Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Sep 2, 2002
Topics: 10 / Replies: 317
RE: RIP - Redwall author, Brian Jacques

One of my literary inspirations. His work was timeless. He will be missed.

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Ocinius: the jewel of the Azgardean hinterland. Nothing else for miles matched the city in any respect. It was a thriving metropolis, inexplicably cen...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Seeing a Shifter before him who was nearly apoplectic with rage was the first moment of the night that Hector considered using the oft-dormant thinkin...

14 years ago
RE: An experiment

Blue - calm, tranquil, sedate Dolphin - intelligent, playful, cute Beach at sunset - thoughtful, romantic, relaxing Not an unreasonable assessment. W...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

The night's events were getting more intriguing, which was to say more confusing, with every passing minute. So, this girl was not a Royal Messenger, ...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

For a while, Hector's mouth hung open. Alexis's response was not what he had expected or wanted. Did she mean he had made a mistake? Did she mean he w...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector sourly watched Arc's antics. His hand had involuntarily made a fist on the table. However, that was not his concern. Ale had suddenly dropped h...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector nodded and said, "In an hour, we'll move out." He stood and returned to the table on the other side of the room, taking a seat across from Ale....

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector was never the sort to graduate at the top of his class, but even now, Ale seemed to be wanting a degree of credibility in Hector's eyes. His br...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

The noble sighed resignedly. He reached out and took Ale's paw. "What can I say?" Ale was about to nod approvingly when a searing pain shot up his ar...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

The palm of a gauntleted hand met a face, albeit very gently. Hector could not believe his misfortune: Gallia was a smouldering ruin, he had no reliab...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Had Hector the time to watch Ale's antics, he probably would have wondered what, if anything, the fox was attempting to accomplish. Instead, he gestur...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

For a little while, Hector stood there, slack-jawed. The city of Gallia was undeniably ablaze in the distance. Arc was still slumped over on the groun...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

"What the--?" began Hector before the cart surged up an incline. Something started slapping him around the head. It was Ale. "Get off me!" the fox wh...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector gawked at the engineering taking place before him. He almost tripped over his own feet. Ale gave a grunt of dissatisfaction at the bumpy ride. ...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Much to the hedgehog's surprise, his feint only made Hector twist sideways and draw closer. The hedgehog could not get a good amount of force into the...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector's mouth dropped open. Maybe his two opponents had not heard what Arc said, but he certainly did. It was enough for him to let down his guard te...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

For his part, Hector watched this rapid-fire dialogue rattle off in utter stupefaction. All of this talk of multidimensional transis-wotsis boggled th...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector frowned. He disapproved strongly of the idea that there were people running freely below his city without his knowledge and approval. He could ...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

"It would," Hector grunted. He was not sure if that was some kind of invitation to open a magic bag and extract a ladder, but he did not have that lux...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Ale? Like ale and wenches? Hector scratched his head and dispelled the silly thought. What puzzled him more was that there was a weapons rack hidden ...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector was a little slow to rise; after all, he had weighty armour encumbering the celerity of his movement. However, he was not very long in getting ...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

His increasingly shallow breathing eventually made Hector assess what he was doing. Maybe running blindly down corridors in abandoned tanneries was no...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector shoved open the door of the tannery; subtlety was an art form with which he was unfamiliar. At once, the overpowering stench of ammonia made hi...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

Hector di Medichi was yelling himself hoarse that night. He had almost been ready to retire that night when alarms in the city of Gallia alerted him t...

14 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 229
Replies: 6
Views: 438
RE: photoexchange!

Your hair's grown so long since I last saw your photo. omg so HOTT!Still the same bloke I remember though.

14 years ago
RE: Your 2010 in review.

I tend to play games at least a year out of their date, so my 2010 was largely what one would have gotten out of 2009: The Legend of Zelda: Spir...

14 years ago
RE: Xmas is over, time for a new avatar.

#3, because I'm plodding toward the end of Chrono Trigger.

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            He floated up into the air, his eyes glowing red again. He held out his hands. A b...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            It was a burned out building, with most of its windows gone or shattered. It proba...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            “This is…unexpected,” said Sister Kathryn, looking at all of us. Her hologra...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            “So, how do we get in?” asked Rex. It was a very good question. We were standi...

14 years ago
RE: Doctor Who from the Beginning

Swanson, as you go through these episodes, do you find the tone comparable to the resurrected series, or do the old and new series seem like they've g...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            I dunno how long I slept. I didn’t really dream, which kinda surprised me...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            Down the hatch it went. It was like drinking rocket fuel with a high octane rating...

14 years ago
RE: NaNoWriMo 2010 - A New Challenger Appears!

Right now, I'm past forty-one thousand words. I'd probably have more done if I didn't feel the need to procrastinate so much and if I wasn't also devo...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            The plant kicked up and pulled itself free from its pot. Its long roots landed clu...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            For a moment, it was totally quiet. I was half-expecting a bunch of guys bearing r...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            Soon, I found myself walking out onto the forty-second floor. I took a quick look ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            “So, how does this thing work?” asked Duke, inspecting the contraption that Qu...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            We trudged back to the house, occasionally glancing at the Harpy to see if it was ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            “Duke, look out!” shouted Rex from the house. I turned. Maybe it was just the ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            I pushed the barrel of my Gospel right up against the bridge of her nose, in what ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            We sat down at the table, where Reiji was already sitting. The three of us sat in ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            “It’s been nice talking to you, Father, but I really must be going,” ...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            A rapping at my door woke me from my idle thoughts. I was really hoping it was nei...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            About a half hour later, all seven of us were in Quentin’s room, crowding...

14 years ago
RE: The Brotherhood: Seven Against Teague

            When I woke up the following morning, I had that usual momentary lull, when the br...

14 years ago
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