Sonic Riders Theme (Mp3 from On my NEW Mp3 player! n.n
There is no love for Sonic Heroes to find. Crush 40 is the only saving grace for this game.
Well, might as well convert this topic to what was gonna be an SPA thread...Still with free gifts!
I want my Crush 40 damnit.
I loved both Adventures. Heroes sucked. Shadow was okay, weak story. VERY weak. This will own. Seriously own...If SEGA doesn't f*ck it up. But yeah,...
Mm. Welcome, newbie. Go in the FlashChat sometime and you can find me there as SX Kitsune, Kid SX, Sailor Shadow, Rin Echidna, or Cooki Doll.
Can I join that gang? >>
Ctrl+C. Oh and Ctrl+Alt+Del
Wolves are freeloading, filthy creatures. Kill the Wolves, I say. No skin off my nose if fat guys have nothing to put on T-Shirts. Wonderbat. No.
Claim it here!
Aw damn I loved those things. Raspberry x Cream Cheese FTW!
For the more cost-conscious buy a ton of NiMH batteries. Get a 15min charger and you can carry several day's worth of continuous battery life in a sma...
The Team Chaotix missions in Heroes. God, the SUCK! OH GOD, THE SUCK! ><
Wesu I hate everything. Posts: 1766 'Nuff said.
He did, Lee. Craig, play with it plugged in and keep like four sets of NiMH batteries around. That andd bargain shop AA batteries. I have a 24pack o...
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
I remember the face but I can't recall the naaame... Welcome back.
Yes, at least rent this game before being a critic. And welcome to the MoFo, LazerBread! ^^
This is scary because I get almost all of my opinions over what games to buy from this forum o.o Buy Ace Combat Five. Do it.
I hate built in batteries. I want onet hat takes NiMH or alkaline AA batteries. That way, you can get an instant charge from any store in the world. ^...
Yes, the other newbie of mine. Arik, your brother is... CTSUCKS007. o.o
Okay, touche'. Forgot about that.
I wish I could draw anything better than a stick figure. Damnit dude, now you make SX jealous. SX SMASH!!
Beautiful. Thanks a lot man. You ever want a cheap sprite edit done, youy let me know. Heh... flame...Must resist... *AHem.* Why don't you try, oh I dunno, netraptor? O.o
*lands in front of Arik, weapons drawn* Noone kidnaps my newbie. Oh, and Arik? You have a brother...
Happy birthday Crimmy.
Request. Like your art style.
Hit and run? Man, did they catch her?
Dude, I just ADOPTED her, not married her! O_o; *holsters his .50AE Desert Eagle*
Hmm. This would explain a lot, but it does seem rather convinient timing. What I figured was, the intel was saying that it had WMDs because Saddam him...
It's a pic on Google when you type in "Lighthead" on Image Search. I'm the one who found it. >>
Damn. That sucks. o.o I loved <i>Corky Romano </i>.
The most offensive games have had to be Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance 2. They were fun but their downright abuse of the bottomless pits proved to be a ...
I just had the horrible realization that this my be one of those super collections of a ton of minigames like Wario Ware or Feel the Magic (which is a...
Yay! Nwo you can be drafted!
Why would you want to stop the Tails Doll? ...Oh.
Hmm. I think I'll ditch this topic after this post, it's becoming rediculous. But if one can support "wisely spending money" on abstinence-b...
If a parent is too damn stupid to see a big "M" on a video game box, it's their own fault.
Smaller is better though.. in some cases. The DS is a bit heavy and my hands get tired after playing any game on it for too long. I have never had a...
Heheh. I really shoulda kept that pic of my girlfriend and I before we split. You two look good together, Becca. o.o
Hell, at least she didn't say no. o.o *adopts Arik*
Happy birthday T2k.
Raise your paw/hand/tentacle/whatever and look like atotal and complete dumbass if you never saw this coming. How long until they split?
Then call the ISP. ..Why would this be in Gaming Academy?