[cleanliness edit]
If Geo hasn't figured out my music tastes already, then he's slower than I thought.
SX would so harass Justin(a) about that. Then four months late (s)he's walking around in a beautiful dress going CURSE YOU!
But (Cute) goes without saying. o.o
^ @#*&*$%*^ < Poke! V Ow.
Techno/rock is great. ^_^
^ Yep! < ^___<i>Live at The Sandopolis</i> L ^___O_O
what do you mean "looks very hot there" SX looks hot anywhere, in any clothes or lack of them. o.o Ask Spiner he'd agree! But the way you p...
Thaaaanks. <3 Keep in mind that SX is male, here, guys that would think otherwise.
*is shipped three times*
^ But the pen won't win the war. < Grr! L AAAAH
*conquers the world, like Penguins will!*
^ C is for something else. < Stomachache. @@ V <_>
*turns Cooki into the T block* o.o
Agreed, Srol. To HSW's second spoiler - Have you read the book On Her Majesty's Secret Service? I'm unsure about the movie, it and Thunderball are th...
SH, I just renamed out of my Thanksgiving alt ("Inevitable Family Fighting" - Was the most SXy Thanskgiving thing I could think of.) Maybe y...
^ YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR! < wins, then? L Have a Very SX Christmas!
Screw Canadia >=C We need to laucnh a pre-emptive strike like Wierd Al told me.
Now, aftrer finally getting around to reading all of this, I don't want to write the nextscene in Acts of War because I already know I suck at making...
For those of us that hate copy/paste URLs. I put six overall on my Mp3 player, Dead Batteries, The Doomsday, Walk On Water, Malicious Fingers, Scramb...
Money. From Dad, a PS3 come Feb-March. Money is typically all I ask for.
<3 @ Walk on Water
Most verily, I doth approve of crossposting! I put six overall on my Mp3 player, Dead Batteries, The Doomsday, Walk On Water, Malicious Fingers, Scra...
Get a Wii. The numbers of Sonic games make up for the lack of Sonic '06.
Sean Connery > Roger Moore > Timothy Dalton > Pierce Brosnan > George Lazenby > Daniel Craig. Connery > Brosnan > Craig/Moore ti...
Here in GA we have to be 15.5 o.o You're 6 months behind. Well. I don't have a permit because I'm too lazy to learn this packet thing I have.
Why did you do that, Hiro?
FYI - M4A1 Like you put it. "Hot"
Hapy birthday, Astrid!
the difference you're seeing is two things: First, this is the first Bond film in a long time to not hav e a huge plot to take ove rhte wworld, or sma...
Honestly, I suspected, but I didn't *know* it was fake until he said he was shot five times.
why yes, yes you do. In other news, just kick him around a bit.
^ Is wrong. < Saw the new James Bond film! L Wants to see it.
Hiya! *pounce* Although we've already almost kinda maybe met in Chat so yeah. *Rehiya! *pounce*
Hell, I uspport it too. It's better than nothing. But I think there ust has to be a beter way to spend money towards securing the border than a giant...
^ Is wrong. o.o < Likes good graphics but can see more in a game... V *sing!*
Chosen One makes me hit things, but this one maks me hit things harder. This one is basically screaming that life sucks. And Chosen One would be ther...
No, iirc the Berlin Wall was only effective when the Soviet Union started outting armed guards in towers to shoot those who tried to cross. Before tha...
^ Yes, they cost much of that. < Considers it worth it, really. L Wonders what the PS4 and the next Xbox or the next Nintendo console will cost. Al...
It's passable. This however, is not.
The level of crap contained in the song is obscene.
Emotional Quotient? I've never heard of that.
^ FOod! < Hates the themes, though. Loves the BGMs L Already has nextgen games to be excited about.
^ Yeah, actually. < Will get a Wii next year, when the price drops. L Loves the music for Sonic '06 ^_^