Mobius Forum Archive

Rico Underwood
Famed Member
Joined: Dec 17, 2001
Topics: 34 / Replies: 2894
RE: 1st video game system?

Atari 2600 Thank the gods I'm not the only one. Don't feel nearly so old now. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: The Order Saga: Dawn of Fear

"Just as well, bullets aren't exactly easy to come by." The rabbit stated putting away with his weapon. His smaller companion suddenly looked nervou...

17 years ago
RE: 15-year-old girl vs. Al Gore...FIGHT! (Global Warming)

So what are you suggesting then? I don't think the private sector has ANY interest in alternative fuels. There's no money in it and I doubt anyone...

17 years ago
RE: 15-year-old girl vs. Al Gore...FIGHT! (Global Warming)

I got it from you. You said we need to inhibit the technological growth of developed nations (as allowing them to suck off the teat of fossil fuel wi...

17 years ago
RE: Video Game Addiction... Disorder?

I don't know why I'm defending myself against fluffylocks there but my first post's main point was suppose to be how it seems noone will take the blam...

17 years ago
RE: 15-year-old girl vs. Al Gore...FIGHT! (Global Warming)

Basically what you are saying as the answer is the same as the american school systems have. Let the most developed kids suffer to cater to the ones ...

17 years ago
RE: 15-year-old girl vs. Al Gore...FIGHT! (Global Warming)

Everyone uses fossil fuels. I doubt the town up the road is the only one in America with a Conoco plant. If we have refineries and such, I don't see...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure Fanart: Marin

>.>; All over? I really should be reading those more carefully. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: 15-year-old girl vs. Al Gore...FIGHT! (Global Warming)

Why are people so against having cleaner air? Cuz, I mean, thats what all these plan to stop global warming will do. I know this was mentioned befor...

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

I love fruit loops.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure Fanart: Marin

Kaze can make anything cute. I have visual proof. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: Video Game Addiction... Disorder?

yeah, I thank jebus for good Shrinks. They're the reason my cousin isn't on some weird pills. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: Why it stinks to have a good idea about the comic

OMG! Sam is a fox like Rico! LAWLSUIT! ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: Video Game Addiction... Disorder?

I know Srol, in fact I know a shrink that will only prescribe medication as an absolute last resort. Unfortunately people like him are in the minorit...

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

If I was an overly sensitive fruity admin instead of a smartaleck one I'd ban him for TEH GHEY HAET! But instead I'll make an offtopic remark referen...

17 years ago
RE: Video Game Addiction... Disorder?

Yes Craig, because we all know that psychologists aren't in it to make money so they wouldn't prescribe pills unless they HAD to. I remember the SEC...

17 years ago
Replies: 60
Views: 1258
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

I'm wondering when someone is going to use the "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb" line? ... Well, guess that question got answered. ~...

17 years ago
RE: MegaMan HQ - The MM Robot Museum - Update.

Mom never liked you anyway. And the server should be ready soon. I think it's more deciding how and when, rather than getting the server. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: MegaMan HQ - The MM Robot Museum - Update.

You do realize we don't get paid. ~Rico

17 years ago
RE: Student suspended for leaving ham.(No joke)

I don't see whats changed other than yet more proof FOX news is a pack a drooling idiots. It's still kids picking on other kids, why are we so crazy ...

18 years ago
RE: People like this make me embarrassed to be a Sonic fan...

Why does the picture you linked look like your signature? ~Tobe

18 years ago
RE: Maternity Meltdown (How's that free healthcare working out?)

Paid for a doctor lately? Last I went it was 150 bucks just to get told what was wrong with me and get equate meds. And that's in hickville with neg...

18 years ago
RE: Simple solution

The lawyers will find a way. And those frivolous power abuse charges are really starting to piss me off. ~Tobe

18 years ago
RE: Shooting at Virginia Tech

Quote:Also, SX. Please don't debate. You don't know how to do it. I'm on your side and I'm wanting to wordslap you for that post. ~Rico

18 years ago
RE: Shooting at Virginia Tech

Ultra... I'm a card carrying donkey and I have no issues with guns. Provided people aren't retarded about them. I have two. Yes, because I live in...

18 years ago
RE: Supreme Court Bans Late Term Abortion

Finally explained instead of wiggling around it. Thanks Cyke, was getting confused there. Still say at the rate we're crushing freedom we should edi...

18 years ago
RE: RPTPS - Role-Playing Thread Preservation Society | Beta

I thinks it's an idea. But with my spottiness around anymore getting involved just ain't gonna happen. ~Tobe

18 years ago

*Quells Acrio. With fire.*

18 years ago
RE: The 'War' On Christmas

I was speaking for the non-moronic ones. You can be one of the others. XD ~Rico

18 years ago
RE: The 'War' On Christmas

Dear Sirs and Madams of the United Kingdom, We humbly offer our profound and sincere apologies for this disgusting event which has effected your less...

18 years ago
RE: You are a ****ing moron!

Um, Troy... Why are you attacking it like some immature troll? Don't listen to it if you don't like it. I really though you better than that. And ...

18 years ago
RE: You are a ****ing moron!

Nah, 2's great. A loud voice against stupidity. ~Rico

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

Does this mean she knows kung fu? ~Rico

18 years ago
RE: I got me a new computer!

moving from 98 to XP is like, well... Crap I don't have an analogy dramatic enough for that. ~Rico

18 years ago
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