Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Dec 6, 2007
Topics: 21 / Replies: 56
Replies: 15
Views: 177
RE: Sonic #192 Preview and Discussion

And the last panels with Fiona and Scourge might be a hint of the end for them (personally) and a hint towards the supression squard's of having ...

16 years ago
RE: R.I.P. Miley Cyrus

it was started by 4chan

16 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 175
Replies: 55
Views: 1768
RE: Sonic the Hedgehog #193 & Sonic X #38 Previews

The only reason some of you are concern is because you feel Ian might be leaning towards a certain area with Amy. (that area that I speak of is of cou...

16 years ago
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

All I know and feel in my gut, is that something huge will happen, I mean Ian's the kind of guy that when it comes to a milestone issiue like thi...

16 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 412
16 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

I don't know what role Rouge and St. John will have to play in all this, just have to wait and see. But I too enjoyed this issiue. What...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 190, Archives Vol. 8 & SX 35

Well to me this 190 will have a lot to relvel, more emotionly than others, I mean take the word surpression, it basically stands for built-up emotions...

16 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 153
RE: Congregation of communication

Wii code: 2449 2801 7541 9214 nickname: BW

16 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 201
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

Yes it might be, for some say that it is hinted in this issiue, that they may restart their relationship again, let's just hope Ian does it right...

16 years ago
RE: STH #187 Preview and Discussion

But what does that say at the bottom top left hand corner of cast members, I wonder who those two are?

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

Sonic 186 discussion: From reading the 186th issiue that I got today in the mail, from what I have seen and read, it becomes apparent that I...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Well for me the story was instesting to say the least, and I do agree that Mina's and possibly Mighty's powers might get taken away and that...

17 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

To really get back on the subject track,just got 184 yesterday. The story was more of fist fight from start to near finsh, when Locke finally saw the...

17 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

Looks Locke got what he truly wanted, and that's his son back on the islnad (not alone that is, but with Julie-Su and the Chaotix) at the expense of h...

17 years ago
RE: Delay on 183?

It might be becasue of the hoildays that past.

17 years ago
RE: SPOILERS: On Sonic 183 (Read last post)

Well to me this issiue was fairly good. Cause it seems to me that everyone, with the execption of Locke, understands that there is a better way to de...

17 years ago
RE: Delay on 183?

I got mine on the 2nd of this month

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 53
RE: Sonic 182 Review

You know for me 182 was a great issiue, I mean despite what you may say about Ian at times, when he comes up with a story arc like this, he outdoes hi...

17 years ago
RE: Oh shoot, Sonic 181 Spoilers!

Review for Sonic#181 So far this Enerjak saga is turing out pretty good. To me it seems Enerjak aka Knuckles is trying to do what he feels is righ...

17 years ago
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