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Rapidfire the Hedgehog.sonichqcommunity
Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 25, 2008
Topics: 4 / Replies: 159
RE: Cartoon Network is officially dead.

Agreed with Vec and Sam. It's slightly different from, to use Craig's example, the decline of Sonic, which is just one instance in a hug...

16 years ago
RE: LOL Limbaugh

While the current liberal circlejerk in this topic is funny, what do the local conservatives (US007 and SX) think about this issue of Rush? Thing is...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Marcus turned to the neon green hedgehog and nodded in affirmation. "It would be to your benefit to do so. However, I shall leave such trifling d...

16 years ago
RE: ^______________^

Many congratulations to you, Becca, and I hope you both have a long and prosperous marriage!

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

OOC: My inclination is toward groups; for better or worse considering the number of active participants still left. However, it's up to you.

16 years ago
RE: Shattered Realities - A MoFic

Ah, of course. Total clarity is sometimes the prerogative of only the author. ^^; Chastity is a demonic shadow force that exists within Modesty, and...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Marcus cast a wary eye on the mechs. They had not budged an inch, at least since the group had taken notice of them. After a moment of silence, he swi...

16 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 177
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

OOC: o_O Zounds! I thought interest in this had faltered completely. I apologise for not being more diligent, people. To answer your question, the p...

16 years ago
RE: Seriously, Palin?!

Maybe they took those things they foolishly claimed about Obama (inexperienced, empty suit, just a celebrity) and, going nuts because nobody believed ...

16 years ago
RE: Dear GOP re: 2012

I'd say Jindal still has time to become the next Republican presidential candidate. He's as good as any face there is to be had (among Palin...

16 years ago
RE: So...Any Redwall fans here?

Touched upon tangentally already, but a problem I have with the series is that one will find the same characters in every story. Sometimes it defies/b...

16 years ago
RE: What the smegging smeg? The return of 'Red Dwarf'!

Sam, do you know who in the cast has been changed? All that is mentioned in that little Beeb blurb is an allusion to the original crew reconvening for...

16 years ago
RE: Goodbye Bush, Hello Obama!

SX, might I just inquire what relevance my quotation has to your point? The "water to stay wet" is about conservatives being resistant to sw...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Cheers, Ari. Actually, I'd just found the answer to my question about an hour after making that post, and it enraged me so (mostly from straining...

16 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 284
RE: Goodbye Bush, Hello Obama!

Otherwise, I hope you fail."By golly, I want to see my nation suffer because of my parochial perspective!" Ultra, I'd say don'...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Jason animatedly explained the contract situation to Ash, who initially sat straight up, and then reclined again. "That's the first I'...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

The Snow Raker lifted off once the group had embarked. For a long time, dismal silence ruled the interior of the hovercraft, save for the occasional b...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

OOC: *walks in to a room full of reporters, surrounded by past legendary roleplayers, and goes on about hope, change, and a stimulus package for the G...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Oh right. I'm convinced that video games will eventually give me a cardiac condition from frustration, so I'm doing the Radiance games on ea...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Wait, you get bonus experience for maxing out units? If that's the case, I'm going to town with Ike, Soren, Titania, Mist, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Hell yeah, Rappy! When I'm done with Lunar 2 I'm so going back to Radiant Dawn. I want to see the Pelleas/Soren story points you get in the ...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

On a Radiance run, working through Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and on to the completion of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

16 years ago
RE: MF Holiday Tournement 2008/09

Thirded on the lack of 360/contempt for FPS genre. Still, nothing should preclude us from Brawling provided we get a workable date.

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: MF Holiday Tournement 2008/09

Since it looks like it'll be Smash, I suppose I can join in at the appointed hour.

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Jason gnawed absentmindedly on his tongue. Were it not for the magnitude of the problem, he doubted his willingness to participate with some of the ot...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Has anyone else with the Wii version noticed a conspicuous absence of moon medals beyond a certain point? Most of the locked doors in the temples requ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Spiner: I'm hazarding a guess that you're getting the 360 version, in which case I can't give you too many details, owning the Wii ve...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

To my knowledge (Wii/PS2 version), if you die during the last two fights, you don't need to repeat the Eggmanland stage.

16 years ago
RE: Normal - A NaNoWriMo project [FINISHED]

Well, I shall leave that offer up to you, good sir. Having exceeded fifty thousand words, the story is not done and I wouldn't want to present to...

16 years ago
RE: Normal - A NaNoWriMo project [FINISHED]

Now that I've finally gotten round to finishing my own NaNo-NaNo, I feel it just to congratulate you on both completing your novel and also laudi...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Psxphile wrote: Insult to injury? After the credits rolled, I went back to Apatos to finally explore the Gates more thoroughly. 1-ups. Those med...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

I had a sizeable post on the ups and downs of the SD version, but Yuku had a little fun at my expense and threw it away; Psx had the most accurate rev...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Tricia is very upset that the music sounds orchestrated rather than rock. Was Jun unavailable? I'm in favor of it, though think it shin...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Can't say the reviews of the Werehog playstyle are surprising. I was somewhat hopeful that it wouldn't feature especially prominently in the...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

Jason, dumbfounded, stared at Marcus as he handed a contract to the hedgehog. It was two or three seconds later that Jason threw his head back and bur...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

The only reaction Jason had when Vector had spoken to the group was a barely perceptible bat of his eyelids. The news hardly came as a surprise to the...

16 years ago
RE: Normal - A NaNoWriMo project [FINISHED]

The more of this I read, the increasingly more compelling I find it, Craig. You're crafting an interesting novel, most assuredly. I am terribly i...

16 years ago
RE: Group Mission: Deep Freeze

From the moment Ash asked about Modesty, Jason had started fidgeting uncontrollably. His friend looked at him sympathetically. "Jase, Modesty&#...

16 years ago
RE: Normal - A NaNoWriMo project [FINISHED]

As usual, another terrific instalment, Craig. I've been keeping up with this as best I can around my own NaNo (which you've helped influence...

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

"But that's a different story, since it's not about protecting the rights of the fetus but the feelings of the husband." The poin...

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

Yes, one may put women who have never been pregnant before in the same category as men for that purpose. My lesser premise, that men are going to know...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal.

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

Point well taken, Tobe. Indeed, I'm looking at it through the lens of someone who's never felt any kind of abject hopelessness or suffering....

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

On Nebraska essentially reversing affirmative action: Quantifying harm versus good done by affirmative action is not easily done. I'd have pref...

16 years ago
RE: Seriously, Palin?!

Damnation, I came to the party late. Anyway, this argument switched round from a discussion on the anti-Hillary to why socialism is the devil. I d...

16 years ago
RE: Seriously, Palin?!

Damnation, I came to the party late. Anyway, this argument switched round from a discussion on the anti-Hillary to why socialism is the devil. I d...

16 years ago
RE: Seriously, Palin?!

Damnation, I came to the party late. Anyway, this argument switched round from a discussion on the anti-Hillary to why socialism is the devil. I d...

16 years ago
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