Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: May 12, 2005
Topics: 86 / Replies: 3382
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ *TACKLE* < La! ^^ V Flamethrower 180 BURN DEAD

19 years ago
RE: We're running out of time!

But Iran is going to nuke it in five days. Duh.

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

I don't have pictures of her. That and I don't post people's pictures online without their permission. "Hey Lisa, I wanna show the Internet how ...

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Oh, about that HS77, we bought some Cookie Dough Ice Cream the other day. I went to the freezer two days later, <i>and it's still there</i&g...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

I don't think he was critisizing it as much as he was simply pointing out that a rumor wasn't true.

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ #@@# < #@@# V #@@#

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

Bible or it's equivalent. Dammit you know what I mean. D: Oh really Cyc? I didn't know that. ...Now to figure it out sometime. And TR, I believe I'v...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

That's why I said "a lot." As in, there's actually biblical references to these things, instead of the standard nutjob arguement of "th...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

No, it's not wether or not it's new to me. It's not if it has negatives, everything has bad things about them. But I don't want to get my news from so...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

No, no, no. I hate the whole "The world is ending this [insert event here] is proof!!11" nutjob stuff. Im only posting this because there's ...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

That's why I said "frequently." You don't take information from a source you can't trust.

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

I'm just saying that you pointed out something I just said. I know CNN has a right-leaning show, I was just talking about it. You don't have a commen...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

I'm sorry, I just typically don't like hearing from somehting I've never heard of before, yet never hearing of this anywhere else. Especially if that ...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

I know. It's just that most people see "conservative" and "right leaning" and "Republican" to be the same thing, and the...

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

And I pounce everyone. I'm SX. I'm pouncy.

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game


19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

No, typically I don't read a website for information about that website. Websites typically don't list bad thigs about themselves. I don't want "...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

I know Beck is conservative (However, he swears to not be a Republican), but I still find it funny that you classified a show on CNN as right-leaning.

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

I tried to look them up but all Google had was their homepage, and Wikipedia has nothing. You know something is obscure when Wikipedia doesn't know o...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

Um, no? If North Korea can even GET a missile to the US (Currently they've been bombing Japan's sushi sources.) we'd not just sit and watch as they la...

19 years ago
RE: Iran to launch a nuclear (Guess not.)

Technological issues are not a factor, really, Tus. Except for nuclear material, all you need is a Radioshack and a few hundred dollars US, and the In...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Mrh? < Spent $501.17 at Wal-Mart today. V <i>So get off the wall, stand proud and tall, get out there, and Dance like an Idiot!</i>

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Actually, I was saying "Kay" as in "Okay" but that works too. o.o

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Yeah, this whole what-comes-around-goes-around thing is kinda slow. Too slow. D:

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Yeah, the last few months have been bad. Mostly I just stayed in my room 24/7 (Don't feel bad. I do that anyway.) to avoid being a target. It's all so...

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Go polish your rocks for me Ethan. ^^ Tussy if you didn't notice, Ethan likes to refer to men by names meaning or involving sexual acts. Duh.

19 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat online on my PS2. If any of you play it online I'm SX_Kitsune.

19 years ago
RE: Age of Empires 3 is building.

...If your ram is crap, gig's are crap and sound card is crap not to mention even your monitor is fked up, how are you playing the game well enough to...

19 years ago
RE: Smorking.

Could you find that kind of thing on some news source that people have actually heard of before, please?

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Yes, Phil, it's called Karma. As in, when Lynn decided to release stress by phisyical harm, she built up bad karma. If ya want a million other example...

19 years ago
RE: Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

Oh yes it's appropriate. We're getting rid of a lot of dead weight, and a lot of stress. Probably relations between Dad and I will become less hostile...

19 years ago
RE: A Request before a Kilo EDIT: NEW LYRICS

I like Hiro's lyrics better, to be honest. You could change the phrase "Server Maintenance is for wankers," to fit a bit better, though.

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ WHY DO YOU STICK YOUR TONGUE AT ME >< *CRY!!* < wonders what Axe tastes like. o.o V Cheese!

19 years ago
RE: Battlefield 2 - Who Plays?

The rockets are overpowered in the ROM I have of Goldeneye 64. dun remember the actual N64 game well.

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

No, Kay, the chat censor came from "Scooter their Daisyheads" not the other way around. Vec or Lighty or Acrio or whoever is just being perv...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Typoed that word D: < Watched Kill Bill v1 and 2 today! V Has seen those movies

19 years ago
RE: Moon

Ah, I see. All I saw was a no-message message.

19 years ago
RE: Moon

Tus do you have a point or are you jsut being you. You forgot the rest of the sentence Rico. That's why I put it like that. D: Nice comments Cyc. Re...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Hasn't noticed that that's the first time I've said it in over four days < I GET NO NOTICE OF THESE THINGS >< V Did notice it! ^_^

19 years ago
RE: The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread.

If you're talking about that huge collage image with all the classic characters and "Wii" in the corner, that's not an official promo image....

19 years ago
RE: Moon

"flying into space" is relative. The private sector won't be landing people on the moon for a long, <i>long</i> time. As for rig...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Is a sad chao < Wonders who or what is making Kaze a sad chao now o.o B Yes I typed B instead of V!

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ The chao winked at me. o.o < Sonic chao! Shadow chao! Yiff! V has had that happen as well

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Da, Comrade. < Has the theme song to Metal Gear Solid 3 stuck in his head. o.o V <i>I'd give my life, not for honor, but for youuuuu...<...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Has chaos abilities. 😮 < Just now finished playing MGS3 again ^_^ V #^^#

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Considering scooter is the Chat censor for the F word, that phrase has a whole new meaning. Also, "Scooter their daisyheads" translates in Chat to f*...

19 years ago
RE: Bye, Bye E3

Only one of the three? Besides E3 gave us a YouTube'd filming of Sonic workin' it in front of the Microsoft section.

19 years ago
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