I did not give persmission for my newbie to do such a thing. O.o *possessive*
It was jsut like any other crappy day of the year.
Ariiik. I'm going to adopt you. o.o
Battlefield 2 PS2 and Superpower 2 PC.
T2k...About your pic...
*prodded* Why can't I spork the newbies? ;.;
Burger King x Ronald McDonald. Man, that'd be like, the ultimate pedophile guy.
o.o Well, the points are about that sharp. Just a metaphor. Still. Sporking is fun. ^^
Yeah. Whoo. I win.
*has a sharpened spork that could shave, it's just that sharp.* o.o *practices on UltimateShadow1337* IS that good enough? >>
Congrats, Spiner. I expect my own soon, what with liek 940 posts if my Firefox didn't screw a number up somewhere.
Refer her to some AA-like programs, all I can say.
Yes it is, Ultra. It's called something else because You're such an outstanding...republican? o.o
A lot of countries hate us for not gaining UN approval for our little war. F*ck them.
Sonic. Heroes. End.
But the CIA has no jurisdiction within the States.
Of course she wants bling. It's obvious she's celebrating Black History Month. She wants to be a rapper for the month!
But then again, when does Eggman show 300IQ when not building robots with such obvious weak points. A TRUE genius is Tails.
If he isn't American it's like [funny symbol here]999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. o.o Okay, on topic. Th...
"Even before the second in the series has come out" and that it would come out 18 months later. o.o
Agreed. BUT. Ultra, you're saying I'd go to exterminate anyone not good enough? I'm right, but not Hitler right. Sheez! I'm merely saying that mayb...
They don't think the way we do. Can we nuke them nooow?? Pleeeease? F*CK OFF CONGRESS, I WANNA LAUNCH! ~ Bush. EDIT: Ultra, it was jsut a joke. o.o
The marauder is fine. We're all fine and his insurance company is going to pay I think. But the idiot was on a cell phone. A Razr, which costs about ...
Quite. Things like that, I can see abortions happening. I wouldn't want to be literally retarded, and I would not want to bear a retarded child. So th...
Because six million dead is a myth. It didn't happen. And becuse I'm bored and MFC didn't seem appropriate for it. It's a political topic and as such...
Note the '96 Mustang Cobra in the background. The damage. All to one door, that'll need replaced but the car is otherwise perfect.
But that would be rape and of our own arguements Abortion should be an option in cases of rape. o.o
But C-SPAN is too boring. Watch Fox and Friends every morning on FNC. I love this show. It's so...entertaining. It's so...unbiased!
They're rather solid and run well. they load Windows fast. I can boot my computer up in under 30seconds. Oh, and my compute rruns older games like Co...
Nooo lemme post mine!
Yay! Go Becca!
*gives the spork back to Sensei and takes a cookie* *Bow.*
This is why I watch Fox News. It's about as biased as my pet dog. Not like a few other services out there.
Y'know what? There's tons of cheaper methods to not have a baby than murdering them. Condoms. Pills. Surgery. Morning-after pills Abstinence. A...
Okay. I imagine a computer like his'd choke on it, okay? We played it for hours on end. Medium settings on everything. Ran GREAT. No skips. No chops. ...
So Ultra, just curious: What's your stance on women being allowed to vote? Do you think they should, or will it just distract them from their importan...
I am against using abortion as birth control. There are so many contraception methods that abortion really could be a much rarer event. In cases of r...
January 19, 2006 - Sources close to SEGA have told IGN Revolution that the developer is working on a new entry into the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise f...
i am t3h winnprz pmg.
Well, I have a friend who has the BF2 expansion as well. I played it. It runs like Alienware. He swears it's a 512 DDR RAM and Intel Xeon (2.summin ...
Need For Speed: Most wanted?
Raise your hand and look like a total idiot if you didn't expect this to happen.
There will be next month in Japan. Oh, and Spiner: Unknown from M.E. Ugh, I hate rape, I really do, I only like this because of the one single fact i...
Remember, I've had a computer with 64MB SDRAM and 33summinMhz processor since the fourth grade. LAst year I got a somewhat better one with 256 DDR and...
*takes a spork, bow* Teach me the ways of the mighty spork, sensei Becca. o.o
But I liiiike the King! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!!