Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Topics: 1 / Replies: 83
RE: StH #201 and SU #5 Previews

i for one enjoyed the M25YL storyline and didn't mind the slow pace it took. although i do agree comparing its first run with the big two issue a...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #1 Preview/Spoilers/Discussion

very interested in the rest of the issue. i might just have to start putting money back into the sonic comics again

16 years ago
RE: StH #200 and SU #4 Previews

ok robotnik hasn't been the center of the story all the way since issue #50 so no what i said is not equivalent to saying i haven't been int...

16 years ago
RE: StH #200 and SU #4 Previews

i'm definitely more excited for the SU story than the StH one... i notice that as of late i can't get into stories that involve this new rob...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe # 1 preview plus Spoilers

i'm definitely looking forward to this. i'm a big supporter of the supporting cast being explored more, particularly knuckles. don't th...

16 years ago
RE: StH #199 & SU #3 Previews

perhaps dimitri and the legion will plot with snively to oust the good doctor. i could get into a plot like that. dimitri is much more intelligent and...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #196 Preview and Discussion

i always found the "moebians" to be interesting since it was "evil sonic" way baaaaack in #11 i believe. in fact, i had wanted to ...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe?

well i know the Sonic X's final issue will plant seeds for SU cuz shadow and metal sonic will pop up during their battle. they later jump over to...

16 years ago
RE: StH #198 & SU #2 Previews/Discussion/Spoilers

SU has definitely got my interest piqued. and i'm liking the current stories in the regular series. will be keeping an eye out for these stories

16 years ago
RE: Favorite Storyline

i sort of place endgame and naugus in with the classics. i count the middle era when sonic adventure started getting tied in and ending with the "...

16 years ago
RE: Favorite Storyline

from the classic times i enjoyed sonic getting roboticized leading up to mecha sonic vs. mecha knux the best. that awful middle era that led up to son...

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers!

oh btw... by "alicia" do we mean anti-sally or queen alicia? i haven't kept up since moebius invaded so still catching up on all the up...

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers!

it sounds almost comical how the hedgehogs keep piling in one after another. i'd have the same reaction as scourge. like, ENOUGH ALREADY! just ma...

16 years ago
RE: What's at least one thing you like most about the STH comic series?

knux is my fave along with the characters tied to him and the stories involving them

16 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 275
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 & Sonic X #33 Previews

i suppose it also makes sense. the empire took some huge hits while enerjak rampaged so 'botnik probably can't do much. enerjak is gone again so the n...

17 years ago
RE: Lein-Da and son overlooked tragedy of revised Mobius 25YL

she seemed well adjusted to the new order yes, but the old scheming spirit of lien-da was very much present in the M:25YL arc. she was very cool and c...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #188 & Sonic X #33 Previews

a dungeon underneath a casino owned by mogul. i tell you these descriptions sound very old 'botnik-esque, but i suppose it could turn out cool. mogul ...

17 years ago
RE: Archie's Best Seller?

Quote:Also, it doesn't help to know that the comic book industy seems hostlie, not just Archie, to things that I like and/or value(thinking about what...

17 years ago
RE: I own them all

i have them all except for a chunk of the chaos saga and that stint that sonic spent in space, but i don't find myself yearning to get any of those is...

17 years ago
RE: StH #187. Selects #1, SX #32 Previews

mogul using badniks both present and past is a very classic 'botnik maneuver which completely doesn't suit him. they're really trying to dumb down som...

17 years ago
RE: Silver and Blaze

Silver isn't needed right now. we got enough with sonic, scourge, and shadow appearing to have pretty active storylines. enough front-runner hedgehogs...

17 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

too bad everyone saw the "death" of locke coming from a mile away, and with the brotherhood floating around half alive in the twilight zone,...

