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Joined: Nov 29, 2006
Topics: 1 / Replies: 83
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

no Edmund and Dimitri's time were 400 years ago. 1000 years ago is when Albion was founded I believe, and maybe also when Angel Island first become th...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

M25YL represents a possibility of events that will unfold, not necessarily what WILL happen

17 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #183 Preview

The Knuckles miniseries was 3 issues, and so was the Dark Vengeance saga in issues 7-9. true his appearance lasted three issues but technically he w...

17 years ago
RE: Fiona Fox

i think Fiona's just had a rough life and even though she is probably genuinely good deep down, she sees living life the way she does as the easier wa...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #178 has arrived *Spoilers*

almost sounds like it's moving towards knux being enerjak... still not sure if i like that. guess we'll still see how it goes regarding the main stor...

18 years ago
RE: Scariest SatAM Episode

when i was young the one that scared me was sonic's nightmare

18 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

eh i still feel making that would be too much of a repeat of the green knux days, and there would be better ways to revive the feud people miss that d...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #177 Spoilers and Discussion

that would be smarter of him at least to do some sort of blend. i won't get THAT upset if charmy winds up like this permanently. just mildly annoyed i...

18 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

I understand your point Spectre. If Knuckles turns out to be Enerjak (and I'm holding my breath on that one), then okay, Sonic and Tails (maybe Shadow...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #177 Spoilers and Discussion

Yes, heaven forbid the characters be familiar to new readers who play the games. I guess I get that point for new readers to recognize some of these ...

18 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

having them together like that on the cover doesn't necessarily spell out a happy ending. they would be united with Enerjak rising. It doesn't mean th...

18 years ago
RE: STH#181 Preview Topic

i'm kinda doubting Dimitri cuz he really seemed to come to the realization that while he has power as Enerjak, it's still not enough, as explained dur...

18 years ago
RE: Character Alliances [NOT ROMANTICALLY]...

scourge and nack might work for some filler story down the line, but neither are really effective when they attempt to ally with someone else. if the...

18 years ago
RE: they should make newer Zone Wars stories...

i liked the idea at first but they took it too far with going to random, and usually very stupid, zones for purposes that I still don't understand. I ...

18 years ago
RE: The Void

I'm thinking Feist was one of the first to be trapped there, because the way Naugus talked about winning him over, he made it sound like his first rea...

18 years ago
RE: The series has changed

oh for me the SA adaptation started my decline of interest. i didn't even get the last couple comics that dealt with that. i gave the comic another sh...

18 years ago
RE: Perhaps another multi-issue epic story?

they probably wouldn't do anything like that until they approach #200 which they hopefully don't botch up as much as they did with 100. 200's gonna ha...

18 years ago
RE: The series has changed

be glad you missed the awfulness that was issues 101 to about 150 something. you came back just in time for things to pick up.

18 years ago
RE: Sonic and Tails

With how everyone else has been aged, it's sensible to assume Tails is entering puberty. I'm sure that may also be a factor in his changing attitudes....

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #180/ Sonic X #24 previews

I hope they at least take the time to explain Enerjak's resurrection and what this all means. It would also be inappropriate for Enerjak to be dealt w...

18 years ago
RE: Preview - Sonic Archives Volume 6

i can't seem to remember a hint of bunnie and antoine's relationship way back then. i thought we first saw it in issue #46. unless they're referring t...

18 years ago
RE: Another Sonic the Hedgehog comic series

knuckles is by far the best candidate and i was sad to see it go. like someone else said, there is so much potential for story on angel island and the...

18 years ago
RE: Old Badniks in Today's Comic...

Seeing them try to organize and become some sort of threat is intriguing... Perhaps they can enter the scene and try out their grande plan only to be ...

18 years ago
RE: Previews for STH#175-176, SX#20 and Sonic Archives #3

I'm both excited and apprehensive about the Sonic issues. I like that finally Robotnik seems to be stepping it up in the fight and a humbling defeat i...

18 years ago
RE: so......this is just an idea, but Why not use the chatroom?

If it's at a time that I can handle it, I'd like to take part in it every now and then

18 years ago
RE: Sonic #174 and SX #19

It's time to move Bunnie and Antoine's relationship somewhere... but I'm not going to rule out the other good possibilities laid out here. btw, I thi...

18 years ago
RE: The new Eggman

I think what makes it seem different now is that there's not so much of a focus on him as the bad guy as there once was. In the earlier days, it was j...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

I would rather them use the name "Robotnik" a bit more. It seems like they always call him Eggman now, and there was really no indication in...

18 years ago
RE: Question: what do you think Ian should tackle next (storywis

The Brotherhood is at the top of my wants list. and just seeing more of Knux and the Chaotix in general would be great, but I understand it's sonic's ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic solicitations for March 2007

ant and bunnie are the obvious choice to be engaged, but maybe even sonic and fiona? i know that right now their relationship is probably rocky with s...

18 years ago
RE: Issue #169 Discussion (heavy spoiler alert!)

I'm thinking that's the something wonderful that Tails believes will happen with all those emeralds in the zone. Either that they will revive and retu...

18 years ago
RE: Jumped the Shark..

well, I've been reading the comic for a very long time now. The first issue I read when I was young at a food store was Sonic #18. I started collectin...

18 years ago
RE: Is the SatAM cast being phased out?

i'm hoping the comic's just in some sort of transitional phase while we get all these other characters' stories resolved (tommy, fiona, shadow, etc) I...

18 years ago
RE: Who are your favorite characters?

Knuckles has been my fave ever since they started going more into his story way back in the special "Sonic & Knuckles". I'm still sad th...

18 years ago
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