Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 8, 2004
Topics: 2 / Replies: 31
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

Seen a lot of I prefer the SX covers to the StH online for awhile even when Spaziante is doing both. Personally, I find a diff set of hands on StHs f...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

Wahnish is mostly known for animation stuff, I think commercials, music video, shorts and series. Does a comic called Kee-Fu Fighters, though.

18 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Aaah, well, one of these days... Someday... I'll make it to ComiCon. In the meanwhile... YOU! *points at Tigsie* I must see pictures of your Enerjak c...

18 years ago
RE: Move over Spaz and Tracy, we got a new Sonic Artist

Cool! I met David last month at a con in Dallas. He was there with Antarctic Press, but AP was on a diff floor from where I was in Artist Alley so the...

18 years ago
RE: Characters who need makeovers

Huh. I love Bunnies current look. The whole cyborg-limbs redesign she went through it was too slender, too radical a departure from the original baby...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Eep! =0 I haven't updated in over two months. ^^;; Becca: Aah, but when you scan at black-and-white, it's supposed to look pixel and blocky. It's a ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

EE: Haha! XD Never know, man. Never know. =P Becca: An old trick a fellow comic-er taught me when it comes to inking line-art is to create a blue...

19 years ago
RE: Archie Sonic gets dissed by Gamepro...

GamePro ignoring the Archie-verse is hardly a diss, for the exact reasons Dirk mentioned. Archie Sonic may be licensed from the franchise, but it's ha...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: Thanks! ^^ Blank eyes is an excellent exercise to develop different ways to make your characters emote or at least, I think so. ^^;; It even...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: That I was! I usually do leave the eyes as just a solid - I find it challenges me more. Removing highlights makes the pupil itself less emo...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

HeroStar: All it takes is a lot practicin and a lot of hours doin it, sir. ^^ Chryssalid: Haha! Thank ya, Capn. =) EE: Thanks dude! Alas, havent...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: For a long time I used an Aiptek 9x12 tablet. It's cheap for that size - only $150. However, people have told me that tablet is quite crap. XD...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Erika: Aah, thank you very much! ^^ SuperShadow: Haha! Thanks man! Becca: Yup! I've used a tablet for... three years now, I think. ^^;; I know so...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: Hee. =3 Thanks! No worries - lately I've been doing alot more Sonic-related art to sorta' "train," so I'm sure I'll be stoppin' aro...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Eeep. Haven't posted anything new in awhile, huh? ^^;; Here's a quickie from a couple days ago - a speed exercise to prep for a possible Iron Artist m...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Miss Puar: Lol! Oh man. XD Yes, yes. J. Axer's name is Jeff. I guess I was just sleepy that morning, and with his Deviant Art handle being

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Haha! Psuedo-double posting, it would seem - I suppose waiting another month before making an additional post to this topic after my own wouldn't get ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic versus Knux!

Chaos xShadow: Haha. Well, the "Duh" answer aside I gave in the other topic, for me drawing Sonic has always just been about having fun wit...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Whoo! NEVER thought I'd see this topic again - thought for sure it had gone by way of the trash, post-hack and all that. ^^;; Well, since it's back, I...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic versus Knux!

Thank you very much, Buzz. Glad ya' dig it. ^^ Whew. It's good to be back home and on a real Net connection again. I'd been busy taking care of famil...

19 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 55
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Super Bowser: Hehe. Thanks. ^^; Tergonaut: Haha! Thank you very much! Working on that Other M issue was a great experience for me, so I'm always gl...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Dopefish: A-yu-up. Those're all sketches. Bear in mind, I'm rather anal as far as sketching goes, though. Plus, I know a bit of Photoshoppery, too. W...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Dreamer: Aaw, thank yous! Its all about sitting down and playing with it. I actually took a class in high school that taught Photoshop. Not coloring ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Cosmickid: Thank you. Becca: Heehee. Nah, its cool that was hardly bugging. =P Although you did remind me that I do have this topic, and hadnt t...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: Yup yup. ^^ It was one of my fave issues, with such a strong emphasis on Barks character right there at the end. I knew I needed to draw somet...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Sniper: Thanks! ^^ Becca: Aw yeah, thisll be colored. Im actually hopin to get it done this week, even. Ive been in too much of a drawing groove,...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Darkwofe: Thanks!! And, I do believe we contact Kureejii Lea about all things Other M, now. Tigs: Haha! Yu-up! And Im a n0-0-0-0-0b too. XD Or,...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Becca: Heehee. Yup. :3 I got pulled in last minute for the gig - my first official ish is supposed to be a ten page spot on Other M Special numero 4....

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Weirdo: Haha. ^^;; Well, they STARTED as sketches. And yeah, I was never too keen on the "Eggman" name, either - though it's common, so I...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Craig: Wha-ha! Red you say? I should've looked up some color reference for him, I guess. Ah well. ^^;; TakeOutBandit: I hadn't thought about it at ...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic and Fiona... And Sally's Gettin' Hitched! (see pg. 6)

Craig: Thanks. ^^ Becca: Oh, the usuals - comics and 'toons, of course. ^^ My favorite comic book artists - who've had the most influence on me ov...

20 years ago