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Joined: Apr 7, 2011
Topics: 0 / Replies: 56
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: Amazing, thrilling, scary post as always, Kate! I'm especially terrified for what Julien has in mind for Mordie now. o____o Also, Vi! I'm also sc...

13 years ago
Re: Caustic Metropolis

OOC: Hey Kate!~ Like Ash, I'm usually not interested in school-type stories, but as always your RP has a pretty sweet twist to it. I'd really love to ...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

"It really wasn't," Glitch gritted his teeth as he dove in after the enigmatic cloud of smoke emanating around the Raven Blood Child. Two fa...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: Separating my commentary from my actual post. Forewarning though; my next IC is.. definitely my longest. >__>; @Kate: Holy geez, I love th...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: Writing a post up right now! But I can't finish it at the moment, I must leave the house for school soon (which has the forum blocked for some so...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Vi: What exactly do you mean by one world/universe versus multi? If I'm understanding you right, then as far as I'm concerned, this is its own w...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Kate: Your handling of Glitch makes me want to cry at night sometimes LOL. Gaddamn you've got such a great grip on him && his ticks/over...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

Without further ado, before Kenneth could even give his answer, the white hedgehog stepped forward towards the Raven Blood Child, his narrowed eyes fl...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Kim: It's so great to see you back! =D Hope everything's rolling better for you now! && that epic post of yours was /definitely/ worth t...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: Hahaha I knew you got the idea from Wanted, Kate! XP I originally mentioned that movie in my ooc earlier, but took it out last minute lol. Also; ...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: shjfgshk Ash you already know how much I <3 that pic. Awesome posts too, Shy && Kate! =3 They were definitely worth skipping a nap to ...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

OOC: Mordie's mouse form is pretty much the same as her human form, just with a long mousey tail and pierced mouse ears && whiskers. Pitch-bla...

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

OOC: Whoo, sorry I've been a bit dead on this RP lately. x__x; Especially because the forum stopped sending me e-mail updates... ergh. But I am caught...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

Battle Arena Trenches "Stop... fightin?" the bloodied Mordie smiled weakly at his words, her body limply swaying side to side as her grip o...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Battle Arena Trenches "Well, well," the doppelganger Mordie cooed, licking her cherry-red lips, "Lookin mighty gorgeous, hun." &...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Yowza, things are so intense here! <3 <3 <3 In the middle of writing an IC right now, but it's coming along quite slowly xD;. I'll be bu...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Mordie smiled uneasily at Julien's words. Oh boy am I in for it. Glitch merely scuffed at his own shoes, in an effort to cover up the spilled alcohol...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: <3<3<3<3 Kenneth even more now, just for that pretty head statement, Ash. XD Brilliant.Hope you feel better soon, Kim! ;A;... &&a...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Castle: Prison Intersection "I'm waiting," the phantom slithered. "Well! ...they can't all be unfriendly down here," Mordie mutt...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

Present Saturday, 12 September 2011, 01:03 Inside the Apartment "Psh…" Athena muttered, pulling out a small flashlight to clarify certain d...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Oh man, it's been a long time since my last IC. x__x *flails* I meant to post one earlier after my last ooc, but I lost the time to. That being s...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

OOC: Didn’t realize how long this was until I finished it. orz Hope I didn’t bore anybody. T__T; Btw Wraith D: Your post made me want to cry. ;__; &am...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

OOC: Hey everyone! I know I said this earlier on BR, but I also wanted to leave a note here too~ I'll be busy for the next two weeks - exams coming up...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Damn, everyone's doing so awesome here! owo <3 <3 Sorry I've been a little inactive lately. Had a brainfart for the RPs in the past couple ...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

Present "Awhh--a grenade!" Volte cried out. The jackal across him took flight into the alleyway. O'shea moved his guns in the direction whe...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

OOC: Man I love where this RP is going. It's so fun and exciting. XD Everyone's doing an excellent job here! Anyway, I do have a scene in mind (still...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

OOC: orz orz I subscribed to this topic but it never sent me update e-mails. Guhh, sorry I'm late. Still nothing on the Future yet. I'll find a good ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC Slightly ooc for Mordie there, Bentley. She would’ve definitely slapped him for scaring her like that and/or to slap him out of it XD, but she act...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Prison Tower Mordie rolled her eyes at this, attempting to keep her smile. “Hun… ya know where yer at, right? Yer—we’re all already dead. And ah me...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

OOC: Hey everyone. I was dragged here against my own free will by Bentley and Pach, so I guess I'll have to stick around. ;D haha. Really interesting ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: For my IC, Glitch isn't dead. Just extremely tired. XD So as to avoid confusion~ @Pach: lol XD. Thank-you though! I'm really glad you think so! ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

***Inn Mess Hall*** Glitch pounded the wooden floor as he rose to his feet, nearly stumbling back. He heaved heavily, clutching his stomach where W...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

The two hedgehogs came to a halt upon reaching Nathan and the others. They both slouched over partially, panting from the sprint. "Chaos," Reni said b...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @LadyFoxfire: Welcome to the RP! Looking forward to seeing your posts~ c: && Sucks to hear about being sick. D; I hope you get better so...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Was not aware there was an RP discussion thread. x__x; I'll keep tabs on that too, haha. Thanks for the link, Pach! @RC: Yeah, I'm equally exc...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Glitch Ref OOC: Hey guys~ Just thought I'd say that I finished an updated ref of Glitch yesterday. I'll upload part of it here, so I don't complete...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Nocturne: omg your description during the scene with the drunken rhino. It was so bloody perfect, his speech and everything. XDD && Zach...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Nathan && the magician didn't collide right in front of the inn though, right? Just somewhere nearby it? Cuz if the latter's the case, th...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Sorry to hear that Ramza! It was great RPing with you though. Looking forward to you rejoining~ ;D Oh && uh... slight graphic warning? ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC:@Pach: Please lemme know if Nathan's at all OOC here and I'll fix it asap. Like if there's something specific he would say in his situation, or if...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

"Can't believe there's more of these bastards," Glitch noted under his breath upon noticing the group. The curious rhino locked eyes with him, and Gli...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC:Hearing Xell's footsteps, Glitch waited momentarily for anyone to step forward before looking back in Xell's direction -- and the completely uncons...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Nocturne: Thanks for the approval. c; Still looking forward to seeing more of Ren, haha. ---------------------------------------- Glitch ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: I'm going to pretty much agree with everyone here; what we're getting at may have some overused moments here and there (e.g. hedgehogs, a fox, a ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Shylarah: You got it. XD @Rubycored: You're good, don't worry. <: He's probably not going to go further into anymore explanations unless so...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: T_T Ughh sorry everyone else for posting so frequently. I'm going to slow down some after this one. It's just.. everyone here is doing so awesome...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Rubycored: Works for me. c: && It's actually Frostbite, with an i. @Veckums: Thank-you for the welcome! I'll do a small IC here, to kee...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: @Rubycored: Anyone is able to see Frostbite, not just those few characters. c: But when he speaks to his host while inside of them (I'll ital...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: ;A; Frosty! <3 That got me so excited, omg! Also, as I was reading the fight between Xell and Flint, as Xell was getting the upper hand, my ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Oh wow! I love how you developed the relationship between Kenneth and Xell here, Bentley! && I love your portrayal of Glitch here <3...

13 years ago
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