The reason people use fossil fuels in the first place is because of their inherent utility. If there are better, safer, and cleaner alternatives that ...
You agree with Al Gore. Tha makes you wrong.
I like Windows because people actually use Windows.
Well, she used words like "tyrant" to describe herself in her own post. I hardly think she wasn't trying to do SOMETHING by putting it that way.
Yeah, I forgot it was so low. As in, I knew it, but it didn't hit me that that's less than the size of a standard CD. XD
Read the ban-until-9999 thread, Deck. And Microsoft can be free, Box. 😉
I really shouldn't have any more criteria than female knowing me... ...but I do. Though, I'm pretty open minded about such. In terms of appearance, ...
My first reaction was to start thinking up rebuttals to those (brainwashing people into thinking there isn't any alternative? really.), but I really d...
Ah, right, sorry, I'm not used to factoring in size restrictions when I figure on downloads. I was thinking he meant a file the size of a CD game is t...
Yeah, but this isn't a serious antiLunix article, if you didn't notice. It defeats its' own arguement because it's intentionalyl ridiculous. 😛
PSX, what do you mean by "something that can be downloaded"?
I'm sorry, I have to disagree - I wasn't bickering, or at least I wasn't trying to, I was jsut saying that while I saw what Terg was saying (after his...
I'm sorry, I see what you're saying, I jsut don't agree that it's logical, Terg. IM me if you're interested in discussing it, because this isn't the p...
But I have a PS3...anyway, thanks a lot. You're making me drool, Jin. <3
I alone. ;;
How is COD4? Worth a closer look? I'm a modern-warfare whore, but does it have much to it other than being a modern-warfare game? Unless it just abso...
Do you like Mario Party games?
I think you're taking things a liiittle too seriously.
It's nowhere implied that because one didn't offer to host the server themselves, that means they're okay with it. I don't really see your logic there...
I don't understand why banning someone for illegally using a test copy of an unreleased game in a way the copy isn't supposed to be used is a reason t...
I'd be more concerned that someone else is out there runnign around with my keys than I would whether or not I had a spare.
Would this be news if it weren't that she was a voice actor in a TV show, and an actor in two other shows?
I'm also a little concerned with the quote "I do targetted strikes." Based on that and the rest of your post, it seems more that you're going to watch...
In a less extreme form of what Tranny said, don't you think you're being a little extreme, in wording? We've long adhered to the rules as set forth on...
I don't think sexism is as big an issue as people think it is. I will say, however, that she will use the gender card. a lot. FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT PM...
But Rico, that's no fun. D: Anyway, thanks!
Such is always good news. Good luck to you both!
Ain't Your Fairytale - Sonata Arctica Alien - Aria Revolution Deathsquad - Dragonforce
That's a pretty good viewpoint, I can agree to that. Certainly I'd call a rapist more demonic than a firefighter.
Ready to Strike - Firewind Replica - Sonata Arctica Phoenix - Stratovarius
Boycott all of California.
The fact that it cut off the last three 0's in the subject line made me lolz
Well, I'd think advising everyone to stay in the house is unreasonable, unless there are terrorist gunmen on the streets or something. Ordering peopl...
It's a super cereal problem here, guys.
I have proof. Acrio. o.o I won't specify.
If you use Linux, er, that is, if you change your lifestyle for them or something, the terrorists win.
Pump more CO2 into it.
Don't Say A Word - Sonata Arctica Sad But True - Metallica Replica - Sonata Arctica
XP patch? I own RCT and the expansion packs and I isntalled and run it on XP perfectly fine.
Welcome back, Aeva. A lot's happened, really. Waaay too much to go over int he case of the RP.
Happy birthday, Ray!
Mindtraveller - Falconer Guardian of the Empire - Aria Disciples of Babylon - Dragonforce
I installed the Flashchat client, but just got around to actually setting the server to (any of you in Chat earlier today that saw me com...
I carry a personal one for school and for home.
lolz, school issue. *ugs HIS USB drive* nN
No, that's feburary.