Mobius Forum Archive

Samanfur the Fox
Noble Member
Joined: Jun 30, 1998
Last seen: Jun 5, 2011
Topics: 61 / Replies: 2055
Replies: 26
Views: 381
RE: Something that I couldn't help but wonder about (SSS #8 related)

You got the image in one, Kayla. Like I said: it fits. Definitely makes me wish that I was a better artist than I really am.

16 years ago
RE: Dr. Who question

I actually prefer The Sarah Jane Adventures to a lot of New Who. Less dumbing down (ironically enough). Less gratuitous stunt-casting of the execu...

16 years ago
RE: Anyone here want Art Mawhinney to come back?

*slaps Psx for the Liefeld reference* Titan Tails was bad enough as an isolated incident, thankyouverymuch! As much as I found Axer's wor...

16 years ago
RE: Something that I couldn't help but wonder about (SSS #8 related)

*is having images of Sonic, Shadow and Silver as the Three Lights - scarily, it kind of works if you don't think too closely about the PVC, and w...

16 years ago
RE: He Must REALLY Like SatAM.

As far as the franchise as a whole goes, I think that most posters here've been with the franchise for a long time and seen plenty of reasons to ...

16 years ago
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

The rule is there for a reason. I know that the Moderators haven't always been there to pounce on these things recently, but that's still no...

16 years ago
RE: Fifteen years!

I'm another person who started with issue one. And I know I'm old. I'm just trying to be apathetic about the fact at the moment.

16 years ago
RE: Mothers in the Sonic comic

I disagree. As someone who's flagrantly anti-Sally most of the time, seeing her realistically portrayed as a hormonal teenager who's been ps...

16 years ago
RE: Bristol Comicon 2008

I'll be there, as usual. I just need to chat with DW about the specific formalities.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 186 preview pages and discussion:

I'm completely with Dub on the Mogul issue. That juxtaposition of all of Sonic's usual annoying backtalk and Mogul's cool, intelligent ...

16 years ago
RE: Romantic Interest in STC

Don't worry about it. Welcome to the Mobius Forum.

17 years ago
RE: MoForumer Fanart Thead!

Trish, that sepia effect's gorgeous - I wish I knew how to work with layers like that.

17 years ago
RE: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

I'm with Dub on this. Bioware have a track record of producing decent games - which is more than Sega've managed for a considerable while no...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

Like I said: I don't claim to understand or justify half of it.

17 years ago
RE: Which current gaming system do you prefer?

Casual games are more pick-up-and-play and tend to be simpler than other games, Like the earlier Sonic or Mario games, then? You know - the really...

17 years ago
RE: Which current gaming system do you prefer?

I've been hearing it for ten years now and still don't understand the concept of "casual gamers" or "casual games", or h...

17 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

True. But if he thinks that the pendulum's swung too far the other way, that's his privilege. This is strictly a personal preference, bu...

17 years ago
RE: Unknown

Puh-leeze! That is so last season!

17 years ago
RE: My, it's been awhile.

No problem, Terg. It's after midnight here and I'm a bit too tired to be coherent right now - but I'll get back to you.

17 years ago
RE: Unknown

Oh yeah? But I'll bet they're manually operated. Ours have remote control. *raspberry*

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I agree - although I still think that they managed more coherence and feel from the original story from Doomsday. I was genuinely surprised that they ...

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I agree - although I still think that they managed more coherence and feel from the original story from Doomsday. I was genuinely surprised that they ...

17 years ago
RE: My, it's been awhile.

This may be the moment where I realise there're holes in my collection (nobody's ever asked me before). They're on a different PC t...

17 years ago
RE: My, it's been awhile.

Just so you guys know - I kept all of the forumers' sailor graphics from the original GM...

17 years ago
RE: Which current gaming system do you prefer?

I only own a PC, so that's my choice.

17 years ago
RE: Unknown

Yes way. Pirate ninjas. Riding on dinosaurs.

17 years ago
RE: Next SPA theme?

It has just occured to me. Why do we not already have a GamesMaster theme?I think that you're showing your age there, Crims. Personally, in ...

17 years ago
RE: NiGHTS into Dreams coming to the PS2

That storybook art reminds me of the cutscenes in Christmas NiGHTS - I wouldn't mind hunting down a scan of it sometime. Must go looking...

17 years ago
RE: How long do you plan to stay here?

As of this July, I'll have been here for ten years. So far, my interest in the MF's mostly survived moves, degree courses and full-time jobs...

17 years ago
RE: And a shot to the RPG world.

I've only ever actually played one campaign of D&D - and I didn't even finish it. But what he did for the tabletop RPG made a lot of gee...

17 years ago
RE: Hello, I'm a new member

Sounds interesting, Becca - but where and how do you attach the handle?

17 years ago
RE: After 10 Years, New Slayers TV Season Confirmed In Development!

And there was much, much rejoicing! I'd like to find out what happened to Jiras (and Valgaav, too) - but given the way that Sylphiel was left...

17 years ago
RE: "The Mobius Forum and the Mindblowing Thread of TOTALLY AWESOME!"

I've been using the original Zoomquilt as a screensaver for a while now. It tends to attract attention. The number of people who think of Hug...

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I watched New Frontier before Christmas. For me, they got the art style of the original series dead on, but they chopped around the narrative and the ...

17 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

I watched New Frontier before Christmas. For me, they got the art style of the original series dead on, but they chopped around the narrative and the ...

17 years ago
RE: Civil rights icon Johnnie Carr, 97, dies

Not a name I know, although Rosa Parks' funeral got live TV coverage here. Red, do you mind me asking you as a teacher how much of the histor...

17 years ago
RE: Have you been in Norway?

Fredrik's Swedish, and he's been posting here for about seven or eight years. Next time, why not just ask instead of insulting his command o...

17 years ago
Replies: 45
Views: 2529
RE: Newest Sonic Design Revealed in Nintendo Power

It's not a capybara - it looks like a wombat to me.

17 years ago
RE: OMG waaagh~! (earthquake in england!) ~chibibecca

It hit here, too. It was quite odd, actually, since I was on the 'phone with a friend at the time - who suddenly let out a volley of expletives a...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic #185 main story discussion SPOILERS

Quote:did he have any plans? Yes, he did. Check the breakdown of Karl's projected plotlines before he left - it's in the comic section. Personally, ...

17 years ago
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