17 years ago
RE: Bringing Original Robotnik back...

truthfully i want the old 'botnik to stay dead and gone. i like how this one is more calculating and careful. don't get me wrong, i thoroughly enjoyed...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #185 & Sonic X #30 Previews

i wonder if the current arc will end with knuckles needing tog et that cybernetic eye of his. i know M:25YL isn't a for sure future but this seems to ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 182 Review

Albion's gone now too? if they don't stop it, there won't be any cities left on mobius

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #182 spoiler pics!

i'm becoming more excited about this. i even enjoyed that debut scene of sonic and enerjak. it was fitting. can't wait to read this issue

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #185 & Sonic X #30 Previews

well if the preview is going to say "Fearsome Foursome" it should be predator hawk, lightning lynx, flying frog, and sgt. simian being sprun...

17 years ago
RE: Oh shoot, Sonic 181 Spoilers!

okay... knuckles is enerjak. at least it happened in the only way i would accept it though. the DL de-techno'ed though? did not see that coming. that...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

i'm gonna keep to my opinions whenever i want, not just after an arc is over. most comics are named after a certain character, but the entire story do...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

i guess you could sit and say that edmund could come back to life, but i think the comic made too good a point as to why he died in the first place. e...

17 years ago
RE: How old is sonic now??!

i think sonic has grown from the way he used to be. He was constantly juvenile in the early days, only showing some signs of maturity when it came to ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

Quote:Why does everyone think that Knuckles being by the Master Emerald means that he's some sort of power source? If we're going by that angle, then ...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #184/Sonic X #29 previews!

i don't think this confirms the knux=enerjak theory just yet. obviously that's knux looking like he's in some sort of pain stuck on the master emerald...

17 years ago
RE: How old is sonic now??!

he's 17 now. they celebrated his 16th birthday in i forget which issue, and number 17 happened when evil sonic became Scourge

17 years ago
RE: Where there be cats?

at first i thought of the cats of cat country too, but yea i'd like to see geoff and hershey again to see what they've been up to

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

ah. yes. i knew i screwed the story up somewhere along the line. had i been at home i would have quickly just grabbed the issue in question and scanne...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

During Hawking's reign as guardian, the Dingoes attempted to harness nuclear power to destroy echidnaopolis. Don't forget, Echidna technology has alwa...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 180...Now in Theaters

still can't say for sure. i see how they cleverly obscure the fists again... and we can't judge on Enerjak's appearance alone. Dimitri looked differen...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

yes her first appearance was a very glorious one and she appeared to be a wonderful person. My first impression of her was the same as yours. I was me...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 180...Now in Theaters

i would just be curious to know how remington wound up being with the Frost Legion when last i saw he was trapped in an egg grape that got lost, unles...

17 years ago
RE: Arlo Armadillo - Hypothetical Question

eh, i know Arlo isn't a well known character anymore, but i think there are enough fans who've been around since the beginning and it would just be to...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

since the backstory in #182 is titled "Albion's Shameful Secret" i'm pretty much assuming they tried some sort of experiment or tests of sor...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

hmm, it could be almost interesting if knux IS enerjak and then finitevus seizes some of the power to be chaos-powered himself and then knux as enerja...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

it is true the second i heard Enerjak was returning I began picturing the showdown between him and Knuckles cuz Knuckles wasn't nearly as powerful now...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

still, in comics, not saying "dead" means a lot, but I get that Ian most likely considers him dead. i guess i'd at least want to know the de...

17 years ago
RE: Dr. Finitevus

I definitely like the idea of Finitevus being Luger. I've always wanted to know what happened to Luger and never believed he was dead. I don't think I...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

yes i agree. it would have to be some plot by fini that tricks/traps knux into being enerjak... IF that's how it turns out

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

They could also be releasing slightly obscured versions of the cover in order to not reveal too much. They've done it in the past. Take out the knuckl...

17 years ago
RE: Archie Comics in Order

Knuckles Chaotix fits in between 30 and 31 i believe. I do believe 31 is what started Knuckles' side stories and it was Chaotix that started all that ...

17 years ago
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