Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Sep 12, 2002
Topics: 15 / Replies: 220
RE: Off to a wedding in Indiana

Last time I was at a wedding, a cute bridesmaid took a shot at me. Except she was a twentysomething drinker. And I was, like, 14. o_O;; Anyway, go...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Crook gets owned on the news

Well, I don't think anybody deserves the public reaming he got on the video, being treated like a little kid, not being allowed to finish a single sen...

19 years ago
RE: Explosions in London, Underground closes...

I didn't have an actual comment while reading, until I saw Cycle's last post. Quote: TheCycle Myes, panic and finger-pointing is precisely what the t...

19 years ago
RE: Let's all learn something about eachother.

Two slices of balogna, fried (Amount approximately equal to the balogna) of ham, fried (perfered texture: shaved) Pepperoni Two slices of American che...

20 years ago
RE: Strange.

Well, I'd like to push for more serious posters, and less spam. It's slightly ridiculous. Oh, and I like MFC0's layout too. Then again, I always hate...

20 years ago
RE: Exterminatus Now!

Refresh me. Exterminatus Now is set in the Grim Darkness world. We used to link to the Grim Darkness forum on the ezBoard Ring at the bottom of the m...

20 years ago
RE: Yikes! (problem solved)

Depends on who you ask, really. For me, it's SquareEnix. For others, Blizzard. For even others, I don't even know who makes SWG, Everquest, and CoH.

20 years ago
RE: How the dinosaurs REALLY died

I'm sorry. I had to add this: ARROW'd!

20 years ago
RE: How do I upload an AIM icon?

My AIM, Edit Options, Edit Preferences, Expressions, Browse PC.

20 years ago
RE: Caption of the Whenever #69 (5/28/05)

As Seifer completed his transformation, he turned his attention away from Squall and Rinoa to Selphie, and never realized how attractive he thought th...

20 years ago
20 years ago
RE: Yet another Geek test...

I want to confess: I last took this test a year and a half ago. Back then, I never knew who Douglas Adams was (I plan to finish the sixth book in the...

20 years ago
RE: anybody here like extreme music?

It was more of a general statement then directed to someone, I think.

20 years ago
RE: anybody here like extreme music?

They may be heavy, true. But if being heavy was all it took to qualify for the genre, you'd probably like alot of the stuff you claim to hate. Any cra...

20 years ago
RE: anybody here like extreme music?

First off, Rob, they were saying that to make fun of people who blindly follow tastes of music like you (or at least like yours). Secondly, any form ...

20 years ago
RE: Three people killed over Role-Playing Game

Sam: Mystery Science Theatre 3000 presents: Jack Chick's "Dark Dungeons" The rest of the thread: Actually, I just agree with Sam. My first D&D gr...

20 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 77
RE: I... uh... *Windows Firewall/Security Center help*

The step by step: Read Cycle's post. Went to run PC-Cillin. Couldn't find it. Assumed his download (which was earlier at Cycle's instruction) was a ...

20 years ago
RE: anybody here like extreme music?

Quote:Failing that I'll have Metallica Good... Good... Although I'm vaguely familiar with some of those bands, I'll stick with Metallica. When Metal...

20 years ago
RE: I... uh... *Windows Firewall/Security Center help*

I am the administrator account for the computer, and I don't have a standalone firewall right now, although one sounds like a very good idea.

20 years ago
RE: Mother's Day! (US)

Yesterday I learned that Mother's Day is day of the year where long distance phone calls are made the most. Anyway, I got my mom a heating, vibrating...

20 years ago
RE: Strange and Embarrassing moments, anyone?

I was in a school play where I had to appear nude under a one piece outfit (native american stereotype) and forgot to bring my shorts to wear undernea...

20 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Yoda plushie. You lose.

20 years ago
RE: Questions Of The Year...

Your First Time - When was the first time you came to Sonic HQ? What brought you here? If you're one of the oldheads - what do you think has kept you ...

20 years ago
RE: Questions Of The Year...

Your First Time - When was the first time you came to Sonic HQ? What brought you here? If you're one of the oldheads - what do you think has kept you ...

20 years ago
RE: SatAm Sonic vs SegaSonic

Ah, Gargoyles. The only Disney-related series you'll ever catch me admit to liking. Ever.

20 years ago
RE: SatAm Sonic vs SegaSonic

After hearing so much about "SatAM this, SatAM that", I actually went out of my way to download every single episode from both seasons and t...

20 years ago
RE: List all your alts, or - better yet - post with them!

Sakaki22 Sailor Morbid And two Council of Dr. FexusFan-related ones which shall remain secreted. As we are a council of secrecy, or something o.o

21 years ago
RE: Who's your favorite band/singer/performer/musician etc....?

I, for some odd reason, feel like I should come back and back up my feeling for the band that made American-made Metal what it is (Don't you just love...

22 years ago
RE: Tergonaut's Log (letters from Elder Matthias Johnson)

Eep. Thanks for reminding me. I gotta write him...

22 years ago
RE: The PiE Revelation: In COMIC FORM!

Well, the comic was great. I FINALLY get to see some evil admins being... evil adminish. And the strips we're great, too. As for PiE... if it means th...

22 years ago
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

A.) THEY SWARM MY FEET WHEN I TRY TO WALK TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!! (Honestly, my dog had puppies, and it's a pain to go to the bathroom in the basement) ...

22 years ago
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