The thread is flatlining! Hurry, give me 30 ccs!
I wonder as well! *also shot*
Crap that is teh happy.
Yay! I got an award! *eaten by yeti*
Happy Crap!
I warned you...
That's allright. I didn't expect everyone to like it. (AKA: My Mom) But At least you read it. I thank you for that. Right now, as I still wa...
Annoyed stair is annoyed?
I haven't eaten spinach in years... mainly because my grandfather doesn't own a farm anymore.
There should be an award for the number of times I got killeded by teh yeti.
That game's a lot of fun. A friend of mine has it and I've played it.
It must have been! Attack my ninja monkeys!
Well, though I am a Dr. Pepper addict myself, I must say that Cherry - Chocolate Dr. Pepper wasn't all that great...
Dr. Pepper, how I love thee so!
There was apparently an earthquake in the town I live in, but I didn't notice...
Sounds fun.
I get that too.
That's true. i never even bothered looking at those, so I wouldn't know.
You too?
It happens all the time.
I'm beginning to feel that Youtube hates me.
Yeah, but I don't remember the heart camo...
Maybe... maybe...
kick OT: Everytime I post, someone else is posting at the same time...
Those all sound like things I've done in the past. Except for the taking off of the shirt.