Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2003
Topics: 15 / Replies: 1381
Re: What anime/cartoons are you watching at the moment?

Watching through the Claymore DVDs with my brother currently. Am also following new Doctor Who.

13 years ago
Re: James Cameroon wants to beat Avatar's gross

Damnit James, just make Battle Angel already!

13 years ago
Re: Sonic Generations confirmed?

And Veckums, your fascination for loop-de-loops scares me a little. Arguing on the internet 101! When in doubt about your position, don't concede th...

13 years ago
Re: Sonic Generations confirmed?

I am tempted to get the most recent 3D Sonic titles to give them a proper and fair go, and to get a better idea of what we'll be seeing, especially no...

13 years ago
RE: Phantasy Star Online 2 confirm for PC

I doubt it'll get me to leave CoH forever, but I would love to play PSO again. I'd prefer it through my Dreamcast but sadly that day has passed foreve...

13 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

Man, we're getting some love over here lately, Xenoblade and this so far, and if The Last Story has been announced for us then I'm unnaware.

13 years ago
RE: mmorpg + mmos

City of Heroes has nothing to do with Marvel or DC, so no Wonder Woman. DC Universe Online has Wonder Woman though, as an NPC. And I've also played...

13 years ago
RE: mmorpg + mmos

I've been playing City of Heroes for over 6 years now, take a few months that I've left the game here and there out of boredon/low income. There used ...

13 years ago
RE: Sonic Generations! Let's celebrate 20 years of Sonic!

I have no belief that this game will be good, and although the games seem to be steadilly getting better lately (from review scores at least) I won't ...

13 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Danké PSX May get onto that tomorrow.

13 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I completed Dragon Age 2 yesterday and am now at a loss as to what to play next. As such, seeing as their are recommendation threads enough, I'd ask ...

13 years ago
RE: XenoBlade, Monolith Soft's newest RPG for the Nintendo Wii, announced officially

It's about time! Now we just need The Last Story to make its way here and then I'll be a lot happier.

13 years ago
RE: Recommended Gameboy Advance games

I figured I'd be a little different... Now I know what you might be thinking...and you're wrong, it's awesome fun!  It's a side scroll...

13 years ago
RE: FlashChat VS YukuChat

Voted for Flashchat, mainly because I used to use it a lot and only yesterday did I use Yukuchat while there were people in it.

14 years ago
RE: So about that Episode 2.

Sonic 4 is a 2D game though, and they've been responsible for all 2D Sonic games since Sonic Pocket Adventure, minus the Rival games, PS3/360 Sonic Un...

14 years ago
RE: So about that Episode 2.

- SOA and SOE are both giving feedback and input on Episode 2 - Well thats nice actually listening to the people who actually buy the games. Clue1: Ne...

14 years ago
RE: The Art Of Video Games

Hardest decisions were between Link to the Past and Chrono Trigger, and Wind Waker and Tales of Symphonia, though ultimately Chrono is just better tha...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Hsien-Ko and Thor are fine! You're just being mean! ;.; Seriously though, I've had no problems with them at all, only balance issues I have are ...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Got the game today aswell and I'm loving it myself. Currently my favourites are She-Hulk, Cap'n A, and Chun-Li. But to answer Pach's question; t...

14 years ago
RE: This year just got a little more... "Serious".

We've also got Rage coming out, from Id, the Wolfenstein/Doom/Quake guys.

14 years ago
RE: An experiment

Blue: appealing, cool, homely Tiger: Powerful, beautiful, inspiring Snowdonia: Quiet, tranquil, scenic I've never really thought as ...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

Personally I'd love to see Breath of Fire make a comeback on the system, less for the 3D and more for the only features. I'd say something like BoF m...

14 years ago
RE: Lock the doors and hide the kids!! The console wars return to handheld land!

There's no way this is gonna be cheap. The PSP suffered due to a higher price point than the DS, as did the PS3 to the 360. I find it weird that all...

14 years ago
RE: fish bladder

I once ate bugs inadvertantly due to letice I was picking at being covered in afids. They have my sympathy, what a way to go.

14 years ago
RE: Dreamcast collection for Xbox and PC.

Well you can also also get Soul Calibur, Virtual On, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, KoF 98, Rez and I think Ikaruga on XBLA, all of which appeared on the ...

14 years ago
RE: Dreamcast collection for Xbox and PC.

Well you can also also get Soul Calibur, Virtual On, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, KoF 98, Rez and I think Ikaruga on XBLA, all of which appeared on the ...

14 years ago
RE: Your 2010 in review.

Forgot about Peace Walker! Brother got it me for my birthday too. Good thing he doesn't go on these forums, or he'd be pissed!

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Because popularity has nothing to do with importance nor relevance in a series that has been going nearly 50 years? Hell, there's a reason Gambit...

14 years ago
RE: Nintendo 3DS , the DS successor

He also has the chest belt, which he had in the artwork but not in game until Majora's Mask.

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

PS3's my brother's, so unless I get one at some point in the near future I'll be getting the 360 version, sorry. 😛

14 years ago
RE: Your 2010 in review.

Games of 2010 I love:    Mass Effect 2   Super Mario Galaxy 2   Phantasy Star Zero   Super Street Fighter IV   Saku...

14 years ago
RE: Reverse sexism.

women are a minority in power, the workforce, leadership (even if we're much better at it) and also generally weak built and small sized. so it matter...

14 years ago
RE: Final Fantasy IV + The After Years: Complete Collection, Hi-Res Remakes for PSP

I've only got the PSOne releases of the SNES era Final Fantasies, so I may get this if I don't get the DS remake (I like the look of that one two.) ...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Keep an eye out for any Iceman related updates if you're worried about balance. :S

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Her style looks fantastic in this game too, seems almost wasted in the more restrained Street Fighter gameplay. Kind'a like how Darkstalkers characte...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

Yay for Storm was hoping for the 90s look. As for Viper, while I don't think she's amazing, I've seen posted about her being in ...

14 years ago
14 years ago
RE: The Tail Concerto "sequel" is finally here!

I think the region blocking os on DSi specdific games isn't it? Or the DSWare?

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

Can't view the first link. :/

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

That's sort of the most bizarre thing about it. Other than, Storm, who is unannounced DLC, the ONLY females Marvel has in the game are clones. vs...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

When it comes to clones She Hulk's always been pretty different to Hulk once she left the Savage She-Hulk days behind, in full control of her powers, ...

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

Thanks for that, though I think we'll need a clue on the contest. <.< Also I'll need to play that asap methinks, didn't realise there was a...

14 years ago
RE: FACT: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been announced!

YES! I was hoping She-Hulk would finally get a place, and she has an awesome fighting style too!

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

Out of my league then sadly. Though as an aside, I recognise your avatar but can't remember what from. 😛

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

Oh man...that looks like some twisted abomination that was cooked up in Garry's Mod.... Shot in the dark, and I really don't think I'm right, but...

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

I played it for a few hours before getting stuck. I think it was a gamebreaker glitch as I couldn't get around it with the help of online guides or a...

14 years ago
RE: The return of Guess the Game!

You win! Twice! You must now fight yourself to the death to decide who will post the next screenshot!

14 years ago
14 years ago
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