Something actually ON Katrina: Sorry, didn't see this thread. I'm posting pictures in a minute here, need to upload them. Somewhat bad quality but wh...
Sweet. o.o *musses Justin's hair* A crisis is afoot. o.o Keep it up Terg. Whoo.
Back. I got lucky, no major damage even though most of the city is levelled.
I'll be gone for a week or so. Hurricane evacuation.
Nonono, I mean that the series usually has major releases in pairs. SA1 and 2, which had one somewhat darker than the other, and now Heroes and Shadow...
I just recovered from an IE-borne trojan and about 30 spyware in two weeks. Family over, they're all using IE on my computer. Crashed it. Had to do a ...
-Pissed. Trojans. Spyware. A family who can't comprehendinternet security and is LYING about downloading sh*t.
Hmm. Never heard of this, then o.O Flicker? No, it isn't a flicker. More like a few seconds.
These aura-viewing experiences all have a logical conclusion about how an eye works. See whe have "cones" and "rods" that detect c...
Siv WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT GLOMPING CHUCHU'S?! BAD SIV! BAD! *me gives Silver a cookie* BAD o.o Forgot if I posted or not. Yo ^^ Have any questi...
Well I'm paranoid, I figured another hack at first. But the subscription thing made more sense, but if you say it isn't...
Mostly cloudy, 95 degrees Yesterday was a thunderstorm and 97 degrees o.O
I nevere had that problem until recently. I just unchecked "open dialog box at start" and selected the default. o.o
Needed a place to dump some of my pictures. Also, made an Abi sheet, and posted my SS sheet.
Oh my GOD I thought that was real for a second. Is that the Death Star with a 'stache?
Yo, welcome to the MoFo. Nuclear weapons testing! o.o
Since my post probably got eaten by The Great Ez Barf, I'll post again. This is me without any caffiene. I look a lot younger in this pic then I do ...
Woah. Terg's head is HUGE. Holy pile of mr bigglesworth sprites, Siv. o.o;
Might as well post this one here... Liked your fanfiction, Terg. Thought Tergonaut and Cookirini - Star-Crossed had a somewhat overused plot, but I ...
Actually old swords can be quite large, Harley. Besides, several of my sprites are very out of proportion. It makes them funny. My dad requested I sp...
You gotta love Teal sprites. Nn Added the AOL mascot with a missile launcher. EDIT: That's odd. He sent them to me as BMP. o.o EDIT AGAIN: On my Dad...
It is? How so? That and I added a Siv Stinger sprite. And Abi, You hate your own work? o.o; but I looove it. It's all echidna-y.
Thanks Abi. ^^ Checked out your DevArt page. I like the "Echidna, echidna" one. It's cool. Dunno why. o.o I like the "Go Knux" fla...
Yeah. It's not like there IS much of a topic at the SPA. I wanna live damnit.
I'm currently looping the songs What I'm Made Of, This Machine, Live and Learn, Open Your Heart, and Throw It All Away. Been playing them for hours. ...
I want to LIVE dammit. So screw you all. i hate you. XP That, and that plane won't stay up long.
Yo Animebabe. I'm SX. If anyone tells you not to feed the foxes, don't listen to them. Ok? >> *nibbles on your arm* Oh, and if you have Y!M an...
"Aw, dont'cha wanna play Mortal Kombat?" S: You are impaled in a Mortal Kombat game.
Run- Snow Patrol I dunno why. It makes me think of Sonic Adventure 2. A few other Crush 40 songs make me think of Sonic. If you don't know, Crush 40...
Yo. Welcome to the MoFo. If anyone tells you not to feed the foxes, don't listen to them. >_> *snarfs you*
I want to LIIIVE! o.o
Yo, welcome to the MoFo. *promtply eats you* If anyone tells you not to feed the foxes, ignore them or feed them to the foxes. :3 In any case: Yo!
Yo, Spikes. ...I coulda sworn I'd seen you last year a few times in the EzChat... Oh well. Welcome. *eats*
As of a year ago I'd say half empty. Now, it's just half. I'm niether pessimistic or optomistic. I kionda just go with whatever happens.
Wait wait wait, woah. Don't feed the foxes? Whaaat?! Yo, by the way.
Yo. I'm SX. Nice to meet ya. Advice: Watch your back. Or the foxes will get you...
Food? Pizza. I don't care what type, just pure Italian pizza. French people make good snacks too.
Because Europeans really know how to party. Okay, It's like a nude beach. Some people don't like bathing suits. It's not Playboy type, it's just some...
Snowman. Snow...person? What the hell? Snowcone. No, it's a FLAVORED ICE. Slave? No, it's enSLAVEd person. That and the fact that people were actuall...
I agree, hyper. I should claim to be offended by the lack of offensive things.
No, piss isn't a cuss word. Not to me anyway. God in "@#%$" is censored by law. The FFC rags won't allow the phrase. I mean just the word &...
Homosexual (banned, replace with person, child) Um...What the hell? Child? Political correctness sucks. I find it amazing that we have groups like the...
That's exactly what it says on the back of the CD case. The titles of those songs are, "Pistol Pistol", "Purple Pills", and "...
Alright then. I wasn't implying that you wouldn't know anything about buying sex, I meant that you wouldn't know sex in the first place, alright? Hapi...