to Tommy Turtle of Archie Sonic comics, who despite being a completely opposite character is basically the same in his usage. Character ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

...what are Sega's regulations regarding relationships?

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

Quote:though Sonic and Sally look like they're plotting to do something hideously evil **coughweddingnightcough** Ok, in mostly seriousness, being t...

18 years ago
RE: My ears are bleeding! (Bad acting topic)

I agree with all the above (I refuse to watch that clip, Shadow Hog. I'm depressed enough as it is.), but I would also like to nominate the entire So...

18 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

Quote:and it's incredibly doubtful 183 million people would just up and appear out of nowhere in three years. Illegal immigration.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and the Secret Rings Discussion

So, using the scientific and politically correct name for a male body part makes you a pervert. Man, and I thought people who use pet names for thei...

18 years ago
RE: Why Knuckles isn't guarding the Master Emerald.

Quote:But I still want to see Fang return along with his Marvelous Queen. Okay, Fang, yes. Marvelous Queen? Sorry, you lost me. What?

18 years ago
RE: Which comic characters do you hate?

St. John Ok, he's redeemed himself a little bit in semi-recent issues, but back in the old days, say, when he first showed up in the Sally miniseries...

18 years ago
RE: StH#168 &amp; SX#13 - Previews

But that's what makes it so evil. They even stole Eggman's test tube stickers!!

18 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

One way they could possibly make a Cosmo revival (or at least bring along a "replacement") is whether or not that seed that Sonic found and ...

18 years ago
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