THS I didn't even make that. That was Wes.
Aw, f*ck.
A bit of training and some suggestive lyrics and Sage could top charts. Honestly, wow. Oh, and pro recording studios, throat sprays, and skanky cloth...
God Crim. o.o You amlmost blew out my speakers with that. ...Hiya!
1 Siberian Husky - Houdini "Dini" - female 1 German Shepard/Chow mix - Sierra - female And the two that I don't like: 1 Chihuahua - Oscar - ...
Overall, I like it. Hard, not very much plot, but I like it. The plot, or what passes as a plot, does wrap up rather nicely. It's like Sonic Rush in t...
A duck. O_o; EDIT: Took it again. A wolf.
I got Riders yesterday at EB Games. I find the steering rather stiff, but the controls are easy to grasp after maybe a few races. Plot seems fine, but...
You're pretty good. I wish I had your talent.
Ah, this topic really cheered me up. Really. ...Now go to school. You apparently need it.
Sony doesn't just do games. They pretty much led the entire Japanese economy through the second half of the 20th century on Walkmans. The Yen, and Son...
Good boy, Terg.
There are nine processors, Jeff. The fact that Sony stock shook the Yen as a whole suggests that Japanese people send way too much time gaming.
Trust me, have many more than just one. It's a sensitive situation for reasons I'm not about to post, but calling the police would be rather bad.
Yay, pretty! *hugs this theme*
I want on that list! *CRY* EDIT: n.n *hugs the chao*
It has indexed MIDIs, sheet music, game commercials and more too. Ask for details.
If life was easy, it'd suck. Admit it or not, humans live for challenge. Sports. War. Economies. Governments. It's all competition.
Uh, what? o.o
Jet K I am going to stalk you and hump your leg. Seriously, I just love that chao pic. Well, okay, I said about the same for them all, but just look ...
I'd love a small, quiet role, maybe a sniper? Sprites of SX are here and here. Thanks! EDIT: Spriters needed? Contact me, you have my Y!M. I do pre...
I didn't take it. o.o
It's a long story, and I'll kill many important details, but the gist ofit is: Overreactive mother of my girldfriend takes the phrase "he's my bo...
Mwah. EDIT: apparently hugging is rape, her mom threatens to sue for "statuatory rape" and she stalked me and everything.
I carry my cellphone (with built in GPS chip and camera) and I can see my school from my house (Far too close to ride, it's not even ten minute walk)....
You don't have to. o.o
No. Honestly. I'm going to stalk you and hug you to death. You're a very talented artist, in any case. EDIT: Oh yeah, one minor detail, nothing much...
Holy sh*t Jet K I love you. o.o Seriously. Awesome. *hugs the chao pic*
I speak and write English fluently (I read collegelevel books so yeah.) and I know 1337 rather well. Picking up scattered German, might take it as a ...
1. Open Your Heart - Crush 40 2. Live and Learn - Crush 40 3. It Doesn't Matter - Tony Harnell 4. All Of Me - Crush 40 5. Never Turn Back - Crush 40 6...
Yes. Hell, I'd want a gun should someone decide to mug me, or break into my house. Semioff topic: Is it legal to shoot someone who breaks into your h...
SX, that just looks wrong... I know. ^.^ It's not supposed to, but it does. That and she has a bulge under the second banana. ._. *hugs Silver*
This made me roffle! o.o
Cool. I wish I had talent. ;.;
Aww, Rico, that made me sad. Here, I'll give you one so you can't say you got NOTHING.
I'm sorry to hear this, Rayzor. I send my deepest condolences.
I sent a rose but it didn't get delievered. Oh well, today still went perfectly. ^^
Rap, rock, it's all music. White, black, yellow, green, brown, who cares? Oh and this so reminded me of the movie Malibu's Most Wanted
PETA, you suck. o.o; I have no problem with hunting if you intend to eat, but I don't see the point otherwise. But I hear Deer is great.
It snowed for the first time in my life, I've never seen snow before. >> EDIT: Well, nothing heavy, it didn't even turn thegrass white. EDITx2...
*has his Cooki Doll steal your soul and keep it for herself* o.o
I always pictured it low-key. Nuch-tose with tose being like in "comatose" and Nuch rhyming with "Much". Does that make me britis...
You can't get a Tails Chao by raising one from an egg. There was some random promotion in Japan that gave them on memory cards, or summin, or you can ...
Yes, he looks just like a Tails Chao, Jet K. THIS is a Tails Chao.
I'm gonna revive this thread and use it to request artwork of a Chao SX. o.o An image SSC2 did for my birthday. Done. An image Arikyrenne did while r...
I won't get Vista until the prices fall in a year or two. And if it's so powerhungry, I might jsut downgrade to 2000 Professional or something and use...