Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2002
Topics: 15 / Replies: 220
RE: The "What games can you -not- beat?" thread

Well, I sat down for one last try today, beat the accursed room that I glitched around, fought through the next stage (including the fight I quit on),...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Recovery and Pain

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (DX) - 13 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 11 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - 11 The Legend of Zel...

18 years ago
RE: We always knew dolphins were dangerous...

The only responses I can think of involve frickin sharks with frickin lazer beams attached to their heads.

18 years ago
RE: Post your tales of Mondegreens here.

I've done it at least once to every song on Metalocalypse. The first several times I heard any part of the Metallica song "King Nothing", i...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Questions of the week 02/06 QotW 2:The Questioning

1. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? Since I'm currently unemployed, I'm hoping it doesn't ...

18 years ago
RE: Need a title of a song (actually it's more like a jingle)

According to Wikipedia, it is from the oratorio "Messiah" by George Frederic Handel. It is section #44 listed, clicking "play in brows...

18 years ago
RE: What Are You Reading?

After five years of procrastination, I have finally finished Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I'm currently reading the much less techn...

18 years ago
RE: How bout dat game?

I haven't cared about football in years, but I happened to have been near a TV that was playing it, and this does not look good for Coltstar Defender.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

The last movie I saw was Epic Movie. The last movie I enjoyed seeing was Silence of the Lambs.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

The last movie I saw was Epic Movie. The last movie I enjoyed seeing was Silence of the Lambs.

18 years ago
RE: He's Back...

To explain it to you, Rapid. JRapidfire? One of the people we in the AIM chat frequently confused with TheTrueSonic. Same style of idiot, except this...

18 years ago
RE: Saddam Hussein Executed

Is there no security against camera phones in Iraq or something? Seriously, just walking up to a shrouded dead body and taking pictures? This may be ...

18 years ago
RE: He's Back...

Welcome back, Rapidfire! I more remember you from the AIM chat than the forum. And I don't think anyone will be confusing you with JRapidfire, AKA Th...

18 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 106
RE: Saddam Hussein Executed

I don't find it sad or depressing that the man is gone. Executions happen. I do find it sad that the video is, in fact, on the Internet. I'm not lin...

18 years ago
RE: How do You pronounce the NAMES?

Suh-ka-key. The numbers are silent. Also: "The first syllable [[of Khlul'-hloo is]] pronounced gutturally and very thickly. The u is about like ...

18 years ago
RE: Well, e knew this was going to happen

Quote:I just hope someone famous beats the craps out of K-Fed. Tune in to WWE Monday Night Raw this December 31. According to K-Fed(up with having m...

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

When I got my driver's license, I was asked on the spot if I'd like to register for selective services, and to vote. I said yes. I went in to vote to...

18 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #102.5 (FROM THE FUTURE!)

4chan is an amazing place if you can get around the porn and the stupidity. Which you can't. Oh yeah, and caption: Ah-ooh, it's a snake!

18 years ago
RE: So, I'm no longer a boyfriend...

Congrats to you and your beloved, Jin. This marks a historic day for the Mobius Forum. ..... PiE will officially end soon.....

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

EDIT: Well, I've seen the screenshots saying it. It's odd, though. Wikipedia seems to be okay citing it, while HRWiki says it's not a reliable source ...

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

It has been announced on the MySpace page for the Adult Swim show Metalocalypse that the Dethklok song "Thunderhorse" WILL be a bonus track ...

18 years ago
RE: Help! ^^; (tell me your fave children's story!)

Curious Incident is definately NOT a children's book, despite being an amazing book that I highly recommend. Then again, I was gonna recommend The St...

18 years ago
RE: hellooooooo

We have a rotating series of themes in circulation in the MF Central right now, I believe it changes every five minutes.

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

Because Bark At The Moon is the only thing keeping me from beating Normal mode in the original, which I borrowed from a friend. But Guitar Hero II is...

18 years ago
RE: Wow...blast from the past

Wrong Nicole, then. Sorry, don't know you XD Must be from either my lurker time, or before my own time.

18 years ago
RE: Firefox addons

At home: FFXI Finder FFXI Skillchain Calculator FFXI Mapper Vana'diel Clock FoxyTunes At work, all of the same, plus VideoDownloader, AdBlock Plus, a...

18 years ago
RE: Wow...blast from the past

I remember you. At least, I think. Great anime/manga style artist, had a fling with Eon for a while, use and Katsuni used to quote each other in your ...

18 years ago
RE: Farewell to the Mobius Forum.

Damnit man, you're one of those guys I just kinda lost touch with and it's gonna suck to see you go i.i I've popped on your LJ time after time to kee...

18 years ago
RE: What Do You Miss?

I miss the old Emerald Chat, too. To me, it ended when the RPing in it changed rooms and everyone kinda split (I went with them, and now my currect sc...

18 years ago
RE: What Do You Miss?

I miss the days when the SPA was funny, instead of full of the same irritating useless posts that, way back when, would've been labeled "bad spam...

18 years ago
RE: I need to get a life.

Get the heck away from the SPA. Just do it.

18 years ago
RE: My Space or LJ?

I did the LiveJournal thing, but recently found myself using MySpace for picture uploading, blogging, and reading the blogs of bands I like/Dethklok. ...

18 years ago
RE: Justify your avatar!

Elvis Impersonator Cthulhu has owned you soul for like a year now because I'm too lazy to change it. EDIT: I didn't know how old this avatar/sig comb...

18 years ago
RE: It could be the end of our existance as we know it!

God I love ExitMundi, doubly so since they cleaned up and finally started updating again. Best "Overall negative feeling towards humanity" w...

19 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

My girlfriend thought it would be funny to straighten my hair out entirely. Then later take a suprise photo while I was eating a chili dog.

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 68
19 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 174
RE: goodbye

I wish I'd evolve out of a nose. Not only do I go to conventions, I go to Dance Dance Revolution rooms at conventions x_X Join the revolution, Craig...

19 years ago
RE: goodbye

You can do it, Craig! The technology to hit someone through the Internet DOES exist. Just ask Chuck Norris*. * I'd like to say "Ask the little b...

19 years ago
RE: And so the Church decided to spice up their signs...

I'm slowly getting a Photobucket subalbum full of these things, so I'll post more if this thread doesn't die. EDIT:

19 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Rhapsody - Sacred Power of Raging Winds In the gunning for favorite song, tying Rush's 2112 Overture (2nd) and staring down Metallica's The Call of K...

19 years ago
RE: It is ze chibi Sonic! ^^

*steals the energy blade from US007's sig and uses it to kill Acrio's avatar* o_O;;

19 years ago
RE: Merry Christmas!

$15 The Ghost in the Shell DVD The Animatrix VHS Rhapsody's "Symphony of the Enchanted Lands II" Dungeons & Dragons 16 month wall calender Metalli...

19 years ago
RE: Best Game Series Ever. Vote.

Best Game Series Ever. Dungeons & Dragons. Your role playing games wouldn't even be fun without it.

19 years ago
RE: Final MFC Theme

MoFo theme of the MoFo. It's Ezboard history, it's characters, it's highs and lows. Wing it.

19 years ago
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