<i>I mean, if the CAR-15 is superior than the M-4, wouldn't it be in service now instead of mearely serving a few years back in the bush?</i&...
^ What < The... V F*CK!?
If you get a brain freeze, you should, ideally, lie down, belly up. Barring that, just lean your head back for a good ten seconds. It always works for...
...What are we talking about again?
PsyOps are basically just variables and factors to be considered when planning strategic operations, but at a tactical level psyops are not very usefu...
Actually, someone's done that too. o.o;
^ Is hugging me. o.o < *pokepokepoke* V *POKEPOKEPOKE*
Napalm is overrated, Knux. I reccomend Fuel-Air explosive munitions.
^ Is a food, and was just pounced and snarfed. Yep. < Sexy in both genders! V Is now in a beautiful dress too. o.o
My speakers are the best part of my computer /cuz they're loud as hell. Otherwise my computer is not outstanding. I do have an 8-in-1 media reader. n...
^ Needs tons more caffiene, Yep. < is an Addict...to food! @@ V Is a food.
Me? Nah, I wouldn't do that. Oooooh! Shooping for a gun TUL? Lemme help you pick one that's right for you!!! ^_^
Yay guns! ^_^ Knux I didn't mention any SMG's. o.O But the HK Mp5 > Uzi line, for SMG's. The Desert Eagle .50AE is a handgun, the Barrett .50BMG...
^ Needs more caffiene. < Is not Rayzor. o.O; V *sing* La! ^^
Rather have an M-4 than an AK-47. - Knux Bah, the F-15s and B-2s pwn all! - Kay But those are aircraft, not artillery. =O - DDK What's wrong with D...
^ YAY FOOD! < *eats the dirt, then the TUL* It's a food! n.n; V Is trapped in a can of Mountain Dew
I perfer an AK-47, but whatever works, Knux. o.o
^ Yep. < Just tacklehugged TUL. Yep. No dodging! V Hello, my name is ______. I am an Addict.
^ 's CT is a haiku, I never noticed that. o.o < Got sick today and had to go home. >< V Is about to be tacklehugged.
*throws socks at you all!* @@
^ o.o Duh? < Is playing MGS3 V Mountain Dew!
>> WHY does the whole UK not have AC? You third world UKians! @@
^ Is dinner. < Is fed. >> V Is dessert!
Dude hiya! I'm SX. n.n
Once I slept for twenty-three hours and seventeen minutes. o.O
Holy sh*t. Who the hell let this one through?
I alternate between getting a few hours of sleep and getting voer 12. o.o
Hey wait. It was illegal? Oh, sh*t. o.O Happy 18th!
Sexism? Wait, no. Uh...
^ As the Eggman watches... ...Wait, what? o.o; < Is listening to Lemon Demon's (The guys behind Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny) Consume...
^ Is wrong < *sing* ^_^ V <i>Live and Learn!</i>
^ Nope. o.o < La! ^_^ V #o.o#
You get three hours a night? Damn. o.o You just need more caffiene. ><
^Move < Zig. V You know what you doing?
^ Mwah < I think I'm failing Sports Med. Damn random office secretary for shoving me in there. V *shiver*
*adds ketchup and pizza* o.o
^ Is a food < [this message has been left blank] V Is dead. Jsut doesn't know it yet.
<i>So not all escapees are bad people.</i> If they aren't bad, why are they in prison? Just checking the scenery?
Uh. Ok. There's already a chao topic. If it didn't get destroyed in the Great EzBarf.