Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: May 12, 2005
Topics: 86 / Replies: 3382
RE: It's not my Unbirthday!

Holy sh*t I always thought you were older than me. Happy 14th. It's all downhill from here.

19 years ago
RE: Man Hits Own Car.....And Then...

I'll sue me and take all my money! =D ...This guy is an idiot.

19 years ago
RE: just something i wrote for lil' ol' you

Marky, this is EXACTLY why you don't suck.

19 years ago
RE: I'm back- Anyone remember me?

Dude weba. I remember you.

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*slaps Shendu* Shut up, you can't spam like that. It's against the rules to just randomly come into a spam topic and spam like that. Sooooo off topic....

19 years ago
RE: My Original Art and My Fan Art

Well, I advertised your Chao SX's around and everyone loved them. I think that's one part of it. Besides, that, you don't suck and you do requests, so...

19 years ago
RE: Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

I want a Sonic the Hedgehog version of Spiderman 2. That rocked. Freeroam Station Square would kick ass.

19 years ago
RE: My Original Art and My Fan Art

Wow, Jet K is in demand suddenly. XD Ultra, that Ultra in a Dress made me kill myself again. You bastard. Oh, and for the Acrio/Rico one? I will off...

19 years ago
RE: Weirdo nerd question

But Rico, you don't suck. o.o That's why they're so well recieved. Kid, don't write worrying about if they suck. If you do that, then they will suck....

19 years ago
RE: Art requeeeest. >>

Meh, I doubt one could get it right if they haven't played the game. That, and I've drowned you in art requests recently. o.o

19 years ago
RE: How has Sonic affected your life?

Sonic brought me here. Bringing me here has introduced me to spriting, animation, computer works, and more.

19 years ago
RE: Good bye, Chef

LOL. This guy is funny.

19 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 114
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

*uses Wes's sig to distract Thunder and takes the win*

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

*follows the line, pouncing, rawring, and snarfing them in succession* >>

19 years ago
RE: The competition is too tough!

Well, him being Swedish explains it. He just uses Babelfish. o.@ EDIT: Whoops.

19 years ago
19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

Hey, why is it still the King's spam topic if he's gone? o.o

19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

Who the hell would want Yuji Naka around. o.o He can't even make a good game! @@

19 years ago
RE: Does anyone know where... (Photoshop help)

Thanks alot. It's for a small Word project I'm doing. And Shendu, pay attention or shut up.

19 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 129
RE: Tech help needed

What does it recognise the phone as? Flashdrive? That's what my computer sees my calculator as. It's easy if that's the case, just click and drag. Ha...

19 years ago
RE: So who wants to expose to the world where they live?

In case I didn't post this before: *exposes himself to the world!* =D

19 years ago
RE: Yay A Kilopost

Meh, you're alright. Welcome to the 1k club. Would you like a drink?

19 years ago
RE: My Original Art and My Fan Art

That's also the first and only visual of Super Chao SX I have. Thanks a lot! ^^ A little something in return. Not much, but still. All I got. XD

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ FAIL. ^^ < Well, I leave all of my possessions to T-*choke* V Does not recieve anything out of the will.

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ FAIL. < Well, I started it... V Is a dancing Mr. Potato Head.

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Has poor taste in cell phones. And is lying. < o.o V Eats children.

19 years ago
RE: SH or Shadow had duff characterisation

Tails has done a complete turnaround. In SA1 he loses his total dependence on Sonic. Kinda follows that in SA2. - I liked that. Heroes and Shadow? "So...

19 years ago
RE: My Original Art and My Fan Art

One. Two. Three. - This is why you don't suck. ^^

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Is a food < Is a me! V Is a you?

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Is a food! < *has no idea?* V 9mm

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

No wonder they say chao suck at life support. o.o *pets Kaze* Good bo- gir- chao!

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Hell no. < BAD IMAGES. V Red Bull gives you wiiiiiiings!

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Is my REAL dinner. < No. Pizza. And TransFAN92. V lol u fail

19 years ago
RE: Whoever Posts Last Wins 3: Now with an actual winner

*laughs and watches you FAIL* *snarfs the win* ^^

19 years ago
RE: Darth Vader's OFFICIAL spam topic - DO NOT WANT COOKIES

I'm a medic! Who needs help? ...Oh, it's just him? Oh well. *laughs as the newspaper ink contaminates his blood*

19 years ago
Replies: 1149
Views: 3991
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