Matt, you're making about as much sense as...uh... Oh well. Screw it. SNAKES ON A PLANE! ('Cuz Wikipedia saiz that mentioning SOAP means a thread is...
LOL Look it up. Look it up on Google. Also, the DS CAN SURF THE INTERNET AND IT HAS SPEAKERS. Oh yeah. And it's because Sony is Japanese. Nintendo i...
^ Is wrong. I'm never happy. XP < Hmm. o.o I wonder about how true that statement might be, even if it WAS a joke. Creepy. V *click and drag to rec...
Uh am I supposed to take offense? You're rambling o.o Sheez. Anyway. Why is it that it's only a republican who thinks governments should be more conc...
"How did you know I was even going to read this thread? o.o" The magical happy import ponies of east Ecuador told me. And the line is perfectly clea...
<i>Ugh.</i> I love how they're automatically guilty because someone posted this. It's just...Whatever happened to due process? No, the peo...
Okay I am NOT about to read that massive wall of text. But hmm. I reviewed a liscence for one of my games. I don't speak Legalese well, but hte gist o...
Funny. I loved Mercs 1 and am highly anticipating this release. Funny how Chavez is acting all dumb/normal like always. 😀 Anyway I find the idea of...
Hey, wait. Don't most all PC games come with the same liscence? Read one. It typically says in legalese that you own the disk, but not the content. ...
^ Ok. o.o < Wonders what the avvie is V Is bathed in bacon grease.
^ Is correct. < Mwah. I'm smart. V Is reminded of the I R SMART EbSPA thread?
^ Yep < Knows who Exile is V >> <<... ^^
It's a joke, but I've seen people take a lot of it as fact. I first suspected it was a joke abut three minutes into it, then confirmed it when he talk...
Nooo. I remember it. It said it was You Can Do Anything - Instrumental but yeah. 🙁
^ Ew no. < o.o? V Is poked.
I don't get it.
PS3 all the way, baby!
^ YAY FOOD < Is arguably very much insane V Needs antacid.
^ Yep < *pounces the chao egg avvie again.* V Wants chicken.
^ Is wrong? < *pounces the chao egg avatar and eats it happily* V DON'T COME IN I'M NOT DECENT
Of course. Bat is right, even I'm not that dumb. That's the first place I looked. SoaH and Google followed.
The Instrumetnal version. It's not on that page.
^ Hiya! < Loves the chao egg thing too. o.o V n.N
^ Has a hot avvie. < *hump the leg of the avvie.* V ...o.o
^ Is wrong. 14th. < Is kidnapped. o.o V Help! ;;
Steebs do an ASCII SX 🙁
^ Totally lost me. o.o < I wish TUL would kidnap ME! ;__; I'M NOT LOVED V Raspberry!
Disable emoticons. XD
^ Actually is wrong. Chocolate is poisonous to canines, in alrge doses anyway. Smaller ones'll make 'em sick < o.o V Trivia!
^ Is wrong. Ugh, I can't stand chocolate < << >> ... ^^ V WE MUST RELEASE HIM WITH THE CEREMONIAL TWEEZERS!
^ Is dogpiled < WHEE! V o.O Get the taser...
Can you make a Trance verson of Supporting Me, the Biolizard theme? I can dig up an Mp3 of it if you need so, jsut IM me.
^ Is horribly unoriginal < Is more original V May or may not be original
^ Is playing with his wii < Is shot V EW WII
Except Chuck Norris and Sony. You can't destryo eitehr of those.
*licks the pie off your face* o.o
^ Is the fail < Hates eggrolls V MARUCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
...That's very, very odd. Cute!
No. At first, when I requested the first one, I thought she was a guy, for one. o.o Why is it you stalk like my every ppost with some poorly-thought-...
Like I said in Chat. Two mods and an admin all told me to just list everything and give IM/email/whatever. So I'm gonna do that. Ok? Ok. And it's only...